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Episode 045 with Stacy Bahrenfuss, Founder & CEO of Catalyst Group

At the age of 19, Stacy started her real estate company, Catalyst Group.  From then on, she continued to scale her business beyond the 7-figure mark to bec

Brian Charlesworth

Brian Charlesworth

Chairman & CEO

Brian is a highly accomplished entrepreneur, business builder, and thought leader in the real estate industry. With a track record of success in software, telecommunications, and franchise businesses, Brian has a talent for identifying and realizing business opportunities. Driven by his passion for technology, Brian is dedicated to using his skills and experience to bring about positive change and improve people's lives through the advancement of technology.

At the age of 19, Stacy started her real estate company, Catalyst Group.  From then on, she continued to scale her business beyond the 7-figure mark to become one of the top performing real estate teams in the state of Idaho.

Stacy’s vast experience led her to create her own premier consulting program where she uses the “Inside Out Success Method” which aims to guide female change makers all over the world to discover inner freedom and fulfillment.

Let’s join Stacy as we take a deep dive on how the Inside Out Success Method works, and how it could help build a vision of a better life moving forward. 

In this episode, we talked about:

(01:56) What is Stacy’s ultimate goal for her program?

(06:56) What is the Inside Out Success Method?

(08:53) How to integrate the Limitless Mindset Success Method into our business

(12:02) How do we eliminate fear and go into the abundance mindset?

(21:42) Where does the deep fulfillment come from?
(22:15) The importance of having a “deep why”?

(24:30) How can we not allow fear to limit us?

(26:31) How do we train our subconscious to believe that we are capable of achieving greater things?

(31:09) What is the Triple Threat System?

(32:00) How to do conscious breathing?

(37:10) The value of a having a daily routine

(44:20) Stacy’s most important piece of advice

Episode Transcript:

Brian Charlesworth  0:35  

Alright, Hello, everyone. Welcome back to the GRIT podcast. I'm Brian Charlesworth. I'm the founder of SISU and your host of the show, and super excited about today's show. I'm here with Stacy and I would pronounce it Bahrenfuss because I speak German, but how do you pronounce your name Stacy?

Stacy Bahrenfuss  0:55  

So I pronounce that they are in class, but I probably should take lessons from you because it is in fact German.

Brian Charlesworth  0:59  

Okay, so um, so anyway, Stacy is the founder and CEO of the catalyst group, which is a real estate company. And she's also the creator of inside out success method. And so I want to dive into both of those today. Stacey, welcome to the show. Do you have anything else you want to share with us before I dive in and just drill you with questions today? I'm super excited to learn more about you.

Stacy Bahrenfuss  1:22  

Thanks, Brian. I'm really excited to be here. No, I think I'll follow your lead. And we'll have a great show today. I'm excited too.

Brian Charlesworth  1:29  

Okay, awesome. So, to start off, you have a mission. And it seems to me it's a pretty deep mission around women and empowering them to really, I would say live up to their fullest potential and to have an amazing life, enjoy life be happy. So why don't you put that in better terms for us? Yeah, tell us about your mission. I want to know that to start off today.

Stacy Bahrenfuss  1:59  

Yes, yeah. So the mission is absolutely deeply rooted in just wanting to lead women, entrepreneurs and leaders, especially to true freedom and fulfillment, because there is, you know, this fallacy that we all live by, which is, we're chasing achievement and success, and we get there and we're either very unhappy, or, you know, burnout, and we can't enjoy it is very often what happens. And so my mission is to, you know, awaken those parts of ourselves, you know, and have these women and entrepreneurs discover that on their own. So it's a sustainable and long term transformation, but they then can implement in their business life, and pass on to family friends.

Brian Charlesworth  2:49  

Okay, I think it's an awesome mission. As a man, I understand very little about this, we try to understand as men, but we don't understand the life of a woman. And honestly, you know, the world is changing. And it used to be women were told to stay home. And now there are so many professional women that are leading companies, even at a much higher level than men. So there's been in this amazing change, but I'm sure there's a struggle there, especially for moms, that maybe are in that business world, and I'm guessing that's a big part of your mission is, you know, sometimes it might be a struggle for somebody who's super successful because they're not feeling like they're living up to their full potential maybe in the home. So, I mean, is that just touching on a little bit of really what you're trying to solve here?

