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Episode 74 - GRIT - The Real Estate Growth Mindset with Brindley Tucker

Before coming into the real estate world, Brindley Tucker worked in the financial sector and sold country club memberships.  She realized then that the bes

Brian Charlesworth

Brian Charlesworth

Chairman & CEO

Brian is a highly accomplished entrepreneur, business builder, and thought leader in the real estate industry. With a track record of success in software, telecommunications, and franchise businesses, Brian has a talent for identifying and realizing business opportunities. Driven by his passion for technology, Brian is dedicated to using his skills and experience to bring about positive change and improve people's lives through the advancement of technology.

Before coming into the real estate world, Brindley Tucker worked in the financial sector and sold country club memberships.  She realized then that the best way to learn things is to become an assistant to someone doing it.  So when she wanted to go into real estate in 2011, she decided to apply as a real estate assistant and ended up working as a KW Marketplace Director of Agent Services.

This was also the time where she went through massive personal challenges and had to make some major life decisions - one of which was to start her own transactions management company. She started as an independent operation, and in 3 years, she grew her team and was able to close 2,000 real estate transactions in a year.

Due to her success, Keller-Williams invited her to become a MAPS coach to teach and train other people how to do transaction management.  

Today, Brindley Tucker is a licensed REALTOR® and the owner of Your Realty Leverage, Inc., a recruiting, training, and coaching firm where she specializes in unifying teams and helping agents increase leverage in their businesses. 

In this episode, we talked about her journey, how an incident that happened during the darkest point in her life changed her, and how she viewed the world.

Top takeaways:

03:49 Brindley’s vision for her company

05:33 How Brindley went through the darkest part of her life and what it taught her.

12:47 What is Fail Forward Friday?

13:50 Why is Brindley called “The Queen of Leverage”?

15:40 The 5 things real estate agents should be doing from the time they enter the industry

24:33 How do agents determine their hourly rate?

26:21 How to make leverage work for team owners

28:40 The importance of regularly auditing your systems, technology, and people

37:21 What self-care should be all about

38:58 What is Brindley’s number 1 source of growth

To get in touch with Brindley, go to

You may also reach her directly at 727-512-9098 or check her Facebook and Instagram page @brindleytucker

Episode Transcript:

Brian Charlesworth  0:35  

Alright, Hello, everyone. And welcome back to the Grit podcast. I'm Brian Charlesworth and the founder of Sisu and your host of the show, and today I have a special guest with me, Brindley Tucker. I have been wanting to have Brindley on the show for quite some time now. Brindley, I was actually introduced by Ricky Cain, we were just talking about that. Ricky Cain is one of our customers. He's a kW Team Leader who runs a phenomenal business. And I think, Brindley, you were his ops coach, are you still his Ops coach?

Brindley Tucker  1:05  

I'm still his ops coach, so I have the honor and privilege of coaching his entire operations team.

Brian Charlesworth  1:10  

Okay. So anyway, Ricky introduced me to Brindley. Since then, I actually learned a lot from Brindley before a year ago, we rolled out our transaction management. And before I did that, I got to pick Brindley's brain for about an hour and really learn what we needed to do in that platform. Because she's been coaching James on that forever. She's used all the top systems as far as transaction management goes. And so anyway, Brindley, I thank you for helping us get to the level we're at today. But Brindley's background goes back to I think you were a KW agent, and then a KW maps coach, is that right?

Brindley Tucker  1:46  

Well, actually, I started because a little bit further back than that, I decided in 2011, that I wanted to get into real estate. And I had worked in the financial sector sold country club memberships, and everything that I had kind of done, I learned by being an assistant. So which I kind of view that role. In some organizations, it's kind of an apprenticeship, right learning, learning the role before you do it. And so I decided I wanted to go into real estate, but didn't want to dump a bunch of money into real estate, and applied to be a real estate assistant, and was hired by a Keller Williams market center to be what was called a director of agent services. And that was November of 2011. went through some massive personal challenges and journey. And we can certainly dive into that if you'd like and had to make some pretty big life decisions. And because of those life decisions, started a TC company, so a transaction management company in 2012. So we did, I went from just myself to about 2000 real estate, real estate transactions a year, and about three years. And then that's when maps coaching with Keller Williams came in, tapped on my shoulder and said, We'd like you to come coach for us and teach other people how to do this.

