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Colton Lindsay, CEO at WGR, Culture Value and Life Management - The Difficult Intangible Side of Real Estate

[00:00:00] We are back short little break there and we are bringing on Colten Lindsay now and Colin, what's up, man? Your life now? How's it going? [00:00:

Zac Muir

Zac Muir

VP of Sales & Marketing
Zac was one of our first hires. Outside of waging war on spreadsheets and time-killing systems, Zac loves to push the boundaries of what's "safe" on a wakeboard, spend time on the golf course or tennis courts, and more than anything, live life with his beautiful wife and 4-pound dog, Twix.

[00:00:00] We are back short little break there and we are bringing on Colten Lindsay now and Colin, what's up, man? Your life now? How's it going?

[00:00:08] Oh, sweet. I got to be able to see this camera. Did my computer's freaking out today. Can you hear me?

[00:00:13] I can hear you. You are going out on your own.

[00:00:17] I don't know what's going on today like it's ever. I think it's because it's one of those days where I got a lot of shit to get done. And so it's like, oh, my computer needs to go a little bit slower because I have a lot of one of those days, of course.

[00:00:29] And I appreciate you coming on on short notice last year. That was awesome. You're a busy guy. So, Colin, why don't you introduce yourself a little bit? I'm sure a lot of people on screen now. Yeah, but maybe give us a little bit of your background.

[00:00:44] Awesome. So I've been in real estate business for 15 years. The reason I got into real estate when I was growing up, my mom was the office manager of a real estate company. She worked there for forty two years and I saw a realtor driving a red Hummer when I was in the eighth grade in a red Hummer. To me, like freak, this dude makes money, right? I grew up rich. So to me I was like two opportunities for me. One is financial freedom and two is time freedom. How many of you guys and gals on this stream right now got into real estate because it was about money, freedom and find anytime freedom? So that's what got me started. I got home from a Mormon mission when I was 21, got license, got in, felt horribly that first 12 months, sold two homes, got into a coaching training program. And then I just grew from there. I went to twenty homes next year, closer to seventy five homes a year. As a single agent, I built a real estate sales team. And then the last couple of years we built a brokerage and then we built the academy. So that's me in a nutshell. And where I'm at, what is what is the academy for anyone who isn't familiar with it relates to the academy is specifically designed to help two different styles of realtors.

[00:01:52] One is the agent that's earning less than one hundred and fifty grand a year that they they want to get to that multiple six figure level. And they need to focus on, you know, they're setting appointments, mass their sales skills and communication and really just growing their network, the people that they work with, the relationships. And then the second part is a higher level program is the mastermind. That's for people that are that are wanting to build a business where it's five hundred thousand to a million plus a year and you do twenty percent or less of the sales production yourself, but you become an actual owner instead of the operator. How many of you guys want to actually not have to do the day to day? Every single day? You can take off for a month and money still flows in in fifty sixty one hundred thousand dollars a month. If you guys want that, I want to see that in the jackpot. How can these guys chat? Is that what this is over the top? That's not the right one. All right.

[00:02:43] There the comments, I think comments in there and we can we can blow them up here live if we have any questions or anything that that people want to go into. Yeah, for sure. So financial freedom, time, freedom. Right. And it sounds I'm not at all levels at the agent level as well as, you know, that the mastermind you're talking about, which is more of like a team, correct? Yeah.

[00:03:08] It's a team is creating a real business. It's where you're not a you're not a solo writer. You've got people like you inside a Sisu writes, this is not just you. It's it's a whole team of people.

[00:03:18] That's right. Yeah, so where do I start with that? I'm a team leader and I want to get out of that. And I know we're going to bring in a lot of mindset into this as well. But where do I even begin?

[00:03:31] So a great question. I think no matter what level you are, whether you're brand new or whether you've been in this thing for 20 years and you've got an organization, you've got to get clear and we'll talk more about this day. But your culture and your values and your standards, what are you willing to tolerate? What are you not willing to tolerate? Because here's the reality, ladies and gentlemen. We don't get in life what we focus on. We get what we tolerate. And if you've got some results that aren't that awesome because you're fucking tolerating it, so you got to change. And where people get stuck in building their organization, whether it's real estate or any organization, they don't have their their clear rules around what their culture is. And they don't have their clear towards values for their company. They don't have the clear away values. What are we working away from and what are we working towards if you're going to be a part of this organization? So you've got to get clear on what your culture is and what your values and your way values are.

