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Ehren Alessi, Founder and CEO of Resolution Realty, Escape Velocity - How We're Changing Recruiting, Onboarding, and Agent Ramping with 100+ Agents in 2021

[00:00:02] All right, Erin is in the house. How are you doing, Erin? [00:00:05] Hey, Brian, doing really well. How are you, sir? [00:00:08] I'm doing amazi

Brian Charlesworth

Brian Charlesworth

Chairman & CEO

Brian is a highly accomplished entrepreneur, business builder, and thought leader in the real estate industry. With a track record of success in software, telecommunications, and franchise businesses, Brian has a talent for identifying and realizing business opportunities. Driven by his passion for technology, Brian is dedicated to using his skills and experience to bring about positive change and improve people's lives through the advancement of technology.

[00:00:02] All right, Erin is in the house. How are you doing, Erin?

[00:00:05] Hey, Brian, doing really well. How are you, sir?

[00:00:08] I'm doing amazing. Thank you. Excited to have you join us today. Thanks for taking time out of your day.

[00:00:15] Likewise. Thanks for having me. I'm happy to be here and support the Sisu world and everything real estate we're doing these days.

[00:00:25] All right.

[00:00:26] Well, I think I'm I'm really excited to hear about what you're going to talk about today with escape escape velocity and how you guys are changing recruiting this year. You're changing your onboarding, your agent ramping. And if I understand this correctly, your intent is to hire over one hundred new agents and twenty twenty one. So tell us a little bit about your business today so we know how big it is today before we get started.

[00:00:52] Well, first and foremost, I want to thank all my resolution realty agents that are hard working and joining us in attendance today. Just want to say hi to all my beautiful people, my agents. Awesome D'Arrigo. Thanks for joining us. We got a lot of great people at the office and it's been a really exciting year, even though it's been a crazy one. And I also want to thank you, Brian and the team and Zach and everybody over at Sisu. You guys have been great, really helping our brokerage expand and grow and things are super exciting. So, again, thanks to everybody on this call with us today. And I know there's a big group of agents out there as well. I'm excited to have you on here. And any information I can share be great. And then moving into your question, Brian, going into this year in twenty twenty, we're at approximately seventy five agents. We're currently at one hundred and fifteen agents. We're growing rapidly. We're super excited with with all the agents coming on. And we've we have a big goal. We have a goal to bring out a lot more agents over the next over the next 12 months. We'd like to hit our goal, which is two hundred total agents. We want a very quality brokerage with a great culture that's really systematized through technology. And we want all of our agents extremely happy. We want them producing, and we want their experience over at the office to be a seamless one from coming out of school as a brand new agent. Or if you're coming from another brokerage, we want you to we want you to streamline into a beautiful system that helps you grow your business. No matter if you're doing one transaction or one hundred a year. There's there's a place for you at Resolution Realty. And Sisu is really, really just pushing that forward at at an exponential pace. That just makes it easy for us managers and owners and the agents to collectively work as a team. It's it's amazing.

[00:02:55] So thanks, Aaron. Before we before we dove into some of those processes, can you share. More about so you have a brokerage, you also have a team, you have listing agents, you have buyer's agents, you are an independent brokerage that has several different areas that an agent can come in and play in, which I think is unique for our brokerage. So share a little bit more about that, because I think that falls into how you're able to grow as fast as you are.

[00:03:24] Well, we're independently owned and operated, been in business since 2011 at Resolution Realty. We have a flow team, a flex team and a fleet team. And these are the career paths. So if you're if you're an agent looking to come over to our brokerage, depending on how much time you have committed to your real estate career, we have a path for you. And within those paths, we set you up for success. We grow your business, we help you train, but we do it at your pace. So there's no agent at our office that doesn't have a path for them to be in and they feel included in the brokerage. But we're also a really diverse group as well. I do have a listing department that list about three hundred homes a year. We have a team of buyers, agents that will close approximately one hundred and fifty transactions per year. We have a another department that we we solely focus on for recruiting. So we would like to bring on five to 10 new agents per month. So that's another department we focus on. We also have to ISA's with our brokerage and we do house flipping. So we have a lot of different departments within the organization that all feed into the agent base, which is the one hundred and fifteen agents on that flow flexor fleet program for your career path. So a lot going on. It's it's hard for me to explain it all so quickly, but that's how we're currently set up.

