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Kyle Whissel, CEO & Team Leader at Whissel Realty Group, How The Whissell Team Will Go Big To Break 500 Transactions in 2021

[00:00:00] All right, everyone, Kyle whistle the man, the mystery, the myth is in the house. [00:00:05] What's up? So are you exhausted yet? [00:00:08] Not

Brian Charlesworth

Brian Charlesworth

Chairman & CEO

Brian is a highly accomplished entrepreneur, business builder, and thought leader in the real estate industry. With a track record of success in software, telecommunications, and franchise businesses, Brian has a talent for identifying and realizing business opportunities. Driven by his passion for technology, Brian is dedicated to using his skills and experience to bring about positive change and improve people's lives through the advancement of technology.

[00:00:00] All right, everyone, Kyle whistle the man, the mystery, the myth is in the house.

[00:00:05] What's up? So are you exhausted yet?

[00:00:08] Not yet, but, you know, it's, umm, still right there.

[00:00:15] This is going to be fun. Yeah. Although Quintan do. That's a big act to follow.

[00:00:20] Hey, I love the monopoly back there, you know, creating monopolies. That was, that symbolizes. Is that what I'm saying.

[00:00:26] Like that. Yeah. I mean that's what we do right. Like we grew up playing Monopoly and now it's like real life monopoly. So I'm a big fan.

[00:00:34] Yeah, those are cool. I love that. So, Kyle, we get to hear today about you really creating your monopoly, which is going big in twenty twenty one, doing over five hundred transactions. How are you going to do that.

[00:00:46] I mean.

[00:00:48] Yeah, I think something that's big to look at is volume two. Five hundred is cool. Five hundred in some states is is normal. Five hundred in California is extremely, extremely difficult. Here in San Diego, there are about thirty thousand licensed agents in San Diego and there are thirty six thousand transactions a year that happen. Obviously, there's two sides to it. So there's like seventy thousand transactions for thirty thousand agents.

[00:01:13] It is hyper, hyper competitive in San Diego. But I think the big thing that we're really obsessed with, that we've been obsessing over this year and kind of retooling our systems to prepare for next year is really going deeper and understanding.

[00:01:30] Leads, I think far too often people just want to apply like a blanket approach to all leads. They treat a Facebook lead just like they treat a Zello, which is a huge mistake. And then even within Zillow, which is one of our highest performing leads right now, they treat a Zillow nurture lead the same way that they treat a Zillow live transfer or Zillow connection call or flex lead. However you want to look at it and we can go even deeper and we could look at just within Zillow. They treat a Zillow nurture that doesn't respond the same way. They treat a Zillow nurture that responds and says, I don't want to talk to an agent. But yet we're applying the same approach to every single one of these leads, that's what most agents are doing. And on top of that, when most agencies are doing is they're just whatever CRM they're using, there's some pre-built plans within that. And a lead comes in and they just hit the lead nurture button and they just hit a button and apply the same approach to every single lead that comes in. So the first part of what we're obsessed about. Is really understanding the journey of every lead before it gets to us, because the journey of the Zello lead, that's a live transfer. We've got to know that that lead landed on the Zillah website, inquired about a specific property, was followed up with by Zello ISA's got to the point. They said, hey, I'm interested in this property. I want to talk to an agent that can show it to me.

[00:03:01] Can you connect me? And then they connect you with that lead. So on that lead, we can have a very direct approach. Right. That lead has been worked through the funnel. Let's go hard at them and let's go straight for the appointment. We've completely thrown momma out the window. We fought kicking and screaming with Zello when they started telling us about Allen, which is just appointment, location, motivation. We fought hard when they first told us that's how we need to approach our leads. But we realize if we get that lead, that's that connection status, then Alem, that's the approach that we should be taking on that lead. But then there's the lead on the other end. That's the nurture lead. And it could be that nurture lead that specifically says, like, I don't even want to talk to an agent. Well, we got to apply a completely different approach. We can't that lead the inquired, but then completely goes to Zillah or even said, hey, I don't even want to talk to an agent. We can't talk to that lead and hit them with Alem because they specifically said, I don't even want to talk to Ali. But yeah, we're coming at them with the same script we used on that live transfer connection. That said, I want to talk to an agent like these leads are so far apart in the process. Why the hell are we having the same conversation with these two different leads?