[00:04:22] So that's kind of where you'll start is breaking that down. Where do you want to be? What are you going to tolerate? And then I'm guessing you get into more of like a systems of how you actually make that happen.

[00:04:32] Right. Well, think about this. If once if you're not clear on your your values, your standards and your culture, how are you going to communicate it to your organization? So step one is get clear. Step two is you've got to just deliver these culture and values repetitively. Repetition is the mother of all skill.

[00:04:50] So you've got to make sure that when you bring someone to the organization, you have a filtering process that, yeah, they're going to live these standards. And number two is once they join the organization, you're it's your job to remind them over and over again, hey, here's our culture. Here's our standards. Here's our values and that do it in like a dictatorship way, but a way that they're enrolled into it, like we're hiring for our academy right now and some of ourselves positions and a couple of the the people. I just get a great feedback when I share a print version of our culture and values. And quickly ones like dude, one hundred percent, that's what I want. Well, in other words, like, I don't know if that's right. Fit for me. Awesome. I get a weed out really early on. Which person's a fit first or not. I don't have to give it a trial and error and waste a bunch of time, effort, energy and money. But we got to get clean with those cultures. The standards are.

[00:05:38] Could you maybe give us some examples on what personally for these and some I think the ones that weed people out are the most powerful because you're you're the worst thing you do is have these values in cultures that are like all encompassing. They say so much that they really mean nothing. Right. So maybe share a couple of examples of those.

[00:05:56] Right. So do you have is there a way I can screen share? No screen.

[00:06:00] Oh, yes, absolutely. Go for it.

[00:06:02] So where is the screen?

[00:06:04] Right here on screen. And I'll I'll throw it up on the screen for us.

[00:06:10] Yeah, let me see. I got a little I got a little glitch over here going on. Oops. That's the wrong one. I didn't want to share that. So I'll start with just what my WJR culture is and make sure I pick the right one.

[00:06:26] Share screen is these two miners, I don't know which one of these to to click on, don't share these tips your whole screen and then go to it, that that might be the easiest way.

[00:06:35] Cool. So I'm just going to share screen two. That's the.

[00:06:48] I know I've got a bunch of shit in the background, if not, I'll stop option. Can you see it?

[00:06:52] Yep, I see it. There we go.

[00:06:55] See, I can make it a little bit bigger. You guys can see it, but rules of the culture game or you zoomed it in, awesome. Cool. So rules of the culture game.

[00:07:09] Hold be accountable, see it, own it, solve it, do it. Rule number two is do the best you can do. Turn problems and opportunities. Be aware, measure results. Act with a sense of urgency. Get shit done. Do it now. Ask the question, what else can I do? Ask for coaching. What can I do better? Reject average good enough and accept outstanding and extraordinary learn correct. Improve and grow. And then rule three is show others that you care. Show respect. Say please. Thank you. You're welcome. I'm sorry. Sean expressed appreciation. Have each other's back. Say I got you. I'm, I'm supporting you. Engage as a team and support others and allow others to support you.

[00:07:46] So that's a quick brief of what the WJR culture game is. And now you don't need to use these exact culture and rules for you. But first of all, you have to create your standard. So notice one of them that I know my work is going to ask for coaching. What else can I do? What can I do better? How else can I support you? I want them coming to me, asking how they can fucking add value. I don't want to be chasing them down.

[00:08:21] And the way ongoing training is, we're always with our culture and values and when when when he is a leader identifies that someone isn't living the values and the standards. What I've learned that I have to do is I need to set a meeting with that person quickly and I need to correct and continue quickly because it's not a matter of living these perfectly guys and gals. It's a matter of when you fall off course that you as a leader, you can put yourself back on course, you can put your team back on course. But what I want to avoid doing, what a lot of us are great at doing, Zack, is when the problem comes up that we know someone's not living the standards is we let it kind of go underneath the rug. We kind of pretend like it's not happening. So a way to avoid pretending like it's not happening is in our daily stand up meeting or our our weekly team meeting, we're talking about these things. We're literally having these conversations all the time on what are our standards, what are our values. So one of the ways we do that is in our daily stand up meeting at the end, we always read out loud a declaration together, either one of our power declarations or we read through the culture game values together or we read. To our repetition is the mother of all skill, so we have to repetitively put these cultures of values into us, but we have to repetitively put it into our our team as well.

[00:09:38] Yeah, and you tied it nicely, the hole you got what you tolerate, right? If I continually tolerate if something's in my values, my my culture and I tolerate something that goes against it. Well, not I mean, so.