[00:04:59] Ok, awesome. So.

[00:05:02] Let's talk about recruiting, you're doing some things to change the way you recruit on board, all that kind of stuff. Let's let's dove into that, Erin, what's changing there for the end of this year and for next year?

[00:05:15] Well, first and foremost, jumping in the Sisu on the onboarding side really helped us organize all of our agents, set our goals for our recruiter, and then give us the ability to say, hey, if you're going to come over the resolution realty, we want you to be successful. Well, how are we going to be successful? We're going to track your goals. We're going to help you grow your business. So just adopting Sisu into our onboarding strategy really helps us communicate with our agents at a high level to give them an understanding of what we bring to the table. And not only this is what we bring to the table, we're going to track all of it. So when you meet with us, you're going to know exactly how your business is doing. We're going to be able to coach you at the right levels. So it's it's been amazing on the front end of streamlining the recruiting. We know how many calls that we want to make. We know how many appointments we're going to set. The recruiter sets the appointment and then we on board our agents in the Sisu and then we onboard them into our training center. And then we start moving our agents through our training. And then that's the whole other side of Sisu where we're managing their business and growing through the analytics and the metrics now.

[00:06:25] So let's on the recruiting platform and onboarding an agent, you actually have task lists set up for that, is that right?

[00:06:35] Yeah, it's a really good point. So onboarding somebody at a brokerage and not a lot of people experience, it's a very time consuming process. There is a lot of moving parts. And if you're talking to three, four or five agents at any given time and you're trying to get your contract signed, you're trying to set up their profiles and other technology, you want to make sure that the human resources are not everything signed, sealed, deliver licensing, the license coming over. So there's a step by step process. We created a forum for an agent to come on to our office. And that task plan has about nine different tasks that are loaded and Sisu. So as soon as my recruiter says, hey, I have a new agent coming over to Resolution Realty, automatically this task plan spits out that my recruiter sits and just checks off one item after another until the till that agents are fully recruited so that nobody gets lost. It's a streamlined system and it expedites our onboarding process and it works beautifully. Doing that in a spreadsheet before was a nightmare. You know how those spreadsheets are. It gets it gets pretty nasty. So Sisu say that's a lot of time and stress and energy. And then I can log in, is the owner any day and say, what is my recruiter up to today? Look at his tax plan, make sure his tax plan is being cleared out and then everything's moving through the system. Really?

[00:08:04] Ok, so is that something you have available that you'd want to share? I think we have whether they're Sisu customers or not, most of our Sisu customers, I don't think have this set up.

[00:08:16] Arun's I think it might be valuable for you to share that task plan in your recruiting platform if if you're able to.

[00:08:23] Absolutely. So there is a snapshot of the front office that I have in a mine that can share that with everybody and then the actual task plan. I'd be more than happy to share that out with you guys so you don't have to do the work.

[00:08:40] Ok, do you do you have it readily available now where we could screen Sharon and you could talk about it, or is that now not a good time for that?

[00:08:47] Yeah, no. We can log in and take a look at it right now. So I'm logging in to the recruiting site is Sisu.

[00:08:54] Let me jump in to the company's settings here.

[00:09:05] Then sharing your screen on here is very similar to sharing it on Zoom.

[00:09:09] Ok, give me one second. We find the task when.

[00:09:14] You probably just want to share that application. Or if you have another screen, share your second screen or something, yeah, I'm only on one screen right now.

[00:09:25] That's fine. You can just share the application. And if that's a challenge for you and I could pull that up, you keep going through this stuff as well. Do you want to pull up my account really quickly? Yeah, I can do that. Why don't you continue on?

[00:09:48] Yeah, go ahead and pull up my Sisu account, go on the onboarding side, and then we'll go to the the tax plan itself. And what's really cool about it is you can get in, you can edit it on the fly. We've run into a couple.

[00:10:05] Oh, hey, I think it's better if we process this step on step three instead of step and it really smooths out the system and gives gives the recruiter like a really good idea on how to process the agents coming on board. And it's very seamless and it was exciting to launch. We've been doing it for roughly a month now and we've settled in very nicely and organized it pretty well. So when you share it with everybody, you'll see that.