Stacy Bahrenfuss  3:45  

Yeah, you know, I think that the bottom line of what I want to solve is to end suffering, you know, and while the focus is on, you know, females, because I obviously can relate to them, and what they're going through and see the impact, that by them being free of it, how it releases the family, you know, I mean, just like you were saying, as a man, you know, it's, you see, these conflicts kind of go on and you don't understand, but you, you want to understand, of course, you know, and be there but the experience of it, it's a lot of times doesn't make sense, it's much more complicated than how a man processes you know, issue or conflict. And so really just ending suffering so that wherever, whatever you're trying to do in the world that you're interested in the state is coming from a place of calm and from a beautiful state instead of trying to fill a void from a hurt or you know, from anger or I'm not good enough or you're trying to prove something. So that consciousness overall can really improve and lift to new heights because we're all creating from this clear state instead of creating chaos in the world. Because we're trying to be significant. So that's really the bottom line of it. And clearing. 

Brian Charlesworth  5:06  

Okay, so being in the state where you can clearly create rather than when you say significance, I take that as meaning living life for others, right trying to get that attention. Yeah. So yeah, I love it. So just out of curiosity, are you a mom? I'm not. Okay. So tell us about your businesses. So let's start with the catalyst group, just so people have an understanding how long have you been in real estate now? And is the catalyst Group, a team or a brokerage? I know you're one of the top teams in Idaho. But tell me more about that.

Stacy Bahrenfuss  5:40  

Yeah, so Catalyst group, it was going into my 15th year with Catalyst group. And it's currently a team, I did have it set up as a brokerage at one point, but quickly saw how much time that took, you know, clerical duties.  I didn't love that all too much. And so yes, it's currently a residential real estate team, we do a lot of new construction. I'm in the world of development myself. And so that's definitely our focus, but we also help buyers and sellers.

Brian Charlesworth  6:11  

Okay, and how many agents are on your team now?

Stacy Bahrenfuss  6:14  

So there's four currently, not including myself and my husband, which we're also agents. And so we did math I call, I blew up the team last year because it wasn't the model that I wanted to run. And so in getting clear on what I was wanting to do, reworked the model. So we just went back to where it was my husband and I, and now we're in growing it. So I'm not in the I was in the production. I was in the management. I was, yeah, just spread too thin. So rebuilding that now.

Brian Charlesworth  6:44  

So you're stepping out or working on stepping out of working in the business? And working on the business? Is that right? 

Stacy Bahrenfuss  6:52  

That's correct. 

Brian Charlesworth  6:54  

Okay, great. And then tell me about the inside out success method that is actually a company for those of you who don't know, so tell us about that company?

Stacy Bahrenfuss  7:07  

Yeah, so that company, the company is focused on what I was talking about earlier, you know, just really taking women through that process of start to finish succeeding from the inside out. So that methodology breaks down whatever the core block is, to what success they're pursuing, whatever effort they're pursuing in life, figuring out what that is, and quite often, it tracks back to early childhood. And we address that, and then build a vision for their life going forward, and help them step into that using the methodology, which includes really just, you know, inside out clearing of everything from meditation to goal setting, to having hard conversations with people they've needed to address for years. So really diving into that it's very results-based. And so it's all about like, what is that outcome and getting there quickly? So it's a customized solution for the person versus it being a 12-month program, or you know, more standard that way

Brian Charlesworth  8:20  

And is that primarily focused on or to women?

Stacy Bahrenfuss  8:24  

It is yes. Okay.

Brian Charlesworth  8:26  

Okay. So I think that's one of the things about real estate is there are a just a large number of real estate, women who are some of the top in the industry, my wife actually happens to run a, a team of about 25 agents, so and just watching her grow and succeed in that has been a lot of fun for me. So the inside out success method, you have this method called the limitless mindset success method. Is that correct? 

Stacy Bahrenfuss  8:59  


Brian Charlesworth  8:59  

Okay. And that's the method you were just talking about. So how do we take this method? If we're a business owner? And how do we integrate that into our business?