[00:09:51] Right, right. Osserman so I mean, here would be a question for you guys in the chat. How many of you guys actually have your cultures and values already put together and then rank them on a scale of one to ten? Ten is I am crystal clear.

[00:10:06] I communicate it to my organization. They know what they are. In fact, if Zack came and asked them, they could recite it back to them. That's how great our culture, our value is. Our standards one is you don't even know what they are. You have no clue. You're not it's not even on your radar. And then once you identify, well, you know, I'm a five, I'm a seven, whatever said, well, what would it take to make it a ten? And then you can start to find ways to implement. Maybe you just need to sit down and write them. Maybe you need to put them on a letterhead or a branded image so you can just disperse it to your team. Maybe you need to do a better job at reminding your team what it is on a daily basis. Maybe need to print something out, put it up in your office space.

[00:10:44] I love it. Yeah. Watch the comments there, so kind of shift in here, going a little bit. Know, the other thing that we had on the topic was life management, which is going to have an idea of what that is or what that means to you and how you kind of coach to that. Maybe you can elaborate a little bit.

[00:11:03] Yes. So I believe that I create my life. I create the exact outcomes in my life. That's my belief. Now, the lie that we've been told is that it's time management. How many of you guys have had I got to have better time walking. I need better time management. The reality is, as time management is not fun, it's not sexy. And if I ask you this time equals what? What does time equal?

[00:11:26] I want things. Money, right.

[00:11:27] Right. Everyone thinks money or opportunity. And I think you've been to Tony Robbins stuff before, but time equals emotion. So listen, guys and gals, I'm I've had enough friends die in my life from bad decisions or just crazy shit that I get. We have an expiration date on our physical life and we have an expiration date on our people in our life, like our parents or siblings or spouses. We all going to fucking die one day between now and then. What emotions do we want to experience if the only thing I'm guaranteed, which covid-19 is prove that for people with the chaos? Not so much the virus itself, but the chaos is we are guaranteed a future. So if I'm only guaranteed this moment, what emotional state do I want in this moment? OK, so we first have to get clear on what is the emotional experience and a way to then identify because we don't always want peace like in these trainings. They come on and I do this. I got a lot of energy. I'm excited. I the Aztec, I'm fun. Right. But it I'm not like this with my girlfriend all the time to go crazy with me. Right. If you were like that with your wife, you know, and so you got to identify different chunks of your day. So write this down. There's three parts of our day that I believe in life management. One is your morning, two is your day, and then three is your evening. Now, for example, Zach, if I asked you what is the emotion you want to experience in your morning, I think you want to get yourself prepared, I guess, for whatever you can do at work.

[00:12:51] For me, it's I'm going to go prospect in the morning. So I got to get myself in that mindset. And I know the best way probably to put myself in that mindset in some way. It's left in the notebook, something like that.

[00:13:02] Right. So, yeah, your morning is what's called your morning routine. Your day is your day routine, your evening, your evening routine. So if those are the emotions you want for your morning, like for me personally in the morning, I want peace. I want tranquility. I want clarity. I want direction. I want to know what I'm going to fucking get done for the day. And I want to do it from a state of certainty and calm and centered, not from a state of chaos and freaking out reaction, because most real estate people, most people, they wake up and they're reacting.

[00:13:33] They're checking the phone to the right. They're going to their notifications, their text, their email, their social apple news, whatever the hell it is. And it puts me in a chaos mode. So for me, I want to be centered. I want peace. I want tranquility. I want clarity. So I have a series of rituals that I do for my morning routine. We've all heard of morning routines, right? Everyone's heard of those. If you haven't, then pull your head out of your ass and step into the 21st century. We should all have a morning routine and we have a series of rituals. These rituals are specific actions designed to elicit these emotions that you want. If it's peace and it's excitement, if it's relaxation, it's connection. But you've got to choose those actions. So for me, my actions are simple. It's 40 ounces of water. It's breath work, it's meditation, it's yoga. It's doing a daily CEO meeting with myself. It's getting clearer my plan of action and what I'm going to do for the day. OK, but if we move into our daytime routines and this is when the moneymaking happens, right? For me, the emotion I want is absolute fucking certainty. I'm going to drive revenue of my business. Yeah. So what are the actions that create certainty that I'm going to drive revenue to my business? I also want it with a. The playfulness I want enjoy what I'm doing.