Brian Charlesworth  3:05  

Okay, great. So let's continue down the journey, then we'll hit rewind and back up to the beginning. So now from maps coaching, you then started another business, you know, I,

Brindley Tucker  3:15  

I sold the TC business to my employees at the time, and started going because I kind of had this vision of well, we can teach people how to do TC, but if we don't have the people, we don't have anybody to train and teach. And so I started a recruiting and training company called your realty leverage, which still exists today. And I ran that company while I was partnered with maps, helping to build out their Director of Operations coaching program, and then ended up coming back into my business two years ago. And we now my vision has always been to offer every piece of leverage that an agent or a brokerage would need everything from recruiting, to training to transaction management, to listing management, marketing, database, coaching, consulting all of it, but from the operations side of the business. And so that's where we are today.

Brian Charlesworth  4:10  

That's awesome. So I was telling Brindley, before we went live today that she and I have the exact same vision. The difference is she's taking the approach of I'm going to work hand in hand with people and train them on how to do this. And my, my approach was I'm going to provide all the tools to do this. Anyway, it's fun to talk to people who are like-minded and can actually give me ideas to share to take my vision to the next level. So Brindley, let's back up a little bit. You talked about these personal challenges. And you know, the name of this podcast is Grit, because I think everybody has challenges in life. It's so easy for us to look at people who are you know who their lives are elevated. And you know, they may be going through extreme challenges at that point and they just don't show it. But everyone's gone through kind of these, you know, these ups and downs. And I think everyone's had this low where, where their life was like, Okay, this is not where I want to be. And that drives people to take their lives to this level. So I'd love to hear your story about that and love to have you share that and just see how you went from here to where you are today.

Brindley Tucker  5:17  

Yeah, and I think you know, it's so important, I always say check on your strong friends, right, because the people that are often on the outside the strongest, it doesn't necessarily mean that they're the strongest on the inside. And I was that way for a long, long time. And I came into the Keller Williams organization in November of 2011. And I was in one of the darkest times of my life, I had lived in Manhattan, I had gone to school in Texas, I had had all these massive opportunities presented to me and I was 32, I was back home, in my hometown, in a relationship with a man that I didn't necessarily love. It was very much a business relationship, he made sure the bills were paid, and I made sure he was clothed and fed. And I was just really unhappy. And at that time, I was filling this God size hole of not wanting to feel and not wanting to really face where I was in my life and everything that I had really kind of lost and really screwed up my life. And so I was drinking a lot to numb the pain. And when I started working for Keller, it was pretty bad. I would go to their annual conference, the following February, called family reunion. And all I heard at that conference was God family and business. And everyone was so happy. And everybody was so the culture was just so filled with contribution and opportunity. And there was just I walked into that, and I was like, this is what's missing. This is what I'm filling that God size hole with alcohol. And what I need to be filling it with is God family and business. And I came home from that conference. And at that point I was, I was in a pretty dark place. I was probably drinking, I was drinking daily for sure. And some mornings I was drinking just to be able to function to get through the day. And I remember coming back from that conference and saying, I don't want to live but I don't want to die. And God I don't know where I don't know how to get out of this. I don't know how to get out of the situation that I'm in. And I believe that he whispers and then he speaks and then he yells, and then he roars. And I say God, and I always say I don't care who your God is, as long as you don't think it's you, right? university can be Mother Nature, it can be the doorknob, right? As long as you don't think your God. And so I don't have any religious meaning or spirituality behind My God, my God is my God. And that's my business. And, and I believe that is true for everyone. And, and so I've had the whispers, I've had the yells. And my war came Memorial Day weekend of 2012. And I was drinking a copious amount of alcohol at a friend's house and decided to drive in the middle of a blackout. And on the way home, I made a U-turn in front of a motorcycle. And for two days, I thought he was dead. And I thought I was going to prison for a really long time. And I still, because I will never forget it. I can't forget it. I will never forget that morning of sitting on the couch and calling the police station when I got out of jail and to find out where my car was. And they said it was being held an investigation of vehicular homicide. And I remember hanging up the phone and looking at my mom and saying what am I going to do if I killed someone.

And my entire life changed that day. By the grace of God, he did not die. Yet there were a lot of consequences that would be coming down the pipe for me. And I haven't had a drink since that day. I truly believe that he didn't die because God knew I would be more useful out here than I would be behind bars. And so every day to me is a gift. And if I can make an impact every time I tell my story or speak to one person, then it's worth it. And that is also afforded me you know, the opportunity, you know, because of the kW culture at that time, my brokerage had to release me of course, because there were legal implications. And with licensure and all of that, and quite honestly, it's the best thing that they ever did for me because it was the first time in my life that I had to become self supporting. I had to really own up and say like, I'm the only one that can change this and every day is a choice and that's the thing about Grit, right? You don't always want to do it. Most of the time. You don't want to do it. It's you've got to be you've got it. You've got to take the action and know the power of choice in your life and me willing to take the action for the choice. And because of the kW culture, some agents took me in and said, We want to help you, we know you want to make some changes. And we, I started the TC business with a bike and a laptop because I couldn't drive. So I would strap my bike to the back of a Schwinn beach cruiser every morning, and I would bike from brokerage to brokerage,

Brian Charlesworth  10:24  

Where were you living at the time?