Stacy Bahrenfuss  9:14  

Yeah, so what's really interesting is if you look at the results in your business, it's always a mirror of what's going on internally, if you really dive deep into it, so you are really the problem and the solution. So that's, you know, the message in the end of the methodology, and that's the best place to be because as soon as you identify what the issue is, you have the power to create the solution. So applying that into the business is really looking at, okay, what is that block or next level that you want to get to that? Maybe it's your mindset, maybe it you know, there's all these different factors that could be the block between where you are and where you want to be. And so the methology is to first see the truth about what is currently happening. So often, we are all sorts of excited about planning for the future, and you know, getting ahead of ourselves, because that's exciting, right? And we don't stop to see the truth of the current state of affairs. And by doing that, you pick the wheat at the root, if you will, and address that before going forward. Because if you don't do that, you're going to get to that next, however, multimillion, you know, production or revenue, and go, Oh, my gosh, I'm still dealing with another version of the same problem. So it's just going to keep getting bigger and bigger, bring all of its friends until we address it. So that's the biggest, you know, takeaway, if you will, of how you can apply this in your business. And what that looks like is, you know, how do you see the truth? is really having a reflective conversation with yourself of what is the problem or situation that's happening that is the bottleneck? And how am I actually contributing to that, and that starts you down the path of getting to the truth.

Brian Charlesworth  11:13  

Okay. So I love the way you think about that. Really being accountable is, is really the first thing. It's so easy for all of us, myself, included everybody. I think it's a tendency to use these outside excuses as to maybe why we didn't accomplish something. But as soon as we take responsibility or accountability for that, it allows us to really go to the next level, right? Because we are the creator of our life, we, we are the creator of putting us in whatever situation and it takes understanding that to go to the next level. So yeah, I love what you're saying about that. So building a business with abundance, and collaboration instead of scarcity and fear. And I think this is kind of the next, the next level of what you just talked about. But fear is like the lowest energy possible. Right? And as soon as there's fear you, you can't have gratitude and fear in the same room together, right? You can't, you can't really have success and fear in the same room together. And I think of the basic real estate agent, brand new agent sitting down to get on the phones. And the one thing they probably have is fear. Yeah. So how do we eliminate that fear and move into that abundance? mindset?

Stacy Bahrenfuss  12:46  

Yeah, I think that the example you gave, it's such a wonderful one to use, you know, for this conversation. When you are a real estate agent, and you're getting on the phone for the first time you would make those calls to potentially new clients. If you can switch your mindset from How can I contribute to the person and situation and actually have something of value to provide to them, which can be anything from the current, you know, quick market update, where interest rates are your prediction, you know, what your opinion is of the market when you can come from a place of contribution. That's when the whole game changes. You don't run into as many objections. That's one thing that, you know, I've always really taught my team is to lead in that way, have conversations in that way. Because once you have someone on the phone with you for about 60 seconds, you've connected, and if you're really contributing and trying like thinking of things, how can I make this person day better? Simple as that? How can I impact you know, this person and deliver knowledge and sharing expertise so that we leave the situation, they leave it better than when I started with them? Then the whole, you know, game changes, again, don't run into those objections. And you don't have as much chaos and dealings. But something that's really interesting when you focus on collaboration and contribution. You'll notice that there there aren't as many issues with clients with dealings with other agents because you're coming from a completely different state of, you know, giving first instead of how is this going to affect me because that's, that's really fear, right is it's all about us, but fear 

Brian Charlesworth  14:36  

and insecurity, right? Yep.

Stacy Bahrenfuss  14:41  

Yeah. And I think people, you know, they think that security confidence, that that's something that you have, or you don't and that's a lie, you create it by making a decision to show up differently.

