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Jeff Moore, CEO/President at Blue Sky Home Group, CEO of Outsourced Systems & Integrations - Automate the Pain Away: Systems For Team Leads That Create Massive Leverage and Ensure Quality of

[00:00:00] All right, last speaker here on this track, bringing on Jeff Moore, good friend of mine. Jeff, what's up, man? [00:00:09] It's good to see you.

Zac Muir

Zac Muir

VP of Sales & Marketing
Zac was one of our first hires. Outside of waging war on spreadsheets and time-killing systems, Zac loves to push the boundaries of what's "safe" on a wakeboard, spend time on the golf course or tennis courts, and more than anything, live life with his beautiful wife and 4-pound dog, Twix.

[00:00:00] All right, last speaker here on this track, bringing on Jeff Moore, good friend of mine. Jeff, what's up, man?

[00:00:09] It's good to see you.

[00:00:11] Good to see you. Yep. I'm glad you hopped on. And I think we have a lot to talk. You've been all over the place.

[00:00:18] You have going on. You have your business. Maybe just give us a little background on you and what you're up to these days.

[00:00:24] Yeah. First of all, have you have you eaten in the last two days?

[00:00:27] I need to eat. So, yeah, this is my last one. I'm going to grab a bite and then we're on onto the next track.

[00:00:34] So you're thinking about.

[00:00:36] Yeah, I'd be running down. One sees it and that's that's how I felt. So if my boss was nice enough to hook me up with that.

[00:00:46] But yeah, I mean, the wealth of knowledge that's been through this is been unbelievable.

[00:00:50] Man, you guys definitely knocked it out of the park because the people like you hopping on here and just sharing what you got and everyone is with their knowledge. So, yeah.

[00:01:02] And so I I'm from Denver, Colorado. I have a real estate team here too. And then in the last, what, five months, a couple of co-founders and I started of Siris. What we what we noticed was such a hole in the industry with helping teams and agents kind of fill the gaps between systems and automation's. Right. And going back to what he said before was, man, there are so many shiny objects. There are so many things out there that for the age and it's kind of hard to pick which one is going to be good, which one works with you, and how am I going to make it work with everything else. And so we saw a hole and we filled it. And it's it's been it's been amazing for us for the last couple of months for sure.

[00:01:51] So talk me through what science does for you yet.

[00:01:56] So, I mean, really, we're just on the first cut. On the first call. We're kind of get a sense on what you do. Right. And get an idea of what workflows, what's your vision, how do you want to scale, what's your ultimate goal? And then we're going to work backwards into basically creating a flowchart. And again, I feel like all these different speakers have kind of validated this approach. Right. And consumers, it's all about that consumer experience. So we need to figure out how does the consumer experience need to look? Right. What do they need to get right and what time period is it? A call within five minutes. Is it a text A versus a KMA versus a list of homes, whatever. And then once you've got what your consumer experiences reverse engineer it into, OK, how do I make that work with six different lead sources, referrals, my CRM, my website and all these different pieces? So that's part of what we'll do is we'll take that ten thousand foot view and then put together a flowchart more or less for your entire system. And the idea is to give you a foundation that you can bolt on. Now, multiple sources write multiple different things as they come along in the next couple of years.

[00:03:19] And you can scale. Right. So we're like a done for you type of a company instead of a done with the type of a company. The idea is to give you something that you can scale with agents, you can scale with lead sources, and you have now systems you can use for years to come.

[00:03:39] Yeah, I know automation plays a big role in this. I remember actually when you came on to see do you start you dug in quick. You had all these things you were automating. I was like, man, this guys are really going after. I thought it was really cool. And I think that's part of what qualifies you to go and do something like what you're doing. But I mean, talk to me about automation and the role it plays and how you guys tackle some of that automation in our in our industry right now is the sexy term.