Brindley Tucker  10:26  

I was here in Florida, in St. Petersburg, Florida. Okay, and I would, I would just bike from agent to agent just doing work, whatever I could to make money. And that's how I built the TC business. I say I built the TC business on a bike with a laptop.

Brian Charlesworth  10:41  

Yeah, that's, that's an incredible, incredible journey. Thank you so much for sharing that. You know, geez, there are so many things that came to my mind as you were going through that. But the biggest thing is that you got this message, like you said, it came hard and fast and you took action. And Grit, you know, you talked about it Grit is not easy, right? If you're out of your comfort zone, you can either choose to not do it and bow down and let life control you. Or you can have Grit and control life. 

Brindley Tucker  11:18  


Brian Charlesworth  11:20  

So anyway, congratulations on the turnaround that the amazing thing is, I've never heard anything but amazing things about you. And it's just incredible that that one experience caused you to completely turn your life around. And I want to congratulate you because there's some addiction with alcohol. Right? I mean, the fact that your mind was strong enough that you could just instantly say I'm done.

Brindley Tucker  11:49  

Well, I mean, almost killing, almost killing someone will do that. Right? You know, I always say that it was a blessing and a curse, right? Because obviously, that's a really hard thing to deal with, and come back from and, and to have on your, your record, so to speak. I mean, if you google me, like, you're gonna see right mug shots, and all sorts of things. Yet, it was also a blessing because it, I was done that day, because I knew that if I had a choice again, right, the power of choice, but if I ever drink again, the only thing left for me was that I would die or someone else would die. And if someone else died, I might as well be dead. Right? So for me, it was it's either death, or life, and you get to choose. And you know, to your point earlier, people look at me now. And you know, I just celebrated nine years in recovery. And, you know, it's a nine year journey. It didn't happen overnight. And even in the last two years, there's been massive growth. And I think to your point, it's so important. You know, in our organization, we do fail forward Fridays. So on our stand up every Friday, everybody has to share their fail forward for the week. And the reason we do that as an organization is we want people to get comfortable being uncomfortable. Because when they're uncomfortable, that's when they're growing. And that is when we're all growing. And if we're all growing, then the organization is growing, the mission is being fulfilled, the vision is being carried out. And that's where the magic happens.

Brian Charlesworth  13:17  

Just that one piece of advice would change anybody's business. If you're not doing that today, just do that we could end the podcast now. 

Brindley Tucker  13:26  

One thing. Yeah, yeah. 

Brian Charlesworth  13:29  

Yeah, that's great. So now you're this super well respected, you know, coach in the industry. And I want you to start over with what exactly are you doing today? Like, what are all the pieces of, if I'm running a real estate business, what are all the pieces of the business that you can help me with?

Brindley Tucker  13:50  

So leverage is my word, I am the queen of leverage, everyone will tell you that I leverage everything in my life. And I believe that everybody should leverage everything in their life. The true definition of leverage is to use something to maximum advantage. And I say the definition of leverage is to use everything to maximum advantage. And so what happens is that, especially in the real estate industry is we have sales people that come in that are really great realtors, yet, they're not really great business owners and leaders. And we all know Brian, you know, this just being a fellow entrepreneur and business owner that you cannot go to the next level without people. You cannot go to the next level without leverage without systems, tools, models, people. And so our company and what I feel and what I've always wanted is those realtors that didn't know don't know what to do, where to go next, how to succeed through others have a place that they can come and say, I need help, what type of help do I need? And so we have a leverage what we call our leverage services department, which is for that brand new agent that isn't quite Ready to hire a full time assistant, yet they need help. And that's where we offer transaction management, listing management, database management marketing. So that's kind of our here somewhere, you can come all a cart pay as you go, while you're getting ready to hire your first assistant. Okay, then we will go hire the first assistant, right? leverage the process, the agent is still very much involved, because this is going to be your partner, this is the person you're running with, right and your business, we will train that person because most salespeople, most entrepreneurs are not great trainers. And that's okay, you shouldn't have to do it. You know, real estate agents should be doing five things, lead generation, lead, follow up going on appointments, negotiating contracts, and scripts and roleplay. And those are the only five things they should be doing from the day they into the industry. And the day that

Brian Charlesworth  15:55  

Can you repeat those five things? I just think it's important that everyone understand that because I want you all while she repeats these five things to say, am I doing anything outside of that?