[00:10:34] So we're talking about your recruiting platform and coming into your dashboard here, you guys are tracking your conversations to your appointments for new recruits or experienced recruits through to meeting with those recruits and then recruiting them.

[00:10:53] Looks like looks like you guys are at one hundred and seventeen right now. So as I come in here.

[00:11:03] When I was hoping to have you talk about here, and I guess it doesn't matter who I pulled down here.

[00:11:09] As far as an agent goes, probably it probably doesn't. You can do the task plan on any of them.

[00:11:17] Ok, so let me just look at this. Look at this agent. And if I come into the task force here, you've got the on boarding checklist, basically, I guess is what we're talking about here, correct?

[00:11:33] Ok.

[00:11:37] So Matthew Winson, he's my recruiter, and he was onboarding my brother, who is NASA at the office, and if you look over here, we have each entire step that needs to be done. Each step is scheduled out from a certain date off to the right. So as certain things need to be done, they're going to show up ready and as a task. And then that task pops up for Matthew every morning saying, hey, this is what you need to follow up on that, make sure that you're going to onboard Ethan into the system. And there's every task planned with a description. If you hit the view button, it'll tell you exactly what needs to be done.

[00:12:21] Oh, perfect. So you have that set up the description for every single one of these, correct?

[00:12:28] So anybody that's sitting down as a recruiter can open up the task, can view what needs to be done, checks off what's in progress, what needs to be done and what to do in the future.

[00:12:40] Ok, thanks for sharing this there, and I think it's just good for people to see this. You you are a more experienced Trello user, I think, than anybody I've ever seen. And so seeing the way you've set this up for everything in your business, including the recruiting and onboarding, is super cool for me to see. One of the things I love as well as you guys set up this agent data form. That just had a bunch of additional things that a lot of them didn't have, such as just the date of birth when they started in real estate, I mean, anything you want to know about these agents you have in here, be their real estate license number, all that kind of stuff?

[00:13:24] Yeah, it was really important to have it because we we had information for our agents shared across three different three different locations at the office. And when we consolidated consolidated everything to one form and you had their commission split and their career path and their human resources, everything they need to know about an agent right here at our fingertips, we can export the information now, send it over to our vendors. It's really great.

[00:13:53] So we have a question, what do you mean by the recruiting side of Sisu? So, Michael, just so you know, we have a different recruiting area of Sisu, a different platform. It's basically a fifty dollar per month ad on and it allows you to do the same thing with your recruiting efforts that you do in your real estate efforts. So if I bounce over here now, I'm back into Erens real estate platform.

[00:14:16] And so being able to do the same, basically the same thing. But you're tracking your recruiting efforts and your agents and rather than having tasks tied to a transaction, you have tasks tied to the agent onboarding and those custom forms in there that we just saw of Aaron's. So, Aaron, anything else you wanted to share on that?

[00:14:39] Not a whole lot. I think we we we talked about the real key points of it other than streams streamlining the system and making it easy for your recruiter. You want to follow your goals, you can set them. And the onboarding for the office now is just a pleasure. It's really easy to work with.

[00:14:58] Ok, great, so let's see here. Looks like we have about 16 minutes left, so you have your onboarding, then what's the next step? When somebody gets on board and they're going through these processes, they're getting checked off, then the agents take over. What happens with the agents? How do you get them to that next level?

[00:15:22] So the good part about the recruiter is when they on board somebody, the agent has access to their car core, their technology, their training, their resources, everything's set up. And then the recruiter will go ahead and set up a one on one meeting with our sales manager, our sales manager. The first thing they do is if she sits down, she and welcomes the new agent on the team, sits down and goes through, hey, you're on the flex career path in the flex career path.

[00:15:53] We talk about your time commitment, your level of that commitment and how many transactions you want to close per year. And on our Flex team, it says that you're going to be scheduling yourself to close one transaction per month. That's going to be 12 transactions per year. And we're going to show you how to do that. So in that same one on one onboarding appointment with the sales manager, we pull open Sisu. We set the agent's goals. We go through the goal calculator and Sisu we we we check in and hey, do you want to be a buyer's agent or a listing agent? Which side would you primarily like to focus on? Would you like to do both? Well, here's what your goals look like. And then we set expectations. So imagine sitting there with a brand new agent never knew about goal setting or talking about that. We're talking about expectations. We're talking about what Resolution Realty brings to the table to train and help and support that agent. Well, that sounds good, but if you're not a visionary and you need step by step instructions, well, here's where we get in the Sisu when we start actually showing the dashboard of how we're going to set up conversations with you and train you on conversations and phones and prospecting. Now that you have phones and prospecting, now we're going to help you on scripts and play.