[00:04:10] Right. And it's a little for me, it's a little bit cliche and it's a little bit like, look, automation, we're not doing automation for the sake of automation. We're doing automation because of the we want the client experience to be better for a lot of team leaders. Our client is the real estate agent. So going back to all the speakers before me, you know, we talk about how to get the the clients experience, the agents experience to, say, less than three months with the lead. Right. How to pay attention to alerts when they come in. Right. And so you've got great products like why low blow like you guys, you know, and and some open API, some open companies that say come figure it out and integrate. And that way, when there is something that raise their hand, the agent can pay attention. Now, more to. Those then just blasting through a call list, right, and I think we have increased the agents dollar per hour over the last couple of years with technology, we've honed in their skills to conversion, to appointment to clients. Right. And now automation makes the things that are not that easier. It makes that stuff come to the forefront.

[00:05:30] So using tools like slack, using tools like Xabier, I mean, Xabier is just a giant hole, right? That you're like, man, you can spend your entire life working on Xabier. But if you're if the agents experience is really clean and they're getting those hand razors, that's the goal. That's why we have to do it all.

[00:05:53] I'll add something on automation. I've run into this. A lot of people want to automate a process that isn't defined and they don't know how it works. And it's like, let's just slap automation on it and it just makes things worse. Right?

[00:06:04] I mean, it's it's crazy because, like, if you can if you've got to think on the front end, right. What's what's the end experience going to be like and then work your way backwards to the technology. Don't place tiny objects because there's lots of great apps, lots of great technologies or more than one CRM.

[00:06:22] Right. And you've got to find the one that fits for you, but you have to know what do you want first and then reverse it into how do I make it work.

[00:06:33] So that's why that that flow charting is such a powerful process. I mean, it's it'll be amazing to have this flow chart afterwards. But half of the value from, in my opinion, is actually you taking the time because I found this myself, I think I know the process, but you start digging in there and you've got to write it out and you got to explain to someone who is coming, fresh eyes on your business and they own your business and you find a lot of holes and you're like, yeah, I mean, just getting your thoughts down onto paper is like our thoughts up here.

[00:07:06] Do we have life? We have lots of stuff going on and we kind of help break that down and put your thoughts on paper, help you discover what's possible, and then now you can start to leverage it and automate it. And you don't need a lot. You don't need a time. But, man, if you can automate a couple of things in your life, I mean, you're looking at time. And just like he said before me was time is your number one currency. This is all to get time back, basically.

[00:07:37] So I'm curious how much of what you guys are doing and what you're finding, I'm sure, how long is how long have you been running this?

[00:07:46] This year? So we've only had it for about four months. Yeah, I saw the launch is awesome. I was really excited about it. And I'm sure you've been learning a lot in there. How much of your work is just minimizing?

[00:07:59] Totally 100 percent. Right. It's like simplifying it down to like what's and I, I'm a I used to coach soccer at a super high level, so I have a license.

[00:08:09] And so I learned early on in my coaching career, what is one solution that solves five problems. So you stop a training session and I coach a player, I go, what's the one thing that can solve all of these? And that's it. And automation. So simplifying our workflows so that we can kind of pivot off of those in multiple different ways. I mean, that's kind of fun, right? It's kind of it's kind of a that's where my passions and I love working on workflows and I love solving those problems because then I want my agents to be able to work on two different, simple, simple things.

[00:08:47] And our CRM is stage right and just communication, paying attention to the leads when they jump at you, right? Yeah, great.

[00:08:56] Yeah. And relate from my world to it's in our CRM. It's we measure one thing, we're very heavily measures. How many leads do you have an open task with. Right.

[00:09:06] How many, how many leads, how many balls can be juggling at once and having those one two things because I have a conversation with Chris who's over it with his team. Eighty percent of your results are probably coming from twenty percent of your processes. Right. But you can get that twenty percent rock solid. It's like magic, right?