Brian Charlesworth  14:57  

Okay. Yeah. So contribution is obviously something you're talking, I mean, a tremendous amount about which by contributing to others, that's always how we receive the greatest joy in our lives. And then also, I think another important thing there is that we are constantly growing. If we're constantly growing, it allows us to also contribute, which puts us in that state you're talking about. So let's talk about this women focus. I saw this in your in your write up, the women must be connected to their inner state, you know, as they're leading, what what is the state they have? Within as they're leading somebody? I don't think this is just women. I think this is everybody. Yeah. So what is the state that we're leading from, and you just, I mean, you just talked about a little bit, but maybe let's dive a little bit deeper into that

Stacy Bahrenfuss  15:53  

Yeah I love to. So, especially noticeable in women, because of the history, like we started talking at the beginning of our conversation. Women, you know, are you they, they didn't leave the household before, you know, they were taking care of everything at home. And that is deeply ingrained in our DNA, our, you know, outlook on life and everything. And so what happens because of that history is, especially for women, there is no connection, they are completely disconnected to the Interstate, because they are caring for everyone else. And a lot of times, it seems like they're choosing that, but it literally is ingrained in the subconscious of how women are supposed to be in the world. And that's as we were talking, you know, shifting, which is really cool to see as it evolves. But there are a lot of women that are not connected to how they truly feel about something, because they are focused on validation from external sources, they're serving external sources, their life is making sure again, everything's taken care of. And so to flip that, and get connected to how your relationship with yourself is from, like, as basic as a trust, trusting yourself to make decisions, you know, not go to your husband or significant other and get validated before making a decision, not saying that's not what you should do, I'm just saying that internally, you don't feel like that's required to be competent in what you're doing. That connection is what women need to do to be able to lead and operate at a higher level. And so that doesn't stop though, just with women, you know, both women and men need to understand what connecting to oneself, one's past programs, and, you know, habits need to connect at that deeper level. Because when you do you truly become limitless. And that's, you know, that deeper message that I want to spread is if you can connect to you know, why you do what you do and ask deeper questions. You start to connect to source, your scores, that is truly an intelligence that will help you make decisions that, you know, isn't just another six figures into your business. It's a it's bigger leaps, right? It's just a different game when you come from.

Brian Charlesworth  18:34  

Yeah, love it. Okay, so one of the things you've mentioned, was just making decisions. And whether you're a man or a woman, the decision making process, I think, is something that great leaders are not afraid to do. Yeah, right. Even if it's the wrong decision, making a decision is part of it. And I think that's part of what women love about men is men who are decisive and make a decision, here's what we're going to do, because they expect that masculine energy, but then a woman, she doesn't she doesn't want to be that way necessarily with her husband. But then you get in the state of she's a leader now. And she is that energy. And she has to make those decisions. How do you how do you shift as a woman to be able to go from from this feminine state, if you will, with your, with your family, with your husband, to this to this more masculine state, as you're as you're leading a business?

Stacy Bahrenfuss  19:42  

That's such a great question and one that I went through a lot, you know, a few years ago, you know, I was I was finding myself really in that masculine energy of like the force, and you know, but the feminine is allowing and you know, being more in flow, which I was just always like, Who has time for that? You know, I'm just like, go go go like theory driven. No. And what was interesting is, I wasn't actually in my power, when I was forcing, I was actually operating more out of fear. When I was like driving in that masculine energy, I had my defences up in different ways that I was able to deconstruct that does allowed me to step into that feminine. And so to truly step into, you know, that power without going masculine, it's so important for women to, to deconstruct those defenses, because that's part of the like, it's very rigid, that energy, right of driving and forcing things forward. And, and, and so deconstructing that so that you can step into all of your power, which is, you know, more of like, looking at yourself, you know, as a woman of like, as the queen, as like the royalty, like that viewpoint of yourself as a woman starts to open up different doors, so that you can step into more of yourself. And I know that that's, like a lot of out there kind of explanation. You know, there are a lot of tactics around that. But I think as women start to see that they're being rigid and in the masculine, that's like the first step. Right. That true, then the other option does come forward.

Brian Charlesworth  21:39  

Okay. Great. And that's, I mean, you talk about creating the success level and being fulfilled, is that is that where the fulfillment comes in?

Stacy Bahrenfuss  21:48  

Absolutely. Yeah. You know, I think that fulfillment is the connection to that why, you know, of what the driving forces, whether it's your family, or, you know, whatever that is for you. Deep fulfillment is, it comes from that connection with yourself and your purpose.