[00:14:45] OK, so you already brought up one word prospect. Guess what? One of the rituals for my day, I am talking with people every single day right now. This is a prospecting for me. That's why I said, hell, yeah, I'll hop on last minute. I get a chance to be in front of all these people. And some of you never heard of me before. Some of you now get to hear about me for the first time. But this is me prospecting and building relationships. So I know for a fact when I get in front of people, that's going to drive revenue in my business. So I want to find ways to do that every single day. But other things are is I have key relationships. I've done meetings with with Frank before with inside of your company. I've done meetings with my sales team. I've done meetings with prospects. I have meetings with, you know, Dave from from Mojo. Just the list goes on. But I'm scheduling networking conversations with relationships as a real estate person. Some of these things that might be part of your routine as a listing appointment, prepping a listing presentation, doing a team meeting, do a stand up meeting if you if you're a team leader. But you got to get clear on what are your rituals of your day that drive absolute certainty. You're going to frickin make money and do those.

[00:15:52] Too often we drive our actions in our real estate business from fear, doubt, wordy anxiety. How would you guys feel anxiety, frustration or irritation, especially when your appraisal comes in? Twenty five grand short. This shit's going to happen. It's going to you're going to have that stuff come up. So if you're reacting to it all the time, you might get some success. But you're going to do in a very irritated, frustrated or fearful state. And what I'm saying is, let's do it with certainty. Let's do it with excitement. Let's do it with the liveness does mean that your shit's going to just disappear. You're going to have problem. In fact, I want everyone to write this down. You can create a roadmap for your business in your life and guaranteed it's going to get fucked up. And it's how you show up when your plan gets fucked up. Are you going to get re centered? Are you going to create a new effective plan? Are you going to move forward? Are going to correct and continue or are you going to sit and dwell on it? Are you going to stay in a state of remorse fulness? You stay in that state always wondering and talking about the past. It's going to be very miserable day. And we look at our third part of our day, which is the evening routine.

[00:16:56] Zach, for example, you're you're in business, you're married. You've got relationships with other humans. What do you want to feel at the end of the day? What are the emotions you want to experience?

[00:17:07] I want to relax a little bit. I want to spend time with people, I want to have a little fun, a play, some tennis. All right.

[00:17:15] You want to have fun. You want to have connection with family and friends. You want to feel a sense of achievement like you actually did something with your day. You want to feel relaxed, one of a state of gratitude.

[00:17:25] So if those are the emotions that we want to have, what are our rituals that we need to do to wind up our day that generate those emotional outcomes for you? It's probably scheduled to play tennis with your wife or something for me. Usually involves with, like today. One of my things at the end of the day is going to walk with my dog. Right. Instead of seeing like like I'm conscious from the morning that I'm going to walk my dog. This evening is one of my rituals. Whereas a lot of people that's like it's a thing that they just have to do is like an extra thing. Right. But if we get intentional with what some of you you ladies out there, you love to take a hot bath with a glass of wine, that could be a piece of it. It could be one of your. Right, the is what emotion you want to to create an experience and then create that routine around those rituals and do them do those rituals and love it.

[00:18:19] And I think, you know, just talk with you now. I don't think a lot of times, you know, it's really easy to fall out of the habit or not be maybe mindful of even looking at your day in those three parts and how you can control that a little bit more.

[00:18:37] Right. And really, what we can control is our illusion or a hallucination of what we're perceiving. We don't really control much in this life. When you think about it, we're floating on a rock in the middle of outer space, close enough to the sun. We're not freezing far enough away. We're not melting in covid if it's shared anything with us is that we realize no one really has a fucking clue what's going on on planet Earth.

[00:18:57] Right. And so that creates a sense of uncertainty. And we've seen that in real estate more than ever since March, that there's a lot of uncertainty for you guys and gals watching this. Have you experienced that at all? Have you noticed that at all? And if we take as business owners the last decade before covid, we sold on significance. That's what we saw, that people wanted a sense of significance today. You know what you guys want as business owners, you want fucking certainty, you're going to just thrive going forward. That's what our customers want to feel as well, especially in today's market, where there's multiple office offers. Rates are low, inventories low. You know, deals fall apart like it's like a bloodbath out there. You're a consumer. They want certainty that they're going to get a house and they're going to be able to qualify. They're going be able to close on it. You're seller wants certainty that not only are they going be able to sell it, they're not going to end up homeless. Right. So who gives them that certainty? It's your clarity on the ability to deliver is a fucking leader. And why would a consumer buy your product, which is your service, or why would an agent join your organization or someone work with you if they don't sense your certainty in the most uncertain times? And the way you get certainty is by getting a clear path on your life management, all of it.

