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Episode 008 - GRIT: The Real Estate Growth Mindset, special guest Jeff Quintin, CEO of The Quintin Group

SHOW NOTES Jeff Quintin has serviced customers and clients since 1992, helping them find their dream homes.The Quintin Group is consistently selling over 1

Brian Charlesworth

Brian Charlesworth

Chairman & CEO

Brian is a highly accomplished entrepreneur, business builder, and thought leader in the real estate industry. With a track record of success in software, telecommunications, and franchise businesses, Brian has a talent for identifying and realizing business opportunities. Driven by his passion for technology, Brian is dedicated to using his skills and experience to bring about positive change and improve people's lives through the advancement of technology.


Jeff Quintin has serviced customers and clients since 1992, helping them find their dream homes.The Quintin Group is consistently selling over 175 homes per year, equivalent to over $70 million in sales. Jeff himself, has sold over 4,000 properties in his career. His passion for his customers has only grown over the years as he continues to set the standard for real estate agents nationwide. 

In this episode, Brian and Jeff discuss what it takes to be a successful team leader and how to expand a team effectively.

In this episode we talk about...
  • 2:15 - From New Jersey down to the Carolinas.
  • 9:15 - What is the key to success with expansion teams?
  • 17:56 - CRM's and Contact Stash.
  • 24:32 - What advice can Jeff gives to other team leader?

Brian Charlesworth: [00:00:37] Hey, everyone. Welcome back to the podcast. I'm Brian Charlesworth. I'm the founder of Sisu. Sisu is a growth automation software for real estate and I'm your host. And today I have a special guest on the show, Jeff Quintin. Jeff is the CEO of the Quintin Group. He has been in Gary Kellers mastermind for a number of years now. I want to get into that a little bit today. And something that I want to spend even more time on today is that Jeff somehow was able to acquire a brokerage this year underneath his team. So, Jeff, you wanted to give us a quick background on you and how you got into the real estate business.

Jeff Quintin: [00:01:18] Yeah. Now, certainly. Thank you, Brian, for having me on. I appreciate it's an honor. The real estate business in 1992. So I've been around quite a time now, about 28 years in the business, directly out of high school. And so it's all I really know is how I sell real estate and live and work in Ocean City, New Jersey, which is primarily a vacation resort secondary market. And we cover the areas as far as our hub here at home, areas between like if you're familiar with southern New Jersey from about Atlantic City all the way down to Cape May. Then we cover the mainland side as well. And then we then, as you mentioned earlier, we've expanded into the Carolinas, into the Outer Banks. And we've got some expansion partners locally in our area here, you know, in other counties, also Fort Lauderdale, Florida. So that's basically kind of the gist of it.

Brian Charlesworth: [00:02:09] Ok, great. Well, let's just dove right in, because I think it's extremely interesting that here you are in New Jersey and now you're saying, hey, we acquired this business. I'm operating another not team, but brokerage down in the Carolinas. How did this all come about? And I think it's it's fascinating and likely an opportunity for for some of those other teams out there.

Jeff Quintin: [00:02:32] I don't know for sure. I think it's opportunities is coming up more and more, more as independent brokerages or owners would exit the business or maybe they're not. Their sales team isn't driving is the level that they want. So how this all come about? So basically at the time of our expensive director that was expanding with us, a very good friends with the owner of this business. They grew up or your kids, you grew up together. And this owner lived in lives currently still in Pittsburgh. So he's actually an absentee owner of this company in the other banks. And the Outer Banks is a secondary resort vacation home market, very similar to our hub. So that business itself has a has recently there's six offices. And inside of that, they have two divisions. They have the rental division, vacation rentals, which is a lot of weekly, where most of the sales division, the sales division hasn't always been there. What seemed to be their top priorities for their vacation rentals, which was vacation rentals down there, is huge. Right. Do about 8000 leases in summer. Their sales team was also thriving. SLC was doing well, but it's just their focus was more on the rental side and the sales team side. So long story short, this is a thirty two year long company well established in the Outer Banks. The owner said, you know, they watched, they're watching their sales teams and just their top receivers leave them just more really. You know, what were the Kelly Williams came in a couple other companies, how Rihanna can make others. There were these other opportunities were out there for the sales people to leave and go to other places for the sales. So this owner of the company said, you know what, my sales team isn't doing this great. I need to I need someone that can run a sales team. I need someone that can take this over and help me grow it and retain it. And and so forth. So our expense structure by the time was friends with Hillary had kind of connected together and cited that we're going to come in and take your sales team over your sales portion. So we came in and basically 24 agents, Gloria. We operate physically out of two of their six office locations. We have. We can go in and out of their offices. But our fiscal space is in two of those. And then we brought in these 24 agents licenses in KW through the Quintin group. So we we own it and operate their business in the Outer Banks. There are KW agents and they're working in what would be like two big age offices outside of the markets. So it's been exciting. You know, we saw this all. Basically acquired, acquired was basically September 1st and then transition time. This last 3 months has been going on and about through all that good stuff. Crisis's transfers and getting everybody over in Florida, to whom in 2020.

