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Jennie Wolek, Founder CEO, The Wolek Group - How to Build and Expand A Massive Agent To Agent Referral Network In 2021

‍ Brian Charlesworth: [00:00:00] Hey, everybody, we are back streamy hard crashed on us and we are back, so I'm here with Jenny Wolak today. Brian Charlesw

Brian Charlesworth

Brian Charlesworth

Chairman & CEO

Brian is a highly accomplished entrepreneur, business builder, and thought leader in the real estate industry. With a track record of success in software, telecommunications, and franchise businesses, Brian has a talent for identifying and realizing business opportunities. Driven by his passion for technology, Brian is dedicated to using his skills and experience to bring about positive change and improve people's lives through the advancement of technology.

Brian Charlesworth: [00:00:00] Hey, everybody, we are back streamy hard crashed on us and we are back, so I'm here with Jenny Wolak today.

Brian Charlesworth: [00:00:09] We're going to be short on time, Jenny, but you've got about 12 minutes. Jenny is going to really fill us in on an agent database so you can get referrals. And I'm going to turn it over to you, Jenny. All right.

Jennie Wolek: [00:00:23] Thank you. I am so excited to share with you on one of my most favorite topics ever. Clearly, it's my passion because I have built a big business around agent agent referrals. 30 percent of our business come from agent referrals to Tulsa, Oklahoma, in the middle of America. And so we're just super grateful that we get to have referral partners that are so amazing. And the really the key and the things that I think the secret behind building a big agent referral database and network is just that building a database. It's another database, just like your local sphere of influence, that you have systematic touches and plans and systems all attached to. The same is true for your agent referral partner network. And that's really over the past five years, I've got really purposeful about growing it, adding value to our partners. And I think that you can see over time as we grow in our database, just like our local database, as you grow your database, you grow your business. And so so far this year, we've already gotten to help, help over 40 to families that are moving to or from Tulsa that have been connected with us from referral partners.

Jennie Wolek: [00:01:45] I think the really important thing for anyone who's thinking about adding this to their business. First off, you should get really clear on where are people moving to and from in your location. So for us here in Tulsa, we're really transient between oil and gas business. So Dallas and Houston and north northeast Oklahoma, northwest Arkansas is really popular in location and moving. So know who is coming your way and then start reaching out and networking and generating to agents in those areas. I created a Facebook group. Oh gosh. Four years ago now because I knew that I loved in my heart. I love teaching and training and sharing with real estate agents because I've done this business for so long, almost 20 years, that I don't want them to waste all the time that I wasted and figuring out how to have a big business while also having a big life. And so that's where I created a Facebook group and a page and a website just for real estate agents.

Jennie Wolek: [00:02:52] It's called Your Journey with Jenny so as to join if you're not in there, because in there, I'm going to always be sharing things like how with the systems that we do in our business and how we set up our database and how we nurture and love on them with events and all the new virtual stuff that's going on. And really what I discovered, Brian, is that when you grow a big referral based business like we have, is that not only is it awesome to generate the business, but you have to deliver an amazing client experience for their clients. We've got to ensure that the deal closes and that they get a paycheck and then that they feel loved and communicated with just exactly like our clients do. So really, you have to switch your thinking to yeah, there might be a referral fee attached and still it's usually warm to hot leads and referrals that you get to work with and it's just so much fun. So that's my really quick spiel on why you should do an agent's agent referral database business.

Brian Charlesworth: [00:03:59] So how much of your business comes from referrals?

Brian Charlesworth: [00:04:05] Yeah, so our local database business is 50 percent and our agent referral database is 30 percent. So you can see that 80 percent of our business is from us having systems and touches that are set up to level people so that when they think of real estate, they think of us. That's just over the years we've I've really worked to grow this kind of raving fan network of of agents who they think of Oklahoma, they think of of us, and we're just so honored. And then the team is set up to help make sure that everybody's staying and communicated with their systems along the way. So that's really, I think, what's key and I think communication is always the answer to everything. So whether it's with your local database or your agent database, you can do it. This, like all things when it comes to real estate. You have to have a system and usually handsfree systems are awesome because as busy real estate agents get caught up in the day to day grind of the business and we have to have systems. So for us, we use viral marketing that helps us send two videos a month out to our agent database. So we have an agent database. It's over two thousand real estate agents that we've worked through. We know I'd call them our Met database and the Facebook group. We have thirty eight hundred agents that have opted in to hang out with us and learn from what we're doing and how we're having success in our business. So that's been lots of fun.

Brian Charlesworth: [00:05:40] So it's pretty unreal. So you're saying I mean, most people spend, I think most of their time or just trying to call leads, paying for a lead or something like that. But 80 percent of your business is coming from referrals, whether it be agent referrals or client referrals, which is incredible. So if I'm brand new in this region, you just mentioned viral marketing. I'm brand new in this business. Or brand new to doing this. What are some of the key things I have to do immediately to make sure I can get this to be a major part of my business in twenty twenty one?