[00:04:12] So if you're a smart guy, how many? I have a quick question for you. How many agents are on your team now? We're at about thirty five right now. Thirty five agents. So how do you train thirty five agents to be so aware of this? That seems like the real challenge. I mean, even as team leaders, it's a challenge. But then how do you train your agents to actually be self-aware enough to care about where that lead came from and how all that leads away from them?

[00:04:44] You you understand, having done this for 18 years now, you realize you cannot give an agent the nurture lead that says, I don't want to talk to an agent. You can't do it. It's like an eighteen year old at their first frat party, like it's not going to go well. They're just going to go in and try to go for a close.

[00:05:03] As soon as they get there, they're not going to, like, assess the situation, figure out what's going on in Hamlet in a mature way. So we've learned that we've really stripped away a lot from the agents to just let them focus on the stuff that they're best suited to work.

[00:05:18] So the second part of it, where I can't throw everything into a shark tank anymore is what you're saying.

[00:05:24] Not now. So what we're really obsessed with right now is all we want our agents focused on is stuff that's at the bottom of the funnel. We want them working the live transfers, which they're great at, and we want them working the appointments. So we look at it as a three part funnel. There's top, middle, bottom of the funnel. So what we like to do is the top of funnel. We're just utilizing automation and A.I. at the top of the funnel, like when you're generating Facebook leads, Facebook leads are converting it like one in five hundred on average. I would venture to guess some people will bullshit you in the mine, convert it ten percent. OK, well, you generated ten. You convert to one. That's cool. But let's talk about scale. I don't know very many people that are converting even that one out of one hundred on Facebook. Most people are converting about one out of five hundred.

[00:06:12] Why in the hell are you sending those to agents? Like, do you think your agent is excited to get a lead that converts at zero point zero two percent? Like that's not going to excite any agent.

[00:06:23] And the reality is Guy is actually more effective now than an agent at follow up. I mean, they're not good at follow up. They're not going to make all those calls. It's just not going to happen. So top of funnel.

[00:06:35] We're using automation, which would be trips, but much smarter trips. Like if if you're just bombarding people with, like, the preset plan that's in your CRM, that just hits them with like an email every few days, like that's not going to work. Plus nobody emails anymore. Everybody is texting. I just went through the process of buying an RV and buying a desert toy and a trailer and all that stuff.

[00:06:57] Like the people the salespeople who texted me are the ones that got my business because that's how I prefer to communicate with and that's how the majority of people prefer to communicate with. So we're using very smart automations.

[00:07:08] We like that all action is our favorite.

[00:07:13] We love them because they have such detailed plans that you can build and build out like long two year plans. But I can have it to where I could send my V card to somebody. I could send an animated if I could send a video, I could send an image. I could send all kinds of different things to them. If you're just sending text only stuff, I don't think that's going to be super effective. So we can really use mixed. With those drip campaigns that we're using and call action, so top of funnel, half of it is automation and the other half is EHI.

[00:07:44] So we recently made a move over to jailable and follow up was a big part of that is that while oboH has some killer A.I. technology built into it, to where when leads take action on a website, it's not dependent on any human to do something about it.

[00:08:01] When a leader goes on the website and looks at one, two, three, Main Street eight times in a day, do you want to wait for your agent to log in the CRM and click a link to see that somebody looked at that property eight times and then your agents actually do something about it? Or do you want to have EHI engage with that lead and say, Hey, Brian, I saw you were checking out once you demonstrate, are you interested in seeing it? Did you have any questions on that. Like let's utilize something that's going to automatically engage that person in conversation.