Brian Charlesworth: [00:05:19] Ok, great. So how did you have twenty four agents, if I understand you correctly, you had twenty four agents down in the Carolinas already.

Jeff Quintin: [00:05:27] Yeah, yeah. That's how many there were that came over. There was I think twenty six maybe or twenty seven. And when the acquisition came in we lost two or three of them in that process. We lost them lost and won. That one decided retire. One was just a developer. His license there and one item it wasn't wasn't a regular full time agent.

Brian Charlesworth: [00:05:52] Ok, got it. All right. So how talk to us about your team. So how how you what's your volume? What your unit's up in Jersey and then what is that? Now in the Carolinas. So. So I understand what what you guys do.

Jeff Quintin: [00:06:07] Yeah. So, I mean, our whole business here, you know, this year we we do around 80 million or so. We'll close out this year around 230, 240 transactions, around eighty five million total. That includes a little bit of expansion, really doesn't include the Outer Banks because we are starting that right now and then. So that's kind of our how base business here. I would just pass on to new agents who our goal is to get us the hub over Hartley next year and then the Outer Banks itself. There'll be somewhere this year, about one hundred and thirty hundred thirty five units closed for the year and just about around 60 million or so and ago go next year. Obviously, get that up higher and closer to our units with getting the current agents in higher production and then recruit to it. So ultimately the goal would be had to be at least 100 in here at home and then get that business to be at least a hundred nine as well. But more or less, that's probably going to be closer to, I would say between 60 and and 80 million or so. And then as we expand, we'll have other locations out there as well. For example, in our Greater Philadelphia region, our goal is to expand there. Also, we've also just hired a new regional expansion director for our region here. And our goal is to at least get 144 transactions in that, you know, next year as well. So our hope, our totals, if you take home right here.

Brian Charlesworth: [00:07:32] Yeah, so I mean, you're good, you're going from one hundred eighty five million to one hundred million, your location. Eighty million there. It's one hundred that's one hundred million dollar increase plus. Yeah. Now you have another expansion. So you're growing through expansions for sure. And there's other expansion is what sites.

Jeff Quintin: [00:07:51] Yeah. So you know, ultimately our goal is to be about 40 million and just a greater greater of region as well. So it's all said and done. We hope to be somewhere around 550 units. So this I mean, there's a little bit of stretch goal that outside of that. But I would say realistically, when I look at my internal production goals, what we have down right now is five hundred forty four units and a total of two million, five point five million of GCI and a profit of one point five million thirty seven percent. That's what the plan is, my internal plan. You know, we always talk about, you know, these big potential plans on, you know, when I say like, okay, well, I'd love to get to the Outer Banks, up to 200 transactions that every salesperson. Four hundred eighty million. Well, that's true, but there's gonna be a lot of growth in that. So if I just said right now, hey, you know, what's realistically going to happen there? If everything happened the same as it is, does this year, it's gonna be, say, one hundred twenty five transactions, about 50 million. Writer Yeah, maybe sixty nine, because that's where they're at now. So there's a little bit stretched. But ultimately when I look at my numbers internally based upon, you know, our budgets and expectations, my this is what I expect. Five minute forty four units at 200 million next year, five point five million GCI and more importantly in five and profits.

Brian Charlesworth: [00:09:01] Okay, very exciting. So k.w. has always had this expansion team philosophy. I know several who have had success with it. I also know people who have struggled with it. So what is the key to success if you're going to do these expansion teams? I mean, how do you and Scott, how do you manage a team that's not in your state? I mean, how do you do that? How do you know the number? How do you how do you hold them accountable of all that kind of stuff?