[00:17:14] And here's how you set appointments. Here's how you meet your appointments and then here's how you log in and you're going to start putting your listings in and you're going to put your buyer signed agreements in. And that's a great start in your first 90 days. But our goal is to get them under contract. So let's move these buyer appointments. And they signed listing agreements in the contract and then move you in the closing. And then how many closings do you want to put in per year? And when you showcase all of these statistics and metrics and you couple it with the training and the support and the culture, anybody coming into our brokerage in that one on one meeting with the sales manager can really sit back and say, wow, I see what you guys are doing. I want to be a part of that. That's why I signed up with you in the first place. But now I'm seeing, you know, my real estate career come to life all through our training and our metrics. And then when you scroll down a little bit, it's going to show the record button, which is our our activities. So we sit and we talk about, hey, here's how many hours we would like you to prospect. Here's how many appointments we're expecting to make.

[00:18:26] Here's how many referrals you should be asking for and then make sure you take time for yourself. We want a very healthy quality of life. We want you to do business. So where is a little meditation? Where is a little exercise in your life? And then let's talk about some challenges and some fun culture stuff we're going to do. And by the way, here's a bunch of our agents that are in the system right now doing exactly what we're talking about. And we got a race for first place and second place and third place. And we got some great agents at the off office, Edwin and Melissa and Greg Martin. And look at all these guys. They're just really having fun. So in that one on one meeting after you on board with this is what we talk about for about an hour, just going through what your career looks like at the company using Sisu. It's Dacula, and we've only been working at this level for what we did the launch party about a month and a half ago, and I've already seen an entirely complete shift and I feel like we're operating at 50 percent of what we could be doing. So the sky's the limit in the future for us here. And it's coming up faster and faster every day. We're just getting better at our business.

[00:19:43] So what do you see, Aaron, this doing for your business? I mean, what kind of growth do you expect over the next year? And I mean, we've we've seen we've seen a lot of teams and brokerages double their production year over year. But what is it you're seeing based off of your experience so far?

[00:20:01] It's a little early to tell on the production side. That's really where I'm digging in right now. I can tell you, just organizing everything with the brokerage agencies, Sisu, I know where I was in twenty, eighteen, twenty nineteen and I know where I'm at right now in twenty twenty, I projected some goals and I and I think we're going to hit them. But I know just from a culture shift in the way we train, the way we operate now, everybody has a little bit of a different way of looking at things. Every real estate agent looks at their real estate numbers as a business and we have one hundred and seventeen businesses within the real estate brokerage. So we have a really the mindset of a business at the office that agents look at it as a business and then collectively, just organically by by using Sisu and tracking our numbers and coaching this way. I'm very confident we can double our numbers next year. I don't see any issue with it and I'm excited to see how it goes.

[00:21:04] Ok, so Michael has a question here. Do you primarily use the goal setting in the Sisu for all of that?

[00:21:10] So, Michael, the the he can go to any agent in here and he can see their goals, the goals or the bottom numbers here and their actual production would be the top. So at the at the company level, he's seeing the goals for the company. At the agent level, he's seeing those numbers for the agents. So basically an agent would just come in here to set their goals and they would just for each month be able to set up exactly what they need to do to hit this volume and this many units. And those are all in here at the agent level. So just to see that in an agent level, I would come in here and if I come to Aaron here, I would look at January and here's Aaron's goals as far as what he is going to accomplish that month.

[00:22:00] So, Michael, each team member that comes on, the first thing we do is set their goals and then that that's their individual goals for the company or for themselves.

[00:22:09] So that's already set the I don't use an outside source for that. I know what numbers yield, what results in Las Vegas. So when I sit down with my agents, I already know the expectations. It's based on their time. Commitment will equal their goals and Sisu then if they come in and join a team, Brian, why don't you show them the the fleet team really quick?