[00:08:27] So the whole goal at that top of funnel is just to engage in conversation via the automation or via the A.I. once they're engaged in conversation. Now it's time for a human to step in because now we've at least made it through the top of funnel. We're at the middle of a funnel. So there's two parts on that middle of funnel. We have our channel partners, which would be like OP City from realtor dot com. That would be like Fleck's from Zillow or some of the other companies that are doing live transfers. They're taking the lead that comes in. Then when the league says, hey, let's let's talk, they have their Issei connect with them and then ultimately that icey transfers out over live to an agent. So half of that middle of funnel is those channel partners and their ISA's. And then the other half is our ISA's, which we have in-house. I know people like, oh, can I outsource it?

[00:09:19] Like you could for every one person that I've talked to that has a successful outsourced IAC, I've talked to one hundred that have a successful in-house.

[00:09:27] I say, how many do you have in your business now, Kyle? We have three and we just hired two more. OK, so you're up to five ISA's now.

[00:09:36] Yeah, we because everything is going through the ISO is now. So now like when that, when a guy engages that lead or automation engages that lead, it comes to the ISO. Now the ISO engages in that conversation and ultimately sets an appointment for the agent. So we go from AI and automation at the top. Then with our channel partners, I ISA's are ISA's are engaging in conversation and then ultimately pushing those through to the agent who now instead of the agent, having to talk to these Zello leads that are one in five hundred that convert. Now the agents working that appointment that was teed up for them by one of our ISA's or they're working that live transfer that was teed up by one of our channel partners, where now they're at a conversion rate of one in five as opposed to one in five hundred. So what ends up happening is that the agents are actually having fun now, like we nobody got into real estate to cold call for like five hours a day. If that's what they wanted to do. They'd have got a new job being a telemarketer. They got into real estate because they want to go meet people. They want to go show cool houses. They want to write offers, they want to negotiate. And at the end of the day, they want to cash big checks. Nobody wants to put a headset on to make deals for five hours a day. It's not if they do, they're not trying to get into real estate. They're trying to get into some other industry. So now our agents are just focused on that bottom of funnel where all they got to know how to do is how do I deal with the live transfer and how do I deal with an appointment. And now what about your ISA's?

[00:11:04] That makes total sense for an agent, because I see agents all the time. That or I mean, that is the challenge for them. How do you find the ISA's with the right mindset? You're up to five now, which to because they're on the phone.

[00:11:16] How long are your ISA's on the phone? Every day.

[00:11:19] So here's what's funny. Our ISA's in an average day, maybe make fifty deals in an entire day and people in an eight hour day they only make fifty dollars. Yeah, but you know what, they're having like twenty five conversations because again they're only dialing people that have asked to be dialed by people who have engaged at that automation or at that level. Those are the people that they're calling because those people are looking for that conversation. So we're not on the phone dialing.

[00:11:46] Five hundred people who have no desire to be talked to. Now we're dialing fifty people who have a desire to be talked to. So now what happens to is the ISA's. They actually are having fun because they got in this because they like to have conversations with people. So a lot of the day they're in there texting. Right, and call action. They're constantly in conversations with the leads. And now when they actually do pick up the phone, it's to talk to somebody like ours. They love talking to people. They get high off of it. You have a ton of fun talking to. People have huge personalities and they do a fantastic job with it. They're very high ISA's and they're very high eyes. So they're high eiseley love to talk to people. They're high is they love to support people. They really love to Trajan's up, set them up and then watch the agents close the deals.

[00:12:30] So any any action, it sounds like, whether it be I'm guessing, whether it be Zillo.

[00:12:35] As this question says, or whether it be something that your A.I. is doing, a campaign, anything coming in your ISA's are really focused on getting back to those inbound actions and they're not necessarily leads, but there are people who have taken action on something, is that right?

[00:12:52] Yeah, the ISA's are taking virtually all of our leads now. The only leads the agents are really taking is the live transfers. We've really tried to strip away all the other stuff from the agents. Our objective is that we set them so many of they don't have time for anything else. I just want my agents out running around, showing properties, writing up offers like our next evolution, because our agents are getting to that point where they're so busy they don't even have time to write offers.

[00:13:19] Is that now when an agent's finished up with an appointment, we automatically call them and hit them up and say, because what's happening is they're leaving one point, they're going straight to their next appointment. So now I'm calling them like, hey, Brian, I know you just met with the Smith family. Tell me, how did it go and just let you kind of puke all over me, right? Like, tell me everything that happened on the appointment. And now I as, like, a lead coordinator or the manager or whatever you want to call that role.