Jeff Quintin: [00:09:32] So it's a little okay. So it's a little different. I mean, one is with regards to this recent acquisition, it's a independent company, right? It's been on its own, their individual agents. It's it's a regular brokerage. Right. So it's not even in effect like you and I know is like a real estate team. They're just individual agents. It's a brokerage that's a little different because we came in and we we we took them on for us and now we're powering them and supporting them. And we're giving them a lot of tools and coaching and training. But a lot of these people like, you know, the just there, they just they've never been involved in any of that. Right. Always just been so agents. So that itself is a little bit different at the moment. I think it's going to change. What we're looking to do down there is take a lot of those agents that are that are run like. Excuse me. One of those things that one of things we want to do down there is is go into that group and say, OK, of this core group here or get a core group of there who really wants to kind of be on the quit group side and really plug in to us and get real coaching, mentoring, training at a higher level. Right. So kind of have two teams within that large brokerage that we're going to go out recruit to it as well and have that group in. That's kind of a more of a core group and side. It's gonna plug into us. I'm going to have kind of two things going on. I think I'll have an independent normal age doing her things and then decide it will have more of a team feel right, kind of just like our other expansion partners in other locations. That's more of a team feel. So ultimately taking what we have here to our hub and then just expanding with another person or another location with two or three or four in this case, maybe five or 10 pages of the core group, how do we do it? It all starts with the hub. Right. All sorts of being in the home, having a very solid foundation to lead with. So, you know, we have the ability to go out as our value proposition into an agent, you know, let's say in Utah or or Florida or where we're gonna go and and ultimately give them a say, hey, look, you know, we want to stand with you and here's what we're going to provide you. And ultimately, you know, our goal is to better remove everything off of this that you just played. Right. So that 80 percent of things they should be doing to keep them in their top 20 percent activities at all times to run and then remove everything off their plate. What I mean by that is everything from there to all their contract management. So us preparing the contract for them, whether it's a listing contract with the agreement or a contract for sale. Bring do that for them getting it. You signed to the client and coordinating that signatures. You know, by my e-signature, we're going to do that when our listening contract comes back and it's signed, coordinating the photographer from the lockbox, you know, coordinating all that for them. We're having us go ahead and handle it for him, getting it uploaded in the MLS, telling the seller feedback. Right. Getting the extra documents, all the stuff that Asia doesn't want to do that's going to buy them down. We will get it and take care form contract goes up. A buyer goes under contract or seller contract to close the initial inspections or the home inspection or the insurances title. We won't do all that. We'll take all that over, offer them. Then at the same time, we're going to then since we're now going to take all that off of their plate, there's a lot of time freed up now. Ready? Give them a system of tools and give them resources that we have. Plug them in. All things that we've got going on. And then coach them and train them and haven't plugged into all the things we're doing. And what we have each days is and I know I'm just going on what you say. How do we do it? You know, we do it in such that we have to get these agents to plug in. And we're we're doing them by every day having a harder call with them. So we hear from them every single day through different location. We have on Mondays, we have a script training for Mondays and winds in scripting scriptwriting practice where we have a script master class 3 o'clock on a Monday. Also, I do a coaching call for the entire company. Then we have a Xoom call OTS Zoom team meeting like today on Tuesday and we have a movie camera so we can live stream in to our Facebook groups that you can watch it through resume where they can go to our Facebook private group and watch it live stream from there. Then we have our 4-1-1 with them every single week. So when we lead an agent from afar, we're hearing from them every single day. They're plugging in the training twice a day or three times, even by camera. And then they're going to follow along with us. So at least four times a week we're having direct conversation like this or over the phone. So they're completely plugged in all the time.

Brian Charlesworth: [00:13:59] So 411 for those who are not k.w. backgrounds, what is a 411. So very simple.