Brian Charlesworth  22:09  

Okay, so you mentioned why, and you mentioned your purpose. So, let's talk about that. Because, as I, I mean, I speak with team leaders, business owners, agents every single day. And it's pretty obvious to know when somebody has a deep why, or a deep purpose. Why is that so important?

Stacy Bahrenfuss  22:42  

It's so important because especially in real estate, and in this business world, it's so easy to get knocked off kilter, there's so many things, unexpected things that come your way. And so it has to be your guiding light. And it has to be tied to something bigger, bigger than you, you know. And I think when you see those people that absolutely have that, you know, unwavering purpose, that connection to their purpose. They are unstoppable. And it's because they have that deep connection that gets them through the good times and the bad.

Brian Charlesworth  23:17  

Yeah, I think that's well said, I think Fear is what holds us all back. Right? Always. And if your purpose is big enough, that fear goes away, you're not going to let some little fears stop you from achieving something that is like your purpose in life, something that's that important, that powerful. But as soon as you don't have that purpose, this fear just overtakes and consumes you. And will just overturn any anything that you want to accomplish. So one of the things I've seen is a lot of people have a fear of getting their life to the next level. They may not even believe it's possible. So just an example, let's just say somebody is used to making $100,000 a year they settle and they're like, yeah, $100,000 a year I have this life, or maybe it's $300,000 a year. But they stop at that level. And it's like they're comfortable, and they don't it's really fear that stops them from going to that even next level beyond that. How do we fear and comfort maybe the unknown of what is out there? How do we open up and not allow that fear and not allow us to limit ourselves in that manner?

Stacy Bahrenfuss  24:37  

Yeah, I think that the biggest thing is, so often we describe success as what someone else has decided success is and I think that that's the biggest, you know, factor in when we're comfortable or we're not moving to that next level is we haven't really connected to what we want. If we have, we have decided for some reason or another that we can't have it. And so what I really tell people is connect to what you truly want. There. And just for a moment, imagine that there is all the possibilities, all the resources because that's the truth. But just because you have that block, you know, play with the idea that anything that you want is possible, what do you truly want. And so often people will start to see that they've settled in some way to, you know, 100,000, or 300,000. Because that is who, you know, x person or someone that they saw that was success. And I think redefining the meaning of success is so important to get out of, of comfort. And also ask yourself, you know, am I stepping into all that I am here to be, you know, we have this gift, to be expansive, and to keep growing, and it's our gift to the world to step into that. And, you know, stop obsessing over ourselves, frankly, you know, in our fears, and, you know, really stuck in all that we're supposed to be.

Brian Charlesworth  26:18  

I mean, I learned more every year, and I have a lot of years. So, you know, just keep learning more and more and more about the way life works and some of these lessons. And I think sometimes it's hard for us to get to that level until our subconscious mind actually believes that we're capable of it. How do we train our subconscious mind to allow us to get to that level? Because a lot of times, that's what's holding us back? Yes,

Stacy Bahrenfuss  26:49  

Yes, that's the culprit for sure. Like in every situation. So you first and I want to bring it back again, to connection, you know, is being able to see the truth about yourself, and what that hidden barrier is, is so big, and the only way to do that is self-reflection, you know, because at the end of the day, any issue that you currently have, is because of you, you're hiding someone, you can call it fear, you can call procrastination, you're hiding and not wanting to be seen in some way because of a fear, you know, of something that happened, like it's all connected back to our either a hurt or a wrong perception. Like it's easy to track it back to that. And so with the subconscious, what's really helpful is asking yourself those questions, you know, what do I truly believe about this situation. And journaling is actually a really great way to just brain dump and get that out, so that you can acknowledge it. And going through that process. And reflecting and writing it down not only gets the subconscious, you know, brain dump out, but you can start to see trends, you can start to see that you're probably having the same challenge or thought process that held you back in another situation two years ago. And so if you can track it back to the root, not the situation, because the situation is just the math, if you can really track it to the root, that's when you can see the true and then you have to create a new story, or, you know, a new vision for whatever you want to move towards.