[00:13:44] I can go into the CRM and a follow up.

[00:13:46] I could log everything that happened on that appointment for you because we know that that information's fresh in your head as soon as you leave it. Let me extract all that info from you while it's fresh. And now I take all that info. I throw that into the CRM and then I'm asking you questions like, all right. Hey, Brian, I know that you just showed him like one, two, three, Main Street. It's a six hundred thousand three two. Is that still what they're looking for, you? And then you're like, no, you know what? They actually they're willing to go up to eight hundred. They need at least four bedrooms and they want to pool. Cool all I'll way to all of the search and Vilaboa for you to write an offer.

[00:14:21] Yeah. Can you write me up an offer. Cool. And then they have a checklist like what price. What terms of what that person, that lead coordinator is now taking care of all that stuff for them. So that now while you're on your way from appointment to appointment B, I'm handling all that stuff for you so that you could just focus on appointments all day long.

[00:14:39] So you're ISA's are really one hundred percent inbound. They're not making calls out to expire or anything like that.

[00:14:45] Now, it's so hard in San Diego. We've got Tom very who's down there coaching all the time and Mike Farrell. I mean, all the coaches come down here all the time if you call and expired at eight o'clock, which is like the earliest you're supposed to call them, you're probably like caller one hundred.

[00:15:02] These guys that are there are they're still expired. So, I mean, that's the question, too, right?

[00:15:06] That's the thing. Yeah. If you're getting appointments from expires right now, there's a reason it's expired. It's a crack house in the middle of nowhere. It's a crazy ass seller who's super unrealistic. Like, you don't even want that appointment anyway.

[00:15:19] Yeah. All right. So there are a few questions, Kyle, about ISA's always bring up questions, but I think every team owner is trying to ISA's internal, external and probably Felde three or four times. So there's some questions about how do you find the right Heisei, how do you pay the right eye? How do you pay them to keep them around those kinds of things, if you figured that out? Yeah.

[00:15:44] Yeah. So here's the thing. You've got to change your mindset. We actually don't even call them ISA's internally anymore.

[00:15:50] I'm just using that for because that's the generally accepted term for this position. We call them SDR sales development representatives. If you look at Fortune 500 companies, they're not going to find an estate in a Fortune 500 company. You're going to find someone who does what we have called NASA, but they're going to be called it sales development representative. So if that's what the Fortune 500 companies call it, that's what we call it. So our ISA's are now called SDR and we value them. This is to us, this is not the entry level role. This is not the P role. This is not the role. That's not the role. This is one of the most valuable roles in the entire company. And so except that you will not be successful.

[00:16:33] So that being said, Kyle, I'm guessing they're not on a career path to become an agent.

[00:16:38] No, I do not.

[00:16:40] I think that I think that's the biggest mistake I've seen is people bringing these ISA's and say, get to this point, you'll become an agent. Well, all you're doing is training people how to be a prospecting agent, keep people in their lanes.

[00:16:54] So, OK, and you've got to pay them, though, because here's the thing. If you're trying to pay somebody like 40, 50 grand a year and now they're teeing up appointments for the agents or the agent closes a deal and makes ten grand, they're like, I had to work that hard to get that one appointment. And this guy goes and shows one house and makes ten grand.

[00:17:15] And I'm making 40 grand all year to work my ass off every day and follow up with all these leads. Like screw that. So my ISA's, when they're clicking on all cylinders there, make one hundred plus thousand for a transaction.

[00:17:27] Is it is it like a base plus commission or what are they actually base plus commission.

[00:17:31] Yeah. So this is something that I've learned to that's really important is.