Brindley Tucker  16:07  

So lead generation, lead follow up, going on appointments, negotiating contracts, and scripts and roleplay? Because those are the only five things that actually make you money.

Brian Charlesworth  16:20  

Yep. And how many agents are out there? Brindley, that never do script and roleplay? Right, I would say maybe you're going on two appointments a month instead of an appointment every day is focused on all the wrong things.

Brindley Tucker  16:35  

Yeah. Oh, and you know, and I understand and defense, like, not everybody wants to be rejected for three hours a day on lead gen. Not everybody wants to hear no 50 times. And so we can justify that, well, I'm, I'm working on my paperwork, or I'm working, I'm scheduling inspections. And so I'm being productive. But don't mistake busyness for business, right? It's about focusing on the right things at the right time and focusing on that 20%, it's gonna create 80% of your results. And then leveraging everything else to someone else that will do it for less than what you want your hourly rate to be. And that's the thing that shocks me the most, Brian is that most agents don't know what their hourly rate is.

Brian Charlesworth  17:25  

Yeah. If you're a solo agent, you're making $500 an hour. Why would you take an hour or two or three of your day, when you could be paying a VA $3 an hour right? To do this exact same thing. If you're doing work, that shouldn't be your focus. If it's not one of those five things, you should hire someone else to do it. Right. And that holds true. My wife is the one that taught me this because when I got married Spring and I got married about six and a half years ago, and you know, at the time, I mowed my own lawn, I was like, Yeah, I enjoy mowing the lawn, it's time for me to get out and get fresh air. And the reality is, it's not where I should be spending my time. I don't do that anymore. Right.

Brindley Tucker  18:16  

I'll tell you a funny story about Madden and, you know, judge me all you would like listeners. So I was raised by single mom, I'm an only child, my mother's entire life has revolved around me. I've been the center of her universe. And today I was born understandable, right? single mom only child. And I fought it for years, Brian, like, she wants to be my mom all the time. And I'm in my 30s now and why would I want her to be my mom. And I was at a conference with Ben Kenny and he stood on stage. And he said, I don't even put gas in my own car anymore. Because the amount of time that it takes me to put gas in my car, I could be building my next company or hiring my next person. And then he told a story or I don't know if he told it. But there's a story about Warren Buffett. And Warren Buffett goes to the same McDonald's in Omaha, Nebraska, every single morning. And when he gets in his car, he doesn't know what he's going to have for breakfast. There's a cup sitting in his car, and his wife puts a certain amount of money in that cup every morning. And whatever's in that cup is how Warren decides what he's going to have for breakfast. So if it's $2.75, he gets a black coffee and a hash browns. Right. I mean, that's a man who has literally leverage every minute of his life that he can. And so I said, You know what? Bryn, she loves being your mom. Why don't you just pay her to be your mom. And so she's now my personal assistant and I pay her to be my mom. She takes out my trash. He does my laundry. She coordinates the service on my car. And it gives her joy. Yeah, he actually loves being my mom, and then I don't feel guilty because I'm compensating her for it. It also means it's on my terms, right today not hurt. So and so it's, but so many times our egos will prevent us from doing that. Well, if I do it, it's free? Well, no, all that tells me is that you don't know your worth. You don't know the value of your time.

Brian Charlesworth  20:22  

That's right. Yeah. So that's such great advice and know your worth, right. I mean, if you don't know that today, go figure it out. Are you making $100 an hour 500 1000. Many of these team owners in the industry today are making over $1,000 an hour, like, paid way better than any doctor out there? What are they doing with their time? Right? How are they leveraging that?

Brindley Tucker  20:46  

Yeah. And on that point, we're making the same amount as attorneys and doctors, but we don't hold to the same professional standards. Yeah, we answer the phone at nine o'clock at night. We say how high when our clients say jump, instead of setting up the proper leverage to actually run our businesses like true professionals with standards and expectations, which actually will make us more profitable.