Brian Charlesworth  28:34  

Yeah, so many people talk about how important it is to journal every morning, my wife is way better at doing that than I am. And, you know, if you're writing something down five years from now, that you're writing down now and you look back and see it's the same thing. Well, you obviously haven't progressed in your life if you're still thinking the same. So I think it can be a really good thing, I found the most helpful thing for me that I started doing a few years ago. Every night when I go to bed instead of watching TV. I'm actually visualizing like that, that perfect live, all those great things that that I see that I'm creating. And then when I wake up in the morning, the first thing I do is visualize the successful outcome that I'm wanting to achieve for every meeting that I have for that day. So it's not just having a meeting is what is the outcome of that meeting? What do I want the outcome to be and visualizing that outcome? has completely I don't know that's, it's been a really, really beneficial thing for me as I've started doing that. Do you have any other recommendations like that that can really just change our lives that just simplify this for us?

Stacy Bahrenfuss  29:51  

Absolutely. Yeah. I love that you do that. It's that also has been a huge way I've moved the needle and different projects and meetings as well. So I appreciate that. You know, I think the only other thing that I've done, that's made all the difference is actually saw who I was being in that visualization. So what I would what I do is, you know, if I get really no focus on a work project, and I realized, oh, gosh, I'm not being the wife that I want to be, you know, where I'm awesome in some way, just really visualizing like that next level of being that that wife, you know, or in the business, like, how am I actually acting? What am I singing? How am I seeing the emotion, and also the feelings? that somebody who's a visualization has sped up my results, because I just started incorporating that in the last year. It's been, I mean, like lightspeed compared to when I was just doing prior. So I would say that other thing. Yeah, be helpful.

Brian Charlesworth  30:59  

Okay. As you can tell, I love these types of conversations. I think it's such a game-changer in our lives. So important to really take us to that next level, you created a system called the Triple Threat system. And I want you to tell us what that Triple Threat system is. And then maybe you could talk about the importance of a daily routine, and what that will do to really improve our lives. 

Stacy Bahrenfuss  31:26  

Right. Yeah. So everything that I do, I do it to simplify it so that I can explain it to someone else that, you know, maybe thought they could never be in real estate and succeed in this way. So that everyone can see they can do anything that they set their mind to. That's just like the basics behind the triple threat. So in the daily routine, what I found with the triple threat is it is very basic, but it's that thing that no matter how crazy life gets, I can do it, whether I have 10 minutes, or you know, expand on it if I have more time. So the first step in the Triple Threat system is I do conscious breathing. And so the importance of conscious breathing, I just set my timer for three minutes on my phone and breathe in and make sure methylation is slower and longer than my inhalation. And so what that does is slow.

Brian Charlesworth  32:23  

Wait a minute, wait a minute, before you talk about what that does. Can you share an example? I mean, yeah, for some of us, like, if you just say that we don't really get the experience. But if we can actually hear that or see that for those watching. I think I think it's beneficial.

Stacy Bahrenfuss  32:38  

Yeah. So you would just take them in inhale, which looks like and then exhale longer and slow.

And you probably notice my shoulders went down, like automatically on that slower exhale. 

Brian Charlesworth  32:58  

Right. So is there a certain number? I went to Tony Robbins event where they talked about inhaling for eight seconds, holding it for 32 seconds. So it was a four multiple of that, and then exhaling for 16 seconds, which was a two multiple of that. So is there which actually has been life-changing for me. But is there anything because our bodies need oxygen? Yeah, we all know they need water. But what we don't realize is they need oxygen. So many of us don't really breathe. Are there any like formulaic numbers that you would recommend on that breathing?

Stacy Bahrenfuss  33:40  

Yeah. So just again, to keep it simple, and incorporate those things as you can provide? I totally agree with you. I mean, everything that I took away from Tony stuff as well, like there's a lot of science behind those, you know, calculate important formulaic processes. But in this example, I just double the exhale. So if I inhale, three counts, I exhale for six. So just to keep it really simple so that you can do it every day, especially for people that be just starting out.

Brian Charlesworth  34:12  

Yeah, okay, great.