[00:17:35] I believe it's the same across the country, you have employees who are exempt and you have employees who are not exempt and nonexempt employees, somebody has to clock in, clock out there on an hourly pay. Right. They're making like 20 bucks an hour or whatever that number is in your market. That is very, very difficult for NASA because here's the problem. If you have somebody who's clocking in, clocking out, let's say their shift is from 8:00 a.m. to four p.m.. Well, what happens when that call comes in at 6:00 p.m.? They're going to answer it, right? Because they want to get that that right. You're going to have some sort of incentive tied to setting appointments or closing. So if you have somebody is clocking in and clocking out and they answer that call at 6:00, guess what? They've got to clock in because they took that phone call and then that call comes in at eight o'clock. They got a clock back in again. And I don't want to deal with any of that. So there is an exempt salary that's typically two times minimum wage.

[00:18:30] You'd have to look up what that is in your particular state. In California, it's forty nine thousand four hundred and forty dollars today, depending on what happens to the election, it could be like eighty thousand dollars a year from now. But currently that is forty nine thousand four hundred forty dollars.

[00:18:45] So we pay hours of base. That is right at that fifty thousand dollars makes it easy for us and then our base plus five percent of the GCI, they're paid. Based on the closings, not based on setting appointments, not based on appointments that meet, they're tied to the same outcome that the agents are. I've tried a lot of different models in the past. And if you start paying people based on setting appointments or appointments to meet, they're going to set a ton of shitty appointments for your agents and your agents are going to end up resenting them because they're sending them on these appointments with with that expired that owns a crack house in the middle of nowhere that wants a million dollars for it when it doesn't even have a roof like they're getting paid bonus to set that appointment.

[00:19:32] That's stupid. So they're tied to the outcome. And what becomes cool when they're tied to the outcome is it's not over. Once they set the appointment, they stay on that all the way through and they want to see that that client through the finish line. So what's great is they are part of my accountability system now to where when they send a plane for the agent, they're following up with the agent. I don't have to be the one who's on the agents back. The ISO is the one who's on the agents back because one, they know way more about the situation than I do. And two, they're paid based on that, that appointment turning into a closing. So they're going to do whatever they got to do to stay on that agent and help that agent take that thing across the finish line.

[00:20:10] One thing you said, you said five percent. I want to key in on this. You said of GCI you didn't say five percent of the agent's commission. It's not like the agents paying them out of the post blitz. This is coming off the top where you and the agent are both paying them.

[00:20:26] Yeah, that the our agents adjust with. I give my agent a lead versus I give my agent an appointment set by one of the ISA's.

[00:20:36] The agents split it just 10 percent.

[00:20:39] Ok, so NASA is forty percent and they're getting forty percent instead of fifty percent. Yep.

[00:20:48] Ok, someone to ask Will is asking is five percent enough. I would say that may be different in every market, but figure out what is going to to motivate your people to want to stay ISA's they need to make six figures just like agents need to.

[00:21:03] Yeah. If they don't make six figures and the agents are making six figures, you just lost.

[00:21:08] And I say, yeah, OK, are these people working from home? Are they going to call them stars actually. But are your stars working from home or in the office.

[00:21:20] Well they are currently four for reasons that everybody is working from home in the wee hours, are working from the office. We like having them in the office.

[00:21:32] It's hard to replace that culture of being around other people. And we have like gongs and stuff in the office when they set appointments and there's a lot more energy. And when you're on the phones a lot and you're sitting in front of a computer, constantly having other people around is very beneficial. Obviously, we don't require anybody come in the office during covid it's completely optional, but we prefer that they be in the office.

[00:21:58] Ok, just so people know, people are trying to figure out what's the right pay. Kyle, what is your average price point in San Diego now?

[00:22:07] We're about six hundred thousand average price point, OK? They got to be able to make one hundred if they're doing a good job. So in our area, right, we talk about five hundred. Five hundred in San Diego is way harder than five hundred in Houston, Texas, where the average price is two hundred and something thousand. So if you're going to do twice as many transactions in a different area, maybe you've got to pay a different percentage. Like ultimately, though, this is the thing agents ISA's everybody has this bar at one hundred thousand dollars and if they're making one hundred, they feel successful. It's just this bar, even your agents, it's really hard like we have no matter where you live, it's it's crazy. It's a blessing and a curse in San Diego that our average price is six hundred. The problem is an agent only has to sell like a handful of houses to make that kind of a money. So people will only work as hard as they need to to to hit that bar, which most people's bar is at one hundred. So that's what you got to understand, is if you want your ISA's to crush for you, they got to have the ability to make that one hundred because that's a very important number to a lot of people.