[00:22:37] So you're talking about the in the dashboard, yeah, dashboard and then go ahead and look at the team. So Aaron has different teams within his brokerage's so right here he can pull up the fleet team and now he's looking at goals just for that organization.

[00:22:58] So that's the cool thing. I can set the goal for that agent, then I can assign that agent to a team and then that agent's goals kick up into the team goals here. And that's the fleet team goals.

[00:23:12] That are set there. There's a setting that's off right now, I think we moved some stuff around, but so the team doesn't currently have goals set for this month.

[00:23:21] So you can see the production. The goals underneath are zero right now.

[00:23:26] But by setting those goals, you would be able to see that maybe there's another team around where you've set the goals for this month.

[00:23:34] You can go on the flaks. I renamed the team and it looked like it pushed my goals out of there when I changed over. So.

[00:23:40] So here's an example of another team within the brokerage, the Flex team. And here's their goals are the bottom number, their actual production at the top number. If they're on pace to hit those goals, it's yellow. If they're not on pace, it's blue or it's blank if they haven't done anything. And then, of course, if they've already hit the goal for the month, which they've done here, you can see it's already the goal achieved color, correct, Aaron? Aaron has a white label of this. This is Aaron's brokerage colors and Aaron's obviously logo and things like that.

[00:24:19] All right.

[00:24:22] Erin, anything else you wanted to share? As far as secrets for your success in twenty twenty one, what's the what's the biggest thing you're seeing that is going to make have an impact on your business?

[00:24:37] The biggest impact for Sisu in my business is being able to coach at a high level, know exactly where my agents are, sit down with everybody, set expectations and really just hone in on the business.

[00:24:51] And now I have everything at my fingertips and that's what's going to double our production. It's going to keep our culture having a lot of fun. And I think that's going to be the success to push into one of the best years of this brokerage's ever had. And I'm really excited about it because Sisu brought that together for us and I'm just extremely excited to be a partner with you guys. And it's going to work out well. It already has. And we're on fire.

[00:25:17] Very, very fun. So tell me, how have your meetings with your agents changed since rolling out Sisu a month ago?

[00:25:24] I sat down with one of the agents we've been working with on the team the other day, and his name's Zach and sat down and said, Zach, let's let's pull up Sisu. Let's talk about what you did in September 1st, October 1st, and you add up to two hundred and forty seven conversations at seven appointments from those seven appointments led into three different signings. And then he had one on their contract. And I go, do you see what just happened that we were talking about, that we were doing it in a spreadsheet where I go, do you see how that looks now? And then we moved into a report right on the side there and went down and looked at his report for that month. And it was just boom, eye opening. And he was one of the first agents. I sat down and started coaching one on one through Sisu kind of like you were telling me months ago that you do. And it was great. And then he went right back on the phone, got a couple more appointments that sent me a message and said, hey, go look at Sisu. It's all cleaned up. It looks great. I'm on a roll. I'm excited about this month. And when I when I sat down and did that with Zach, it was just like I got goosebumps at what we can do with this program going forward. And I love, love, love, love coaching in it right now. And I'm just scratching the surface.

[00:26:39] Great. Well, I mean, honestly, I'm super passionate about it. But what I love most is seeing people like you guys really change your business and just take it to just new levels, but by really running it like a business and measuring every aspect of your business. So it's fun to see. Thank you for jumping in today, Aaron, and sharing with us how you're utilizing this on the recruiting side. I don't think a lot of our customers are even aware, as we've seen on this call, that we actually do that on the recruiting side. So you guys are using that at a very high level. It's fun to see how you've taken this as a brokerage with one hundred and seventeen agents now and really rolled this out at a high, high level, which allows you to manage this business very much like someone would manage a small team of ten agents that's doing an effective job. So anyway, thank you again for joining us today on any last words you wanted to share.

[00:27:39] Everybody keep working hard. I know it's been a rough year, but this is all exciting stuff. So this is the place to be. These guys really care. They're a great company. I've been working with them for the better part of six months. I highly recommend them. If you want to smooth out your entire system, go out and get the recruiting in the onboarding match. That right up with your seamless side on Sisu for your regular business. It will change your life. I really give you guys kudos and I appreciate being a partner.

[00:28:05] Awesome. OK, thanks for joining Aaron. Great to see you. Likewise. Take it easy. Goodbye.


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