Jeff Quintin: [00:14:06] I mean, basically, you have your one year goal and then we break it down to one month goal and then a four week goal. So every week we set reset basically goals of three business goals and three personal goals. So if we have one we call and then that one month call, that leads up to your one year goal since four weeks, one month, one year. And then so we have those conversations with the agents about this week. What were your three business plan? A three to three business calls. And what are your three personal goals? So you zone in on those three things. Next week, our conversation is, hey, last week we looked at you for one and you said you're going to hear three business calls or X, Y and Z. How do you do? Did you complete X, Y, Z? What did you do? How did it go? What happened if you didn't? OK, and why? What has to happen to make sure you move that forward? And if it wasn't X didn't get done. Do we need to push it in the following week? Right. Personal goals. Okay. So what do you want to happen there? And personal goals? Well, I want to know when I want to clean my garage, but I felt my on my own for clothes, whatever it is right now. Right. Like we're gonna date with my wife right now. I want to go to the gym five days, whatever that may be. OK. Get personal. Did this happen? So that's what we do. Ever meet there to just move them forward?

Brian Charlesworth: [00:15:19] Great. Great way to manage a business, whether it's a real estate business or any type of business. I love that. I discovered that about five years ago and I've loved it ever since. Plugging in. You've talked about plugging in to your coaching, to your accountability. What are some of the tools you're using to really run your businesses?

Jeff Quintin: [00:15:42] You know what? Our greatest one for accountability is your product. I mean, obviously, ACSU. I mean, it's incredible. I mean, just to let you know how how we work with that. That's easy for us is, you know, every day what we required. It's an automatic text that goes out at five o'clock is our agents have to have it on their app, on their phone. But basically, as you can see, you know, have this all the dials that we have their custom that basically require them to record their numbers for the day. You know, from conversations that ours prospective appointments set listings under contract buyers written, I contract written everything up to how many five star reviews they got or whatever it may be. Everything's tracked and it's very simple. They just do a plus or minus on everything here. But we require agents to do that every day. So 5 o'clock they get a text, comes scarcest. Don't forget, put your Sisu numbers and basically we record all that information now for us.Not only we, we want them to give us their numbers and plug in, but at the same time as you're plugging in, this becomes accountability for them. So the moment they don't plug in, at the moment they don't report their numbers. So by the next morning we look up and we don't we didn't get the numbers from an agent. Well, then there's accountability here and accountability for them. Our team is they get shut out of our CRM. Right. So all weather leads little where they store all their stuff. They get turned off. They have no access. Number one. Number two, they have no access to our admin staff. So all the services we provide, they're done for the day. You want a contract done? You could do it yourself until they import their numbers and get clean with the numbers and then we'll free them up to be released back into their share and the next day. So that's what we do is, you know, is it extreme? I don't know. Sometimes it has to be because I can't manage a business without I can see the metrics and the numbers.

Brian Charlesworth: [00:17:30] Yeah, well, I mean, the part of the value of being on a team is to have you there as as a leader and to provide the leads and the coaching and and walking contract closed.Right. And getting that all done. If you don't have the data, you can't do that. So yeah, that's great. I haven't seen a lot of teams cut people off from leads like that. I have seen a few and I think it's very effective. It's it's a right way to go. So on the CRM side, well, what about some of the things you're doing there? I know you were telling me about a company called Contact Stash. You actually formed. Tell me that. Tell it. Tell everyone about that.