[00:23:15] And if you're not giving them the ability to make that hundred but the agents are making one hundred, they're going to move from being and I say to an agent because they see how much work goes into setting one single appointment and then they give it to the laziest agent who doesn't do any work and makes one hundred thousand dollars a year, you're going to lose. So you've got to give them the ability to make one hundred plus thousand dollars a year. If you're not, it's not going to be successful. You're going to have turnover and people in your agents are going to value them. When the agents know they make a lot of money, the agents value them, especially like the rebrand within our company. To them, being SDR is like we had to do that because we need to make sure they understand these aren't the ISA's of old like. But we can't they're not the oldest, is there is that doesn't work there. Esdras so.

[00:23:59] Rebranded it for that part of the business.

[00:24:01] Yeah, OK, that's yeah, definitely it seems to me that these people are probably harder. The stars are probably a harder hire to find than the agents as well.

[00:24:13] Oh, yeah, absolutely. I mean, we've but we've got such talented people, like we just brought two in, both coming from out of state because they want to come out here and they want to live the California dream. And we're providing them the opportunity to do that. We have to offer relo package to one of the guys who's starting up next week. So we definitely had to do a lot of recruiting to find talented people. But again, we're not bringing them in to a telemarketing job because that's what most people do in this industry, is they bring in NASA and they're like, here's a headset. There is a phone like go dial all day.

[00:24:47] They tell me when you have an appointment, like, I'm not going to work, but if we can make it fun and we can provide them a system and they can follow the system, and that system is going to yield them one hundred plus thousand dollars a year. And they're not having a cold call all day long. They're actually in conversations, which is fun for them. Hi. I want to be in conversations all day long and they want to set up agents for success. So you find that. Hi. Hi. Yes. You put them in their wheelhouse, which is talking to people and setting people up. They're happy, just like we talked about that funnel with agents. Agents tend to have that hired. They want to close the agents having fun when they're closing. The agent doesn't have fun when they're calling through five hundred people a day. So now you're putting people in the position where they're actually enjoying what they do. Now, you keep your ISA's longer because they're being well fed financially and they're doing what they enjoy doing the same thing with the agent.

[00:25:36] Yeah, I think the industry has been trying to figure this out, Kyle, for the last ten years. I no longer than I've been around. They've been trying to figure this out. So it sounds like you're cracking that nut and just exciting to see.

[00:25:52] So let's talk about the bottom of the funnel. These agents, they are only getting appointments scheduled. Are they scheduling any of their own appointments? What does that look like?

[00:25:59] Yeah, so they're taking the life transfers via the channel partners and then they're working their Sfeir past clients, stuff like that. So the majority of their time is working that stuff. But then again, we're using technology like we love. Why LAPO? Because why Lobo is taking all those old leads and engaging them to where they're coming back to the site. So now I know who I'm talking to, like my past clients and stuff. Now they're I'm like, oh, well, says Debbie just looked at this property three times, like I should probably talk to Debbie. She's been in our house for five years. Maybe it's time for her to move into something new. So I was doing a lot of that re-engagement for the agent so that the agents having good quality conversations, even with their existing database, their sphere, their past clients, all of that stuff.

[00:26:43] Ok, again, there's so many questions around this, Kyle, where are you finding these stars? Do you have a recruiting company?

[00:26:52] How do you find these people we typically use? Indeed. So indeed has been our number one source of hiring. OK.

[00:27:01] All right, Kyle, any key points you want to cover?

[00:27:05] There are some more questions, but is there anything else that you want to make sure we hit on in the next four or five minutes before you before you bounce out of here?

[00:27:16] I was just trying to read some of the questions, see if there's anything good in there.