[00:09:27] Yeah. And if you get that and that's where Susie was brilliant. Right. Because then if you can get into there looking at the tracking of the numbers and you can see how that one zero process or your sign call process or your your Facebook or Vilaboa is working now, the cool part of like, wait, what you guys have is eight. You can see what agents are like and each different lead source. So I can send my lopa leads right to my local guy. I can send my Zello leads to right to my Zillow guy.

[00:09:57] Then now you've just instead of having to double down money wise financially, now you can double down into the right spot. And that's that's a perfect model there. It's a lot of fun to look at that and kind of figure out how that's going to look on your individual team.

[00:10:19] And everybody's a little bit different. Everybody has a different way of doing it between referrals. There's lots of different ways to sell real estate. Right. And that's part of it is to figure out how you can work with all these different platforms and still get the effect that you want without having to learn, you know, technology. There's lots of great agents out there that are phenomenal in the relationship. Phenomenal, right. But they don't know their way around technology too much. Right. So I really feel for a lot of those agents because I feel like in our law, the landscape right now is just littered with lots of apps, lots and lots of different apps. And they all work. They all work. Right. So we're going to help kind of break that down and to see how it's going to be useful for them. And that way they don't have to go learn an application or a technology. They can stay in their lane, you know, and sell.

[00:11:20] It's so when you when you get in with your clients, what are some what are some workflows and processes that you're seeing almost repeatedly that need fixing, that need looking at on average?

[00:11:35] I might if it's OK, I could share my screen. They'll be awesome. And it's a lot of the times it's just how can you get alerts, notifications back? You see Xabier here. Yep. OK, so I pulled up my team's account. Right. And so these are priority alerts that have come back to our team. And I can't tell you how many times these alerts get missed on other teams like big time. Right. And so for our team now, if it's in the pond, they can click on this and it'll basically jump over to the lead and our CRM for them to claim I love it. Right. And how simple is that? You don't need to know how that works, but that's the that's the end product. I wanted my agent to be able to hop on alerts quickly without having to think about it. Right. And so a lot of the times it's just information and and.

[00:12:37] As we get notification fatigue, there's no doubt about it, we get lots of calls, emails, push notifications and all that. So I want to as a team leader and as an automations person, I want to put all that down into one simplified notification. That is the right notification. It's the one to pay attention to, not the email.

[00:12:58] That's not worth a darn right. So a lot of that. Lots of.

[00:13:03] I love it. Good. Good comment from Pete here.

[00:13:07] Kind of just going back to that whole simplifying is trying to find what works and using Sisu or tool like ours to measure that.

[00:13:17] And then you're either going to try to take the effort to coach up a lead source, which can be done, or you're going to you're going to cut out and pump that time and effort back into something that is working.

[00:13:29] And it's funny because I see a lot of teams that we get over the years. A lot of teams have just dumped tons of money in leads. Right. And they failed forward by saying we blew that one, but we can just get more. We just get more and more and more and more leads. And that's not necessarily bad. Horrible thing. But if you can keep your budgets tight and you can squeeze out more from specific sources, you're actually running a lot tighter ship and come a year covid where a lot of people are are throttling back. You don't need to write. I've seen a lot of that stuff. But I mean, we again, we live in an age where apps are really good and everybody's got an open way to to work with them and not a lot of instructions beyond a video, beyond some some basic instructions to help users really plug them in and get them to work.

[00:14:30] So I wanted to talk to Jeff.

[00:14:33] What is in your mind and what you're seeing, the role of the CRM, how much of your work is just trying to figure out the CRM? Because, I mean, personally, I think that's the biggest thing, especially for sales agents CRM. But maybe you could talk a little bit to that.

[00:14:49] Yeah, I guess one thing is agents probably use 50 percent of their CRM capabilities. And when you talk to some of these owners of the CRM like Dan and whatnot, they say the number one reason why people leave the CRM is because. Well, not because, but it's users that are not using more than 50 percent of it. Right. And a lot of the reasons why is they just don't feel comfortable doing it. They don't have the time to start playing trial and error and learning. Right. So they just stay in their lane and they rather revert back to, oh, this works. I'm just going to keep doing this right. And if we can help them get over that hump and start to use more of what the functionality has, then you're going to convert more.