Jeff Quintin: [00:18:08] Yeah. So he hears it in context to Ash is a very simple I would call a CRM is a basic CRM. It's a management of your database, but it's very, very simple and very inexpensive. And what the question I was asking a lot of agents and I even had it too. So for example, for many years, we still have to access a very large address book right now, whereas top producer. Right. This every agent we all know had top is probably a one time top producer itself. You know, we would have a name, address, phone number and address in there and put them in there and it would collect basically and address book and an insight that you could actually set up where you could tag every area, every contact is a certain one. And then it would just it would be on a send a rotation to you. But it became clunky. It wouldn't it wouldn't know, too. OK, well, if I needed to contact this person every 30 days, it doesn't know that, OK. On the 30th is as a if today it's a Sunday and then 30 days out was the 15th, was it Sunday? Today it would be the 15th the next month. But that could be a Saturday. Right. But maybe you're not working day. So long story short, it wasn't jiving for us as much as it seemed to be was how to manipulate. So I'd say to agents, I'd say to them, I'd say, hey, look, tell me this. You have databases. He has good. You have a systematic way that your database tells you who you need to call every single day. Like it just shows up and says, call this person. And they're like, well, no. Or maybe they say, yes, well, I can do it. And in sync, I can do it. Boom. I said, fine. So what you have to do, though, you have to go inside the calendar and get the market and then it shows up on a dashboard and you have to go to your reminders. And there's a lot of stuff and there are serums. All of our schemes have the ability to do this. But it became very like, you know, first of all, you have to go by that Sierra and get inside at work. Right. So a platform of 50 bucks a month or whatever. So anyway, I said, you know, complex dashes. Basically, it's a way that you just take your contacts in an Excel form, very basic. And let's assume that you had will use a basic number of 100 contacts. On taxes, my database. These are people that I've met, maybe people I haven't met, but let's call people that you've met. Hundred people. And of that hundred. Let's say that of those you're going to call that you have 10 of those are your VIP clients, meaning they're like your people, like they love you, like you trust you. You know, you can do business with them. I can do business. Anybody else? Several loyal. And you can get referrals from there like my people. Well, that what we call is take what we calls that a client put in a bucket bucket. I think that person we want to call every 30 days. Right. So 10 people, Unical every 30 days. Now your next list. You have 90 left over of your hundred. Let's see the next list you have out of that are people that love you, like you trust you. But they're not going to be a hundred percent. Well, they're loyal, but they're just you know, you're not going to always do business for them. You know that you're you're you're you're not always going to get a referral, but you want to stay in touch with, like, really good, good, solid clients. Well, those you want to call every 90 days. Right. Every once a quarter and once a quarter is if you're calling and regenerating and prospecting, you know, 20 days a month or Monday through Friday, five days a week, that means every 60 business day, which is once a quarter. So that will be your big client with a client 30 days, be client every 60 business day or every 90 days once a quarter. And that would be let's say you had 80 of those. Right. So then that would go in that within the next one is the other 10, which is leftover. Let's say these are calls to see clients, somebody that, you know, maybe they sold a house here with you and then he moved out of the area. And there's probably not a lot of business right now. But you want to stay in touch just when there's still a business. Maybe someday you'll come back or give you a referral. You call them twice a year. There's such A, B and C, 30 days every quarter, only days, twice a year, twice a year, six months. That's the CRM. You basically have an Excel sheet, all the names up top. You just you just basically your A's, your business is sort of that way. Upload it. And in every single day, what happens is it delivers to your inbox, in your e-mail inbox, straight to your inbox. And the first thing the morning, whatever time it says here. So you need to call today. And I just missed all the way down their names, their mobile phone number, contact information, and that's it. And then you just hit on it complete. If it's completed, then it automatically system will then send it in its rotation. And when you show up your inbox again, if it's if you want hit skip, you get skip. And then if it hits skip, it's going to become overdue. And I'll just pile up until you're completed. That's it. Now get it if you want to hit it. Good. Is it calculated?

Brian Charlesworth: [00:22:51] I mean, are you saying this entire list is complete? Are you doing that on a per individual use referring to.

Jeff Quintin: [00:22:59] Once you call them, which is what you contacted them, it complete and it's complete. You contacted them. OK. And then it has profile. You hit profile and profile. Then you can go inside the CRM and it gives you, you know, all the information you can put notes in. You can do all kinds of different things inside of it. That's then you have to actually log in from there.

Brian Charlesworth: [00:23:17] Ok. So that's it's a simple form of making sure you're doing your contacts every day. Is that something that your people. Is that the first phone call they make every day? Or those phone calls or typically or are they doing expires or something like that? Typically, it's this.

Jeff Quintin: [00:23:33] Well, yes or no. So so Artois, our team's very aggressive. One expires and we owners deliver to them each day as well. Not in this format, but yes, they get delivered. They're they're they're there database of past clients that reflects the importance. And then expire if there's a heavy expiry date. Some of our guys call expired first. Others. Others aren't as aggressive. They'll call their past clients of some just work, their past clients. And the manual pepper in the expires later on. Yeah. Yeah. But they're definitely calling through their most important list. Just it's just it's just a very simple way that just brings clarity who you need to call and is dummy proof. Once you put them in there it just comes. It's always a reminder that you stay in touch.

Brian Charlesworth: [00:24:15] Great. OK. So to get that it's contact stash. Go to a contact stash dot com, is that right?

Jeff Quintin: [00:24:21] Yeah, that's right. Sasha. Come on, take a look. Forty nine bucks.

Brian Charlesworth: [00:24:25] Ashes stash is spelled like the mustache.