[00:20:12] So do you teach this this life management? Is that actually part of like.

[00:20:16] Yeah, OK, so so inside of our academy, everyone gets this, this journal. I use it every day myself. It's called the I Love My Life Journal. OK, and there's a series of activities that I that I have you do in that one of them is called The Smartening. That's where you set your day up, you set your routines up and one of them is called I Love My Life. And so you go through the series of activities that creates that mindfulness you talked about. It's not a matter of you guys and gals falling off the direction you're going. It's a matter of can you correct and continue when you do like it's you're going to get knocked in the teeth. Something's going to happen. That's not a question. But but how do you get back on track? And we teach that with the life management course that's called life management, your life, your show, your reality. And it's a it's a video training series where we teach how to use the journal, how to do a daily activity, how to manage your time differently, how to schedule priorities versus prioritizing the schedule and how do you do it based around the real experience you want here on Earth. Because the real experience you don't want is just to make a bunch of frickin money. You want what you think money and success is going to bring to you and more. Mostly people want a sense of fulfillment. They want to feel like enough. They want to feel like they're accomplishing something. They want to. For example, how many of you guys just want some more freedom, peace and tranquility in your life? You're like, just can I have a bit of calmness, please? Can I feel like the government's not about to explode for a second? Can I feel like the whole world doesn't like rests on my shoulders? And really that's what we're after, is that peace in that that state of presence and awareness, talking to a lot of trainers and teammates.

[00:21:51] And there's so much when you do a team meeting with your agents, you do your training, whatever, and there's so much you could talk about. If I just talk about creating a great listening presentation, that's not really going to help me sell real estate.

[00:22:08] I mean, well, the tactical stuff important, but it doesn't mean anything if the mindset's not that right. It's eighty percent mindset. Twenty percent tactical.

[00:22:16] Yeah. One hundred percent. And I think today it's might even be 90 percent psychological. Emotional. Like you can get a great listing presentation and you can literally memorize it word for word and get a listing contract signed.

[00:22:29] But I can tell you at my peak when I was as a single agent selling seventy five homes a year, I was also the least happiest I've ever been as a human being. Right. I remember literally smoking a joint for going to listing presentation or taking shots of vodka in the middle of the day, which is a sign that something's not happy going on in that person's life. Right. So the tactical can get you money, but there's a lot of rich people that are very miserable. There's a lot of in fact, I know of a very successful realtor. A couple of years ago, one of the top agents committed suicide. So that's proof to show that money is not what you're really after. Yeah, I like making money as much as the next. I trust me, I love it when money is flowing into my bank account over and over again, but I also am smart enough to say, you know what? That's what really makes me fulfilled. What makes us fulfilled is that we get our hallucination, our perception lined up to where we feel like we're actually achieving. We're winning, we matter. My my life matters. I have a real connection with other humans and I'm making the most out of every moment before I die.

[00:23:31] Now, I love a quote in your mind so your mind can make a paradise jail or canmake jail paradise. Right. But it's all stuff in there.

[00:23:39] So, yeah, that's where the kingdom of heaven is. There also is the kingdom of hell itself.

[00:23:45] Well, then it's been really motivating talking to you. I appreciate you bringing in a little bit of this mindset. Right. We've had a lot of tactical stuff and I think it's all nothing without the mindset, right? Yeah, sure.

[00:23:57] Anything else you want to leave us with? We got all kinds of courses and things going on. I mean, I'd be happy to hear anything else that you think would be valuable.

[00:24:05] Yeah. Listen, so if you guys like my message, the value I bring, the energy that I bring and you want to learn more about it, what I'm going to suggest is you can go to can we get them malingered?

[00:24:16] I say, what if you drop it in the private chat here and string out? I'll drop it in the public chat.

[00:24:22] Cool. So if you guys go to this link and what you can do is you can just schedule a free forty five minute business strategy, call with me or someone on my team and it's the WJR Alliance dot com. I just sent it over so you can, you can send it off to him, but just fill out the questions on there and select a time on the calendar and we'll do a strategy call with you. And two things. The outcome is, number one, dramatically impact your business in a positive way, too, is to share more about what the academy is all about.

[00:24:52] Carl McCall and I appreciate it. I'm feeling pumped up. So we're going to we're going to take a little break here and we'll hop into the next round of speakers. We'll be hearing from Wilson on some marketing stuff. So awesome. Thanks for having me. We'll see.


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