Stacy Bahrenfuss  34:14  

Yeah. So the reason we start with that is to calm the water rate, calm, just the area where now you're going to start planting, you know, and providing this area and nutrients and so just having that beginning stage that is calm and aware, is paramount. So after that, then focus on three things you're grateful for. Gratitude is, you know, at the core of success. But I encourage people to focus on the last 24 hours, and simple gratitudes because it starts to train your mind to look at The good in life in the simplest form, which just attracts more good. So a lot of people, it's like, I don't have anything to be grateful for because they didn't get that deal, I want it or whatever, you know, it's just focusing on the fact that you could walk out of bed when you woke up this morning, you know. And so, three things that you're grateful for, then the last step of the triple threat is focusing on your three short-term, and three long-term goals. So that's so important one to study every day, because when you're moving quickly and accomplishing a lot, those evolve with you, right, and so, you know, if you do a vision board, at the start of the year, your business kind of started a year or once a quarter, it's, it's not supporting you at the level that you could be supported, meaning that you could be accomplishing much more so that, you know, constant focus on that keeps it from front of mind. And also, that focus and visualization that we talked about, every day after doing that, you know, calming process, and focusing on gratitude is the perfect concoction to make it all happen.

Brian Charlesworth  36:13  

Okay, so you said that's 10 minutes or longer? Yeah, sounds somewhat familiar to Tony Robbins priming, but different. Maybe a little easier to achieve. Even when you're out at some remote location, how many times a day do you recommend doing the triple threat?

Stacy Bahrenfuss  36:30  

So I do it. I mean, sometimes I'll do it a couple of times a day, um, absolutely, once a day. But I've done it as much as I think, gosh, it was almost 20 times I didn't count. It was a crazy, crazy day. And I just kept having situations that I find myself triggering, you know, and, and so more than anything, the breathing aspect is something that I use. Like I was saying, almost one time, some time. And the Tony Robbins priming, there are a lot of steps in that. Right. And I like that too. And again, I just wanted to simplify some things part of it, too.

Brian Charlesworth  37:08  

Yeah. Okay. So let's talk about a daily routine, I think that's vital that we have daily routines. When you talk about daily routine, it, obviously what you just shared is possibly part of it. But tell us more about the importance of having a daily routine. Yeah, just from your experience.

Stacy Bahrenfuss  37:31  

Yeah, so I mean, everything from waking up in the morning, at the same time, going to bed, you know, around the same time, each night, having a routine in the morning, that includes what I talked about, and then also getting a workout in and learning. So whether it's being able to, you know, read a chapter in the book, you know, your reading, I find that having all of that in the mornings, you know, when accomplishing that sets up today so that I am, you know, so sound in, like my position in situations because I have attended to all of my needs in a really abundant way, at the start of the day. I felt that like anything can come my way, and I can handle it, because, like I've already nurtured myself in that way. So having that morning routine is so important to positioning you in strength for the rest of the day. So I just think, you know, working out learning, you know, having that meditation, breathing routine, and being able to do that every day is key to success.

Brian Charlesworth  38:41  

Yeah, totally agree. Okay, so let's talk about your business. So tell us more. The inside out success method is the name of it correct? So tell us more about what you do. Are you a coach? Are you like, who should come to you? What is it that like you're attracting? And really who is it you're looking to bring into your life to help them grow and succeed in their lives?

Stacy Bahrenfuss  39:17  

Yeah, so you know, women leaders, women, CEOs, women, you know, those global changemakers everyone from like, you know, running a real estate team, I've worked with doctors to, you know, entrepreneurs across the globe, is those women that want to move really quickly, but something that is very specific in my program is it's direct, and it's all results, all based on results, you know, so if you come to me and you say that you want to fix a problem that's been plaguing you for years, we're going 150% you know, in and intend to fix that by, you know, probably the second session because We have a lot more to build upon, you know, after that. So what I'm finding is, you know, those women that want to have the ripple effect, make that impact they want to make, and they're coming to me because these issues that they're dealing with are blocking them from going at the speed they want to operate out, and the impact that they want to make.