Brian Charlesworth  21:09  

Yeah. So anyway, I asked you to repeat those five things which threw you off the course are going down, Brindley. So my apologies for that. Do you want to continue down that journey. So the only thing you should be doing are those five things, and then you are going to continue leveraging

Brindley Tucker  21:24  

And then leveraging everything else. And then when you're ready for that full-time hire, because at some point, if you're using an independent transaction coordinator, or some type of all apart services, it will come to a point where you'll be paying out more than it would be to have someone in house to do it, and your business and your p&l, your profit and loss which you need to have, right? We'll show you when that breaking point is. And that's when we come in and say, Okay, it's time to hire, and you still need to stay focused on those five things. So we're going to leverage your time to go source candidates, interview them, find them, and then you're going to select the one that you want. And then we're going to because you need to stay focused on those five things, we're gonna train them in partnership with you for their first 90 days. And then because you need to stay focused on those five things and leadership, right, that's the final piece is that leadership requires mastery, just like everything else, and a lot of agents have never led. And so then that's when we bring in coaching to help the agent learn how to build accountability and leadership. And you can leverage some of that accountability like Ricky and Cody Cain have, right? So that they can focus on production, they've brought me in as a coach to say, okay, you're going to help keep our ops people on track, because number one, you communicate that way and think that way. And number two, you can hold them accountable. And number three, they feel like they have an advocate outside of the organization, and that they're being invested in, which is a value add to make them want to stay, which will help increase retention. And so and all of those pieces allow, again, the business owner to focus on the things that actually make them money. And do more of that.

Brian Charlesworth  23:32  

Yeah, it seems like most team owners, their goal is to no longer sell our house. But if you're not a great and that's great if you can develop those leadership skills and hold your people accountable and do the things that you know that you're best at. That's great. But if being in production, which those are your highest-paid transactions are the ones you sell yourself, if that's your thing. Why not leverage where you can write my 15 year old told me this story the other day, which I just thought was great too? Yeah, I had a 15 year old talking about leverage. He actually told me that if Ilan musk he read this somewhere. If Elan musk were to drop $100 bill walking to the restroom when he was filling his car with gas. It would not be worth his time to bend over to pick that up. Right. He would be losing money to do that. So anyway, I just thought that was an interesting perspective and

Brindley Tucker  24:30  

Great analogy. It's a great analogy. And you know, here's a simple I mean, simple mathematical, quick equation to figure out your hourly rate is take how much money actually went into your bank account last month, not gross net went into your bank account and divide it by 160. Because that's 40 hours a week for four weeks now. Most of you are working more than 40 hours. I'm being conservative for you. 160 hours is how many hours you would work a month on a base on a 40 Hour Work Week, divide that net cash number that went into your bank account by that 160 hours. And that will give you a rough estimate of what your hourly rate is.

Brian Charlesworth  25:13  

And then when you say net cash, let's talk about this because most estate agents, they have money go into their bank account that net cash gone in their bank account. And then the reality is they should take 30% and put it in a different bank account for taxes, which bank account if you're talking about we're talking about the combination of the two

Brindley Tucker  25:30  

talking about after you take out all of your expenses, your taxes, and how much money you actually get to use for your discretionary income for you, your future, your retirement, your savings, but no, this is after all of your taxes and expenses, because you're not getting that money. Right? So really, in actuality, your hourly rate should be based on the amount of money you're actually getting, and getting to use to find your life.

Brian Charlesworth  25:57  

Yep. So your net, and I just wanted to clarify how, what is that net? Okay, so now, we've gone down that journey of an individual agent, and how they can leverage your business to really, really become, you know, start running a team, have an admin or hire an admin, or let you be their admin. And then let's talk about a little bit further down that road, if I'm a team owner today, Brindley, and you know, you're teaching leverage. So I'm a team owner, and I come to you and say, I've got 20 agents, this is what's working in my business, this is what's not how are you going to approach that?

Brindley Tucker  26:39  

So a couple different ways. I mean, we look, we always look at the client's business and say, okay, where are the gaps. And so that's kind of where our consulting division comes in. Because we've partnered with some of the top ops people in the country that can actually come in and look under the hood and see where all your holes and all your gaps are, and come up with a plan to help you execute what needs to be fixed, right, and what agent were agents, growth is messy. And at every level in your business, your systems are going to start to break. And you have to always be looking ahead and hiring and building systems for growth. You don't hire for what you need right now, you hire for what you need next year. So right now, what we're building in 2021. So the team that you end 2021 with is the team that's going to help you hit 2022 goal. So you need to have, so you need to know what next year's goal is. And by the end of this year, technically, October 1, you should have all of the team members that you need in order to hit that goal.