Jeff Quintin: [00:24:28] Yep, just like a mustache.

Brian Charlesworth: [00:24:30] Ok, great. What other advice would you have for a team owner? I mean, you're going this year from, you know, two hundred and thirty up to five hundred. What other advice would you have for for somebody looking to grow their team, looking to grow their business, looking to get into other areas and find new ways to make an additional income streams and to build wealth?

Jeff Quintin: [00:24:58] You know, I guess, you know, like my advice. First of all, I mean, I'm a long time, so I've got experience, which is cool, but I still haven't figured it all out. I mean, so, you know, I think we're all still you know, it looks nice and cool from the outside. Behind the scenes is very messy. We're still writing through and figuring some things out. Right. So I think that you're solid. A couple things. Got gotta have a solid foundation of your your administrative staff and your value proposition that you can bring other agents. What is the question I say is what is the problem right now that I'm solving for agents? And if I can solve some problems and bring them some solutions to make their lives better, easier, more productive, how they earn more money and got to figure that out. That's I think, where the growth is going to happen. I think teams aren't going away. I think teams are getting larger. I think teams are getting bigger and better and faster. An individual agent individualism, unfortunately, is it's tough. It's tough to survive right now. Brand new in this business, rebooted individual Asia. It's just harder and harder. But any good advice, I say, is really make sure that your home business or your your back and foundation is super strong and that you have a very clear value proposition. Now, if I the question is that, you know, is what would get me to leave my own team to go work for somebody? And that's the question I think is the most teamers you say is what will get them selves to leave, to go to work for someone else and then be that person or be that value that you need to provide for your team? That's to attract. That's going to give those other agents to work with you. But having so understanding your value proposition and each team has a different value proposition. Ours is going to be at our hub is going to be probably a lower split with very high value. Others are going to be, you know, very high value or actually and very high split with lower value. Right. They're not going to provide all the things that we provide. We remove everything off The Age's plate. I'm telling you. And give them all the tools and everything along the way. So all they got to do. There's four things going to process with each day. You're going to lead follow up. Each day you're going to go on appointments and they're going to negotiate your deals. And then outside of that, we don't condone.

Brian Charlesworth: [00:27:11] Great.

Jeff Quintin: [00:27:11] We call that the plan, right, we focused on cells only cells. Yeah. And so that's R-MA. That's us. I mean, so, you know, I think that advice is to get clear on what that is for that team. That team on what you want to provide.

Brian Charlesworth: [00:27:26] Yeah, great. Thank you for sharing that. Tell me what it's like being part of Gary Kellers mastermind. I know most team owners, especially at your level, are in multiple masterminds and I think most listening to this have been in many masterminds. What's scary Kellers mastermind like? I think a lot of people might ask that question.

Jeff Quintin: [00:27:50] Sure. No, no, it's it's a great question. First. I'm very fortunate and honored to be out to be part of that group and to be in that room. It's it's it's awesome. It's interesting. I mean, anytime that we can spend some close time around someone like Gary and really understand the way he thinks, his philosophies, his concepts, the way he makes decisions. You know, pick his brain on certain certain ideas is always been good. You know what's cool is you see when you're in that room, the mistakes Gary Garry's made and I really see, Gary, that he's perfect. Well, he's been there, done that. Right? He's been there, done what we all want to do. And he's done it in a very high level. And he's had some, you know, some issues or bumps along the way, which is cool to listen to, is you like. Gosh, I'm experienced the same thing. Now I know I'm actually doing the right thing because he's experienced it and reminds you that, OK, maybe I'm on the right track, you know, because so many times we're sitting there looking at ourselves going, do I mean shit, am I doing the right thing? This sucks or this isn't working or beat my head against the wall, you know? I mean, sometimes that's just part of it. And you actually because of that feeling, you know, you're actually the right step right direction. And so being in that room, you're able to see that sometimes and say, well, he experienced this or other people who were experiencing very much what I am. And yet there's a reason why it's part of the growth that's part of that hockey stick curve or whatever is going on. So it's exciting. I mean, I've enforced enough. I was part of a Karis pirate group two with a very small amount. I was maybe 20 of us for four, maybe two years. So when I first came over and has kind of dissolved a little bit and those guys and that in that room, we're just actually incredible, especially they were they were on the cutting edge of expansion. And these guys are expanding six years ago before expansion really started. They kind of were the pirates really grouped it. Gary kind of to them here. Here's the deal, man. You know, I want you guys to go out, expand. When you go out, do it. What? You haven't figured out a way to fall down your face when you figured out come back and tell us what worked, what didn't work and break it and come back and fix it and break it again and all that. So that's the kind of some of the conversations that we've had, you know, about business and about what's working and what's not. And, you know, you collaborate together at a very high level.