Brian Charlesworth  40:22  

Okay, so is are those one on one sessions that you do? Okay.

Stacy Bahrenfuss  40:28  

Yeah. And it's customized in the sense that, for example, I had one woman that she wanted the result in six weeks, and, and I'm like, perfect. If you show up in X, Y, Z way, this is how we're going to run the program, we will get there. And she had been working with another coach for 10 months on the same subject. And within one session, we had gotten to the bottom of what she needed to see to be able to start building the plan into her vision. So six weeks, and it can be no up to eight months. Everything is based around the number eight. Huge Kobe Bryant Yeah, so one of the keep that into things, but that's how it's based, but it's customized if it needs to be 12 months.

Brian Charlesworth  41:11  

Okay. And Stacy, the best way to reach you I've got LimitlesswithStaceyB is your website And Stacy is just S-t-a-c-y. Yeah, so what are other ways to reach you outside of that website?

Stacy Bahrenfuss  41:29  

Yeah, so just to simplify, and the website is the best way. So just go to that website, and everything you need will be there.

Brian Charlesworth  41:37  

So you've got your contact page, I see their app, which allows me to just put in all my information and reach out to you, that's the best way to get ahold of you.

Stacy Bahrenfuss  41:46  

Absolutely, yep.

Brian Charlesworth  41:48  

Okay, awesome. So, just a couple other questions I had for you today, just what is your favorite book or favorite source of learning? It might be podcasts might be, you know, whatever, but we'd love for you to share with others, and I love to hear how people learn. 

Stacy Bahrenfuss  42:06  

Absolutely, yes. Now, I am a huge fan of podcasts, but you know, what I what my daily flow is if you will, is, um, you know, I make a list of all of the books that I want to read, you know, for the entire year, as many as possible, you know, I want to do one a book a week is what I want to read. And then I use YouTube a lot. So whatever, you know, I'm wanting to learn, I go into YouTube and search by, you know, whatever keywords phrases, I'm wanting to learn more now. And I always been, you know, your lead to a new book, or you know, someone talking about something. So that's definitely the way that I like to learn each day because then there's that video, and then I think I'll follow that person on Instagram or you know, podcast.

Brian Charlesworth  42:57  

Yeah, okay. Great. YouTube is something I have not heard. But when I look at my kids who live on youtube, and that's where they they actually learn more on YouTube than they do in school. Totally, totally see that. Totally agree. What is your favorite place to visit?

Stacy Bahrenfuss  43:16  

Oh, I wouldn't like India, which probably is funny, you know, to just take here because I don't know a lot of people that might say that. But the experiences that I've had there I've studied a lot at Oh, now Academy and the wisdom school there. And so it's definitely my favorite place to to go.

Brian Charlesworth  43:38  

Awesome. Most of us probably haven't been to India. I have not even though I've traveled the world. I've been close to there, but I've not been there. So very cool. Thanks for sharing that. And what's your favorite thing to do in your personal time?

Stacy Bahrenfuss  43:52  

I would say travel. It's definitely what balances me It could be a quick trip, you know, up to mountains and mountain biking, hiking and joining that with my family. But or just a quick trip, you know, to go enjoy dinner on a weekend in a big city.

Brian Charlesworth  44:11  

Okay, great. To really wrap this up. What's the most important piece of advice? You've given a lot of advice today, but what's like the one thing the most important piece of advice that you'd want to just leave behind if if we only got one thing out of this today?

Stacy Bahrenfuss  44:28  

Yeah, you know, I just love the idea that we are the problem and the solution, you know, because when you can see that you're able to stop blaming or you know, making excuses and you put yourself in the driver's seat to create the life that you want because you are truly able to create anything that you want to create.

Brian Charlesworth  44:48  

Okay, awesome. Well, Stacy, thanks again for joining today. It's been great getting to know you. Look forward to working with you and getting to know you better in the future. Also for All of our listeners, if you guys would go to give us a five-star review or a review of any kind, we would love for you to give us a review so that we can bring more great guests on to the show. And also, if you subscribe to the podcast, you'll get notified every time we release a new episode. So thanks so much for joining everybody, and we'll catch you next week.


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