Brian Charlesworth  27:45  

That's such great advice. Most people definitely I believe higher, based on they have some need. They're like, okay, I can't do this anymore. I've got to hire somebody, versus planning, right, planning for next year. And this is where I want to be I want to move from 300 transactions to 500. How am I going to do that? What are the bodies I need to make sure that happens?

Brindley Tucker  28:09  

You know better than anyone I got systems and at the levels that they will break and how automation is such a vital part of going further faster.

Brian Charlesworth  28:21  

Yeah, I mean, that's 100% of our company's focus is automating your business, right? And really allowing you to scale that. And to your point, it may be bodies, and it may be technology, right? I mean, you need both, you need the things that are going to get you to that next level, whatever that is.

Brindley Tucker  28:39  

So remembering leverage is using everything to maximum advantage. So it's Systems Technology, people, it's all of the pieces, you can't have one and not have the other. And you and you constantly have to be auditing. So are the teams that I coach and work with. We do a systems audit every quarter, right? And we're involving the end-user in that it's not the ops department is creating it and saying, Hey, this is where the system's broken, or this is what the system needs. It's the user. It's involving the end user, the agent, bringing the agent bringing the team leaders to say what's working, what's not working from your end.

Brian Charlesworth  29:18  


Brindley Tucker  29:19  

So many people in organizations, the ops team or the Operations Division builds the system. And by the time it rolls out to the end user, you're having to go back and almost rebuild three quarters of the program, instead of bringing the end user into the development phase.

Brian Charlesworth  29:35  

Yeah, I remember speaking with you the first time Brindley and you told me so much. I was just I think I took about 510 pages of notes. But we built our transaction management afterwards. And the kind of the missing piece that we've had a lot of people asking for for the last year we just rolled out two weeks ago, but I'm sure you know we're always going to be innovating and adding to but the biggest request was I want to be able to send, oh, I have email templates, right? I mean, here's the thing, if somebody goes under contract, every single person listening to this, when somebody goes under contract, if you're a good agent or a good team leader, you have somebody sending out, congratulations, we're under contract. And that goes out to that letter goes out with all the details with the documents to your agent to the agent on the other side of the transaction goes out to your mortgage company, it goes out to your title company. You know, that's a time-consuming thing. I don't know how long it takes, I guess, 30 minutes per transaction, at least. So anyway, we just rolled out a few weeks ago with our last release, email templates, which now can be automated, you don't have to do that every time it can be done for you. Right, that's just one of those pieces of leverage. So I just wanted to bring that up. So I think that's just an example of something you can take off your plate that you don't have to do every day. That's redundant, right?

Brindley Tucker  31:05  

Well, and here's the thing I'll say, if you're listening, and you're your head is spinning, and your eyes are cross, because you're like this system stuff, and all this op stuff, like it makes me want to cringe, that's okay. Go find your person that it doesn't make cringe, go find your partner that can run your Ops, that will do all of this for you at a really high level. It's knowing what your strengths are, but more importantly, what your strengths are not. And then going out and finding the fool to make up for what your strengths are not. And we do something on your point, Brian, where it's called task tracking. And trust me, I'm everyone's best friend and favorite person when I asked them to do this, but for one week, everyone in the organization has a spreadsheet, and they track everything they do and how long it takes. So it's a spreadsheet they have pulled up in the background. And as they do something, right, worked on 123 main or took 123 Main Street live took me three hours. By the end of the week, we're able to go through and see where everyone's time is going. But more importantly, how much it's costing us based on their hourly rate.

Brian Charlesworth  32:13  

Or jumped on Facebook that I'd be there for five minutes to make a post and instead I ended up scrolling for an hour.

Brindley Tucker  32:19  

Exactly, exactly. And then we're able to say, Okay, you've got your, you know, $20 an hour admin doing something that a $5 an hour VA could be doing. So you just made 15 bucks an hour,

Brian Charlesworth  32:36  

Which adds up if you look at every day of the week. Yeah, so to your point there. I think most sales people, most real estate team leaders, I would say they're probably visionaries, right? 100% book rocket fuel. Most of visionaries, go find your integrator, right? Go find that person who's going to be by your side to make sure everything happens. I have one of those. You know, I am a visionary. I have somebody that Frank Felice, he's my integrator he makes sure everything happens with nccu on the operational side that needs to happen. So anyway, it's vital you find that person.