[00:27:21] And if Leslie was asking if you're paying the agent 40 percent and the Nasdaq five, that means the company is making fifty five percent on every deal that works really well. The other thing that we're seeing, too, by having the Saudis take all the leads that are coming in, is the conversion rates increasing dramatically on all of our leads? Because these guys are programed for long term, they're programed for nurture where the agents are programed to close. So now when that Zello nurture lead comes in, that Facebook comes in, that paper quickly comes in, it's converting at one in one hundred one in five hundred. They understand how to apply the appropriate amount of pressure where the agent just doesn't get it. The agent just wants to close. That's what agents are good at. So that's where our system is. Just put the agent in the position to do what they do best, which is to close. Let's let these guys do the long term nurturing and they can because they're not running around out in the field. They're not having to juggle a million conversations while they're running around and trying to get back to people when they can. Because I think one of the things that people underestimate right now is speed.

[00:28:24] Gilead's important, but speed, the response is important as well. So when you do get that lead, Barry Jenkins had a good quote recently. It was like the only thing better than a new lead is an old lead that became active again when that old lead becomes active again and says, hey, I'm interested in seeing one, two, three, Main Street. Your speed to respond to that is very important. Yes. That's not a new lead. That's an old lead, but it's an engaged lead. You better have a high speed to responsiveness on that. When they do text you right, you better be able to text back.

[00:28:55] But that's the problem is the agents, they're running around out in the field all day. It's really hard for them to be on top of both speed to lead and speed their response. So by having people dedicated in the office, they can be managing a lot of conversations at once because they're not driving out here to northern San Diego in the morning and then southern San Diego and then eastern San Diego and San Diego all day long and trying to respond in between appointments that ISA's are just sitting there in the office. They're responding as soon as these things are coming in. So that speed of response, I think, is something that people underestimate as well, because it's hard to get a leap to text you if they do text you and it takes you four hours to respond.

[00:29:30] That's not the type of experience somebody is looking for.

[00:29:34] Yeah, I just want to clarify. You're paying the agents fifty percent if it's an agent transaction. In this case, you're paying them forty percent plus five percent. So you in reality have an additional five percent to help cover the salaries of those staffers, correct.

[00:29:51] Yep. OK.

[00:29:53] Ok, and they don't have an issue with it because they're not having to follow up with five hundred people to get that one appointment at the work is done for them. So now they don't have to do that. They can go show more clients properties.

[00:30:05] I think this is where a lot of agents struggle. Kyle, how do you train these guys? If you're an agent, you've been a successful agent, you're actually a closer in most cases, you're not a prospector. How do you train these guys to do this?

[00:30:18] So my guy who will actually be speaking tomorrow here at the summit, Chris van der Valk, he ran an Izadi team before coming over to join my team. So that's been another part of this that's been really important is having somebody manage this whole thing because I can't manage it. I'm the guy who's like, here's your headset. Go in the back, make five hundred miles. That's what would happen if I was managing and what has happened in years past when I have managed it, having somebody who's fully entrenched in it and managing these guys on a day to day basis, who actually has the time to go listen to the conversations and listen and be like, oh, let me talk to my coach you through this, because when they are ISA's or whatever you want to choose to call them, when they're making calls through call action, it's recording the calls and it's distracting talk time versus listen time so we can see are they talking too much or are they doing a good job and listening a lot like we can track all that. So he's taking the time to go listen to every individual call.

[00:31:14] He's coaching them through every conversation. He's very, very hands on. That's been another crucial part of this being successful is there's a dedicated person managing that department, not me.

[00:31:23] So surround yourself with the right people and don't think that you can manage a team of biases in your spare time because you can you can effectively do that for sure. OK, Kyle, it's been great catching up with you. I'm excited to see your business growing like it is. Congratulations that those are some big numbers at that price point. So congratulations on all of your success. Keep it rolling because I love seeing it.

[00:31:50] Like, every time I talk to someone from your team, you guys are just elevating it to the next level. So keep it up. We love having you as a seasoned customer and thanks for joining us today. Appreciate it. Have a good one. All right. You too. Thank you.

[00:32:07] Everybody who's still here, we're going to end this track. We will be starting it back up in 30 minutes. Track B does have Zach Hammer in right now and we will pick this back up with Frank Clezio at one 30 p.m. All right. Thanks, everybody. We'll talk to you later.


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