Brian Charlesworth: [00:30:10] So it sounds like Gary really created his expansion model through this mastermind or in conjunction with this mastermind, is that right?

Jeff Quintin: [00:30:21] Yeah. Yeah, for a lot of us, very cool. And I'm not I'm on the back end of that, like, you know, I got in there the late to the game, late to the party. Couple other guys had already been doing it for a long time. And so they all, you know, had made some mistakes. And, you know, I've been able to gosh, I have a long way to go. So these guys are just way ahead in the late years. But I've seen some of the mistakes that they made or not so much mistakes, but learning things that they did or they would have done differently. So that's a nice pass you to come in and say, hey, what did you learn out? If you do it over again, what would you done then? Just go do what they would have done. Here's how we could do it. They did first and then you know how we do with that challenge.

Brian Charlesworth: [00:30:56] So, yeah, spring was invited into the mastermind this year to Gary's mastermind. She went in and shared with me this. I still remember this very clearly. I thought it was just great advice. But Gary, basically the thing that stuck out for her is he basically said. Hey, I'm no different than any of you guys. I just think bigger than you guys. Yeah. Do you remember that? Sure. You were at that event. So. So anyway, I just think that's some great advice, as you know.Just think think at a different level. And you can do things at a different level. Right.

Jeff Quintin: [00:31:34] I think I think maybe when I saw that, too, because, you know, everything Gary says, we tried to steal and regurgitate it, act like we actually said it. So I came back to my team, kind of started seeing them the night emerging media, which is true. You know, it's just you know, it's just it is what it is. But now he is his level of thinking is very much a whole different level. So having that exposure is is important. It's incredible. And that really is incredible. I mean, this is this mass, my group now. Springtime shit. There's there's two groups now. But I mean, we're talking about between the two of them, there's probably close to three hundred agents now. You know, total. There's a lot, right? I was gonna say competition. But your peers. It's a room. You look around, there's some amazing talent there. Amazing business owners. And you're just like, man, you know, I got to step my game up. All right, left, left and right. Have you met with some of these people are doing incredible.

Brian Charlesworth: [00:32:31] So, Jeff, obviously, that's a great source of learning. What are some other great sources of learning that have been great for you or what? What. What are a few or one of your favorite books that you feel like? Was this something everybody must read?

Jeff Quintin: [00:32:45] You know, I I'm big on podcasts right now at the moment. You know, I'm reading Books Week. I'm Audie. I'm a big audio book person. I read as much physical books, you know. So book wise, I mean, as a team, we're doing fanatical prospecting for a second time right now. That's where we're going to be focused on going into next year and getting jazzed about that, you know, podcast. I'm in and out of probably five or six different podcasts all the time from how I built this, which is one of the greatest podcasts because I just like learning about how big business is built with what they've done and listening to Garrity's, how I how I think like a CEO podcast right now. I know Tim Ferriss because Gary was just on know if you heard that at that interview. Yeah, yeah.

Brian Charlesworth: [00:33:32] Yeah. I did. Yeah. Tim Virus is a great, great podcast. I would recommend that anybody.

Jeff Quintin: [00:33:38] Yeah. So I mean on his because I used to be on it a long time and Gary came on have been listening. Some of those you know, gosh, there's I don't know. Interesting look in here right now. Who who are you listening to? I mean, you know, the podcast has been good for me. So. So one of the things that I do, you know, in the morning is I spend probably a good half hour, maybe to 45 minutes, listen to a podcast. When I get ready for work, I get ready dressed. I listen to podcast. I'd like I let me take my phone and I put it in the shower. Right. Because, you know, a Myerson, most people by themselves. Right. So so like, you know, I spend time like that. And that's when my wife knows, like, stand the bathrooms. Two kids out of the bathroom. I mean, like, this is my time. The next 15 minutes, a shower or 20 minutes, whatever. And so I put the phone in the shower as my little place. I get to listen to and and and when I go get dressed and be dressed in my closet, basically. And I put my phone up where my shoes are. I mean, I listen. So I spend a good half hour, maybe more of that. My that's my time. Listen, you know where there is an audiobook or or, you know, any of the podcasts out there? Yeah, I listen to it. You know, I had my lets you know, I listen Tom very I listen to Greenhouse's love. John walks out. Listen a lot of that leadership MFC CEO project and your last upset your and there's a bunch of you know.