Brindley Tucker  33:20  

And it is and as you scale, we were talking about teams, it's important that you have that person for each division of your company. So I have integrators. I have an integrator in our recruiting division, I have an integrator in our training division, I have an integrator in our coaching division, I have an integrator in our leverage Services Division. And then I have my ops integrator that helps me hold. She's the glue that holds all the divisions together. So truly, all I'm doing is coaching, leaving, and casting vision. And looking at each department going, where are we going next? Where are we going next? Where are we going next? And then communicating that to them and us coming up with a plan together on what do we need Systems Technology people to get us to that next level?

Brian Charlesworth  34:06  

Right? Well, if I was a listener and realtor real estate team leader, I would definitely be calling you right now. So tell us a little bit more about like, maybe how many people are you working with? What's your capacity? And then how do people best get ahold of you?

Brindley Tucker  34:25  

Yeah, so we actually are very fortunate that we're at one of those places where we have hired for growth. So we don't really have capacity issues. At this time. We don't have to take anyone away. We do have some waitlist in our coaching division, because we want to always keep the integrity and make sure that we have the best coaches in the industry. We're always looking for coaches. So if you have an amazing Ops, director or VP of ops or an EA that you think you would like to offer some opportunity to, they will not leave your team. Don't worry. This is an addition to what we find is that People that are coaching actually become better at their role. Right? It's an integrity piece when you're coaching someone else to do it, you better show up and do it the right way.

Brian Charlesworth  35:09  

It's called growth, right? It's called growth

Brindley Tucker  35:12  

It's called growth. And it also gives you the opportunity to give them a little bit of an extra income. So a lot of our rainmakers that we're partnering with are allowing their ops folks to coach with us, you can reach us. We're Your Realty Leverage, Your Realty Leverage so you can go to,, you can also look me up and follow me I'm Brindley, B-r-i-n-d-l-e-y, Tucker, T-u-c-k-e-r and you can reach me directly at 727-512-9098.

Brian Charlesworth  35:56  

Okay, Brindley. So usually I would ask that at the very end, but I wanted people while they were focused on that, I just want to learn a little bit more about your personal life, like what kind of stuff do you like to do in your personal time?

Brindley Tucker  36:09  

You know, it's interesting. When you love what you do, it doesn't feel like work. And I'm a thinker like you, Brian. So I could actually, I have some mentors that we joke that like, we seem so social on the outside, but on the weekend, we're usually in our beds with a laptop and you know, playing with some type of technology or pipeline or screen with it. So a lot of that I also I love to play golf, and I love to spend time with my friends and family. I think, you know, for a lot of years, everyone was like, you need a hobby, you need a hobby. And like, Why? Why do I need a hobby? If I'm truly content and happy with who I am on the inside, and I get joy from what I'm doing, who defines hobby, who to fight? What is golf, the only hobby is, is knitting the only hobby because I'm probably not going to do that all the time, every weekend, right? You know, I truly like I'm right now I'm working on a book, I'm working on a podcast, I'm delivering my first keynote speech in August, because that's really where I want to make the biggest impact is using my personal story to help others. And so that that's where I get my joy and my energy. And I tell people that because I do believe that as a society, we put a lot of pressure on people to fit in this box and, and that self care has to look a certain way. And really self care is you taking care of you, in whatever way is going to take care of you. Now I love my Mani's and my pedi's and my massages don't get me wrong, right? I think it's important. But I've been on a massive physical health journey. In the last year, I've lost close to 45 pounds, I am exercising, I'm working with a nutritionist. And that was the final piece for me. I had to get right spiritually, then I had to get right mentally. And then now the final piece, the final pillar is physically. And when those three pieces of your life are those wheels are spinning, and they're there, you're at your highest level, and you're getting uncomfortable in those and you're constantly raising your lid in those three areas. That's when the magic starts to happen. I truly believe that's when true inner happiness starts to happen. You feel strong spiritually, you feel strong mentally, you feel strong physically. And then the world just opens up because you attract what you are in business and personal. And you know, I have a thing that I say it's expensive to be healthy and it's expensive to be sick. You get to decide, again, the power of choice where you want to invest.

Brian Charlesworth  38:42  

Yes, well said. So Brindley I know you're huge in growth. I mean, you talked about these mentors, you talk about podcast books, you're always you're in clubhouse, managing things, you know, everyone coming in and brainstorming for you like what is your number one source of growth? And a lot of times I'll ask, you know, like, what is your book? Or what is your podcast? Or that you go to, but I'm not asking it on that limited basis for you. Because I know you do so much more so.