[00:15:38] You're going to have more leverage that way.

[00:15:42] Studies on that to Frank Frank on our team, a bunch of studies around CRM usage that basically said a one percent increase in CRM is going to be it was like point six. Increase in revenue are directly correlated, boosting your revenue just from people using the CRM. So then as a team leader, half your battle becomes, how do I just get my agents using the CRM? Right. Your example is awesome. The screen share that you did because you're giving them another way to interact and get into the CRM. That's easy. It's quick. It's powerful. I love that automation. I think it's awesome.

[00:16:17] Yeah. And think about there's another app out there that we use called Calling and Calling. We will call the lead, you know, just much like a real dot com type of elite source. We will call your agent, the agent that picks up gets directly outbound dial to the lead. Well, we've programed it now to after that call, the agent can disposition it and say an appointment. It's an agent, it has an agent, whatever. And now they don't have to go back into their CRM to change the stage or move the lead or whatever.

[00:16:49] They just got to respond to the text message. Right. And that's not that difficult, but it saves that agent tons of time having to log back in while they're at dinner with their wife or whatever. And so that's where this is like the brain of the operation, right? It's like what I what I say is I want you to imagine a lot of clients. I say imagine what the close your eyes. Imagine what your Ferrari looks like. Right. Map it out in your head. What does it look like? OK, now my job is to go put together the Lego pieces and draft the instructions.

[00:17:25] Right. And and so as we build, we start to integrate other pieces. Right. And when we integrate those other pieces now, it just soars like lead. To CRM, to a mailer, to C.M.A, what do you want that experience to be? That's ultimately the question.

[00:17:46] So another example, people do like a disposition for appointments to this appointment. Happen or not, it's going to text directly to the agent. The agent will respond yes or no, that's going to go back into the CRM. And I'm as an agent, I'm still interacting with the CRM. It's just easier. It's faster. It's kind of in my face. Right.

[00:18:07] So, yeah. And that's where a guy like Daniel Posten. Right. He built that brilliant linkup with follow up to Sisu. And after after the appointment, he's he's starting to do a dispositioned text message to the agent, Smara Smart. And now Sync's right up to Sisu. And that's what I've been working on lately, is alternative CRM to go right into Siza without having to make sure the data is right, make sure it's not. It's linking up the right way and it's quick, right?

[00:18:40] So that's what I tell to start. I tell people to on Sisu is ideally you imagine you walk into your office and you've got this big leaderboard that's showing how many conversations or how many appointments or how many dials. And if it didn't happen in the CRM, it didn't happen. Right. Well, I'm I'm engaging with Sisu. I'm seeing this leaderboard. It's driving my performance, but ultimately it's driving me to get back into that CRM because one percent increase in CRM usage, I'm going to see a point six increase in revenue or more. So, yeah.

[00:19:11] Yeah. I mean, and I'll remember, too, we always work off of these lists and agents, right. We get our list and we start to hammer down our list. Well, that's starting to become less efficient, right? We're basically categorizing people all into the same list. Well, what if we automated some of the the long term follow up or even the medium term follow up?

[00:19:33] And your time was now spent just paying attention to the people who raise their hands. How much better quality of life for an agent would that be and how much more productive could they be with that?

[00:19:47] Now, one last say I want to talk about here. I mean, that whole kind of spreadsheets you see to see, I feel like sometimes half the job with tech vendors, with all that is just trying to kill spreadsheets. I'm sure you see a lot of them. Is that line of work, too?