Brian Charlesworth: [00:35:06] Yeah, it's great. I think there's there's some real benefits to listening versus reading, I mean, it's great to read. However, listening is something you can do and drive time. Something I. Something I personally do every morning when I work out. So it's just important that we're we're always learning. So thanks for sharing that. Jeff, I think that's some really valuable stuff. And I think you're the only person who's told me that they actually do that in the showers.

Jeff Quintin: [00:35:37] Hey, you know, I'm I'm a freak, I guess. But, you know, I tell a story, too, like with regards to the shower. Right. So, you know, we're real big in our office, you know, and just like spring is mean, we're very prospecting based. Right. And we work on scripts all the time. And I miss dearly. I teach a script, master class. So, you know, one of the things that I recommend anybody do does is obviously to record all their scripts, to write, recorded and to go through. And they recorded in their own voice scripts. They go back and listen to it. So, you know, I told many, listen to it like literally take 20, missed your day, whatever. Read listen to your own voice put in the shower. If there's any time, you can't tell me, you there's nobody around. Right. This is your time. Don't tell me you don't have time. That's when you can make time. Number one. Number two is, you know, years ago when I first learning scripts. What I did was I took the script. Right. I took the script and laminated it. And then, you know, there's things you put a refrigerator. It's just it's just a suction cup with a hook. Yeah. I helped them all. And I put hooks in the shower against the tile wall. I put my damn script something there. Right. And when I do take a shower, I chanted and read my scripts every day, every day and role played in practice and scripts on the shower. Like I've made that 20 minutes to a half hour of my day of just bombarding my head with education, whatever it is.

Brian Charlesworth: [00:37:01] Are there certain scripts that you recommend are like, are you a Mike Faery guy, Tom Ferry? What? What do you recommend? I mean, what's worked best for you and your team?

Jeff Quintin: [00:37:12] Well, it's always a look. All the scripts have come back to my clarity, right. That's where they all pretty much almost originate, or least before that, maybe even fluid within bounds back in the day. I'm like very scripted, but more or less. And then that's evolved. And Tom developed all my very stuff with that. And then more or less Mike stuff in the mike. You know, when the bold scripts, which are very similar. So that's what it basically it's in my script.

Brian Charlesworth: [00:37:36] Ok. So you you say that you do script and role play training. Is that something? Is that something that somebody like me or some of these team owners could say, hey, I want to be a part of that and for show or do you bring outside people into that or it's just something you do with your own team all the time, not it.

Jeff Quintin: [00:37:56] We actually have had a lot of different agents that come in on Mondays. East Coast time at twelve o'clock. I was on Mondays at 12:30 East Coast time and then Wednesdays at twelve o'clock East Coast time. We did our script masterclass. We'll be restarting it back up after the first of the year. Can pretty much catch the end. We got two more scripts to learn the extra scripts. But the main job just ended. And basically what we do is we spend it's about an hour and I put it on. I zoom in either zoom, zoom, link, someone e-mail me, zoom, link and or they go to our quick group page. That's a private page. I'll have to let them come in and they can livestream right there, too. People do people pay for this or not? It's something you offer. They can just join. So could pay me. Sure. They want to pay me. I'm in.

Brian Charlesworth: [00:38:48] Tell tell us how. Tell everyone how to get a hold of you. I know for a fact. Some agents personally who are going to want to participate in this church.

Jeff Quintin: [00:38:57] Easiest ways is the email me or the guy was Facebook messaged me to email me is easiest. That's Jeff TFF at that Quintan Group THG. Q u i n t i n group dot com. Jeff acquainting group dot com. They email me and I can get them all to stuff.

Brian Charlesworth: [00:39:14] Ok. Jeff Awesome. Thank you so much for your time today. Right. Lessons. It's always great hearing from some of the best. And thank you for participating in our show.


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