Brindley Tucker  39:14  

So there's a couple things. I definitely podcasts are my number one. And typically what I say to people, when they asked me what books they should read, I say what's your biggest challenge? What's the biggest challenge that you're having, personally? What's the biggest challenge that you're having professionally? And then I'll recommend books based on that challenge. I think a lot of times we read books because we see 25 people posted on Facebook that it's the next best book. And so we run to that book yet. It isn't necessarily the best book for us at that time. Right now we are highly focused on scaling. And so I'm reading on scale again for the second time, and I'm listening to masters of scale, which is the podcast by the co founder of LinkedIn, and a great podcast and he interviews a lot of people I'm also on a wealth journey this year. So I decided at 40, to set a goal for every year on my birthday, my 40th birthday, I set a goal to lose 40 pounds, my 41st was just in April. And this is about getting my personal wealth journey, and learning about wealth because I had this big aha, that I can make all the money in the world. But I spend it all because I don't know what to do with it. And I beat myself up for a long time, and I just had this Aha, one day that you just, you just don't know what to do with because you've never studied it. And so this year is really about studying wealth, and how people are accumulating wealth at a high level. So I'm talking to a lot of mentors about that. I'm reading tax free wealth, by Tom wheelwright to kind of get my head around that. So again, it should be about where do you want to grow? And what is your focus want to be, and it should be focused, what happens is we choose 100, things that we want to change all at once, and we wake up in a year and nothing change. Yeah, instead of finding one or two things that this is going to be my focus for this long. And that's all I'm gonna focus on no distractions, and that's when change truly starts to happen.

Brian Charlesworth  41:16  

Yes. blitzscaling is a book you may want to look at, as well. You said so much. They're just great, great stuff. But make sure what's the best book? Most people say this the best book changed my life? Well, at what point were you at when you read that, so that it did change your life? Because we're all at a different place in our life. And we all need different things. And I love that you're focused right now on Hey, I, I want to create wealth. What are the best ways I can do that? Now I'm making this money? How do I create wealth now? So I'm not spending everything?

Brindley Tucker  41:51  

Exactly. You know, there's a secret of a Millionaire Mind is a great book, and it talks about the cycle. And also the psychology of money is another great book. And it talks about we, you know, as a psychology of the way that we view money was not chosen by us. It was chosen by the way we were raised, right, the way that we were taught money, and our circumstances and our experiences. And when I was able to say, you know, my mother taught me how to live poor better than she taught me how to live rich, you give me you know, $1,000 and I'll stretch that out for three months. You give me 10,000 it'll be gone in a day. Right? And so I had to learn how to reverse my psychology around money and the way that I viewed money in order to start saving it. You know, one of my mentors Nicky Baldini said to me once, when you learn to respect money, you get to keep it, right. It respects you. And so I think it's just, you know, we could do a whole nother podcast on wealth and money and the psychology of money. I think the most important thing is, is that whatever it is, you want to change in your life, that you make a commitment. You, you find the tools, the resources and the mentors that you need, and focus on it long enough until you see the change. And then the last thing I would say about books is if you read a book, and you're two chapters in and you're like, I'm not feeling this, put it down, put it on a shelf, save it for later. Don't feel compelled to finish the book. I mean, I can't tell you how many unfinished books around my house that I've picked up later when I was at that right time, Brian, like you said, and I Oh, yeah, I remember that book. And I picked it up. And I read the whole thing in two days, because it actually was something that was applicable to where I was in my life at that time.

Brian Charlesworth  43:39  

Yes. All right. My last question for you. 

Brindley Tucker  43:41  


Brian Charlesworth  43:42  

Where's your favorite place to go? Like, what is that place to just feed your soul?

Brindley Tucker  43:48  

Bellingham Washington, and I'm headed there in July. It's just a magical place. It's a place that I visited because of my dear friends, Julian Snell. And Ben Kenny. And I fell in love with it. And I've spent my last two summers up there, and I'm going up for a part of this summer. And it's just completely different from where I live. And it's quiet and it's peaceful, and it's the mountains and it's, it's just a really magical place.

Brian Charlesworth  44:17  

Well, you live right here and it's not here. You can't get any further away at all. It's awesome. Well, again, is website-friendly. It's been amazing spending this time with you. Every time I talk to you, I learned from you. And that's why I love to talk to you. That's why I'm grateful I had you on the show today. Anyway, thanks so much for joining everybody. Check out her website. I mean, she is the boss in this industry as far as ops goes. So make sure you check that out. And Brindley thanks again for being on the show.

Brindley Tucker  44:53  

Absolutely. Thanks, guys. And thank you for having me, Brian. It's an honor and a privilege.


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