[00:20:03] Yeah. You've got to know what I mean. How we use spreadsheets. It's like a it's like a centerpiece to the language. Right. So we put information from one place onto a spreadsheet and then we pull from the other place from that spreadsheet. Interesting. And it's a language because the fields that don't map across well pretty well. And so you've got to put it into one one house and then pull from that one house. And that that brain in the middle is what jobs are. Right. Like that is the application. And without having to go build your own software, which is costing millions of dollars, you've got great tools out there already. FTT Xabier, you can get into eight of us if you if you know some of that. But that's the key, is that centerpieces being spreadsheets.

[00:20:51] And so for us, like we put all of our API keys, I put our agents Sisu agent ID on our on our roster when when we have them fill out their agent onboarding form, we use the API, we plug them in to Sisu, we grab their agent ID, plug it into our roster so that whenever we do anything down the road, we've got a good, clean Sisu agent id you along.

[00:21:21] And I think that's, that's what spreadsheets are good for, storing little pieces of data, different things like that. When a spreadsheet becomes a system of record for core business functions, you're either going to spend a ton of time updating it or it's just not going to be accurate.

[00:21:37] So if that's not visual, right. I mean, as as an agent, I'm not going to be using that as a competitive thing. Like, it just looks like data. Right. But if I see colors and I see points and I have make it competitive, then, man, that's when it can get really productive. And that's the separator for you guys.

[00:22:00] An analytical person might enjoy a spreadsheet, but most salespeople we're not talking spreadsheet. People are talking. Put a label board up with a pie chart and show me where I stand in comparison to my peers. That's my language. Right?

[00:22:12] So, yeah, give me something to brag on that I can see or or better on your phone.

[00:22:18] Right. So I feel like a lot of work when you're talking systems. It's just how how do we kill a lot of the time anyways.

[00:22:28] Was Emmet was asking, are there ZAPORA resources we can hire or just build out apps for us? I mean, that's that's kind of what you guys do, right? Democrats come and tell you, here's the Ferrari now help me build it, right?

[00:22:40] Yeah. Basically, it's like it's a series of a couple of calls to kind of figure out what you're intending to do. We don't again, I'm a team leader, an agent by heart. So I have that ten thousand foot view to help you kind of decipher what exactly is needed, what's possible now possible. But, yeah, you can you can jump in and you can see the zaps that are available. Use them. How could they apply for you and then you that when you open that door up you can see what's possible. It's like you can go down a rabbit hole pretty darn quick. But yeah. And Xabier is just just a system that's that helps you prove the model works and and all that. You ultimately you got to go to a company to sync things up like Daniel posting's. Right. And that's what we're working on as well as is a sync up tool outside of Xabier because it has its limitations and you can't rely on it forever. But ultimately, it's a good it's a good what I call sutures stitches to the surgery. You don't want a Band-Aid. Sutures are pretty good. Ultimately, a surgery is going to cost you more money, put you out for a while. But yeah.

[00:23:52] And you're building actually like Mariusz, asking if you could clarify your building like this unique kind of workflows and automation's.

[00:23:59] Ok, yeah.

[00:24:01] And you can do anything from an email. I mean, the power of the tech right now is just out of control. You can grab you can grab different lead sources. For me it's all about leads because that's going to drive our business and conversions. And so we're always looking at ways to to help lead generation and conversion engagements and.

[00:24:21] Well, Jeff, I'm going to have to have our guys throw your contact info up there in the comments of a couple of people asking. I think it's a very needed and onepoint service I'm really excited about. Guys are doing and love that you work with Sisu and, you know, Sisu in the background like.

[00:24:38] That's a Sisu for me, but anything you want to leave us with before I finally go grab a bite to eat?

[00:24:46] Yeah, I would just tell people, don't go don't go pulling the trigger without having somebody help you with the ten thousand foot plan out what you want on the on the back end, on the consumer experience and then the tech will discover itself.

[00:25:02] Ok, I love that. That's good advice. All right. Thanks, everyone. We'll take a 30 minute break on track B and then we'll be back with is our next.


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