Jennie Wolek: [00:06:23] Yeah, I mean, I actually made a list of the things that I think are really important. If you decide this is going to be a segment of your business, you need to create a database around it. You probably already have one. You probably are in Facebook groups with other real estate agents. You probably have a network of real estate agents from across the country. Back in the days and we traveled in person, I always went to all the conferences and I met the agents and I networked and I added them to my database. So you got to build a database and you got to attach systems and basically a playbook on how you're going to touch them inside of a year. So for us, I know two videos a month are going in their inbox. Those get posted on social media. I'm going to be friends with them on Facebook, have them in my group, have them on a page where they get to see the value of being in relationship with us. And I want to give that value back to them. I want to love on them and make them feel whole and good about being in a relationship. It's like all relationships and you got to know your value.

Jennie Wolek: [00:07:24] Even if you're never in the business, you have value and you have talents. And so how can you share that with your referral partners across the country? So be real strategic. Who is moving to and from your area? So go find partners, real estate agents in the other areas that are moving to and from. And then you you give them a call and you say, hey, it's Jenny with the Wallet Group in Tulsa, Oklahoma. Many times we have buyers or sellers moving in or out of town and and a lot of them are coming or going to your area. So I was just wondering if you have a go to referral agent in my market and if not, can I can I win you over and be that person for you? And so then you become Facebook friends, then you follow on Instagram, then all the things just like you do with your local database. It's just a different switch of your mindset to think that now my clients are realtors and the realtors happen to have the buyers and the sellers and I want to attract more of them to me.

Brian Charlesworth: [00:08:24] And who who knew that that many people would be moving to Tulsa. Right. How many what's the population there?

Jennie Wolek: [00:08:31] Well, we are about half a million. And with our suburbs, we we get almost to a million.

Jennie Wolek: [00:08:37] So where what how many transactions are you guys doing now?

Jennie Wolek: [00:08:43] So what's crazy is twenty twenty. We already have exceeded last year's numbers. And I'm just so excited that our that our team is crushing it all through this year. And so we are ten people strong here in Tulsa. Last year we had five team members and we helped one hundred and forty five families. And this year we are on track for our goal that we just didn't think was going to happen of one hundred and eighty five families here in Tulsa.

Brian Charlesworth: [00:09:07] Ok, so you're you're basically doing two hundred transactions a year in Tulsa, which which is incredible. I didn't know I didn't know that many homes sold in Tulsa.

Jennie Wolek: [00:09:17] Hey, no, just kidding. I know you're bigger than that.

Brian Charlesworth: [00:09:20] So if you were to just give some last advice just in a couple of minutes that we have, Jenny, like, what are the key key things that you would say to somebody get get going on this? Now, here's what you need to do.

Jennie Wolek: [00:09:36] You know, something that just popped in my mind is something that I think applies to all things. And social media is clearly a channel where we're all connected these days.

Brian Charlesworth: [00:09:46] And I love this phrase. Be interested. Not interesting. And I see so many people on social media. Oh, non. Stop posting and shouting from the rooftops about all their listings. And I think that they need to switch that to be it's awesome to be a real estate agent. We have the best job in the whole world. We get to help people buy and sell houses. It's so exciting and fun. Then just make that be your post like the fun life of a real estate agent. Here's what I get to do. How cool is this? I'm so grateful. Share your gratitude and have a system around how you're going to do it. But don't overdo it. People in your local database and even your agent friends across the country. When you talk too much on social media, you might get muted the saying, isn't it?

Brian Charlesworth: [00:10:36] Isn't it that way? I mean, even when you go into a presentation, if you're trying to be really interesting but not interested, you're probably not going to get very far. Right?

Brian Charlesworth: [00:10:46] They're going to use somebody else because you, Brian, be you know who you are. No. Your behavioral style. Figure out what you love and do more of that when you're authentic and real, that's when you're going to attract the right people into your world. And that goes through with your local database, your local business, and also your agent referral partner.

Brian Charlesworth: [00:11:10] Awesome. So while we're here with Jenny and waiting for our next guest, are there any questions that anybody has if you want to post those into Facebook? We'll get those up on the screen and share those out.

Jennie Wolek: [00:11:26] So I'll add real quick, I don't know if I got to share at this time is I do have a Facebook group and a website called Your Journey with Jenny. And so if you want to ask to join that group, that's where I share everything. I'll share the viral videos that we do. You can copy all my stuff. I love rip, rip off and duplicate R&D. You can borrow any of our stuff and make sure that you also have a super big business and a big life to the Facebook group again is called What?

Jennie Wolek: [00:11:56] Your Journey with Geneste and it i.e. your journey with Jenny. OK, one.

Brian Charlesworth: [00:12:04] Jenny, thank you so much. I apologize for the technical difficulties.

Brian Charlesworth: [00:12:09] And anyway, the good news is we've got this recorded. We're going to share it out. And thank you so much for joining us today. We're going to end this on time. And we'll be right back with everybody in just a few minutes. All right, Jenny, thank you.

Jennie Wolek: [00:12:24] Bye. Bye.


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