Sisu Growth Blog

Episode 137: Peak Performance with UPGRD®: The Power of Mindset and Perception

Written by Brian Charlesworth | May 14, 2024 6:05:18 PM



They delve into William's journey with Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) and how it transformed his life and led to the founding of UPGRD®, a system designed to elevate the mental operating system of individuals worldwide.

William shares the four phases of the UPGRD® process, “Resolve, Evolution, Acceleration, and Omniscience,” highlighting how each phase is crucial in helping individuals become peak performers. The conversation touches on the importance of mindset in the real estate industry, how elite performers thrive even in challenging markets, and why changing your perception is vital for success.

William also discusses his vision of upgrading humanity. He outlines his long-term plan to create global harmony and attract benevolent civilizations while encouraging individuals to develop 90 to 1000 year plans to keep their eyes on bigger goals.

Top Takeaways:

(3:32) Is it possible to reprogram your mind in a matter of days?

(9:49) Can changing your mindset really lead you to your goals?

(12:56) How does money act as a chemical agent to manifest goals?

(16:43) What untapped potential lies within a mindset upgrade? 

(18:29) Can misalignment between mind and reality lead to struggles? 

(20:13) Why do people mistakenly accept struggle as normal?

(26:11) How can upgrading humanity lead to individual upgrades?

(29:17) Is a global data model the key to achieving peak performance for all?

(31:38) How can real estate professionals thrive despite market volatility?

(35:28) Why is surrounding yourself with winners essential for real estate success?

(38:08) Can a 1000-year plan help real estate professionals stay ahead?

Interested in learning how to overcome limiting beliefs and design a successful mindset? Tune in to this episode and gain insights into how the UPGRD® methodology can help you achieve your goals.

About William Lam

William Lam, founder of UPGRD®, is an American Board-Certified Hypnotherapy instructor and a certified trainer in Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP). His mission is to help people achieve their true potential by leveraging the power of their subconscious mind. He created UPGRD® as a movement to upgrade the mental operating system of elite individuals, including investors, entrepreneurs, and sales professionals.


Connect with William Lam Today! 





Brian Charlesworth  00:34

All right. Hello, everyone. And welcome back to the GRIT Podcast. I'm Brian Charlesworth, the founder of Sisu, and your host of the show, and today I have a good friend of mine. He's become a good friend over the last several years, William lam, and many of you may know him if you came to our Sisu rain event a few years back. But William is the founder of UPGRD®. He is an American board certified hypnotherapy instructor and certified trainer of neuro linguistic programming. And you may all be saying what does that mean? So we're gonna dive into that today. But I wanted to have William on this show. The Grit podcast is all about, you know, Grit and not giving up. And the real estate industry has been a difficult one over the last few years. And I think William can bring some things to us, not only you, but to me, to help us, you know, as we continue to strive to get through these high interest rates through the lawsuits and everything else. But as I was doing research last night, William, I got to see an article in USA Today. That said, how William lam is looking to upgrade the world population through neuroscience. And I had a beautiful picture of you up there, you know, was a lot of fun to see. So, so anyway, I want to dive into that today. But before we kick off, I wanted to share a story. I met William cheese, probably four years ago now, a friend of ours called Spring and said, Hey, spring, we're going to a training tomorrow. Do you want to join me in spring said what is it and she told spring all about it. And said, I think she said it's $30,000. And spring said okay, spring likes to invest in herself and is constantly constantly doing that. So. So anyway, spring went to this training of Williams for a week. And I just remember spring coming home and spring will tell I'll tell you this story, so I'm going to share it with you. But she made 300 grand there abouts, for 15 years straight in real estate. She went and spent a week with William. And she came out of that. And she instantly had a mindset of making $300,000 a month instead of $300,000 a year. And it it took her a little time to get on that pace. But you you had a tremendous amount to do with with where she is at today in her business. So it's incredible, William, and I personally want to thank you for that. But why don't you tell us a little bit of your background and how you got into NLP and how that evolved into upgrade? 

William Lam  03:25

Yeah, it's an honor to be here with you, Brian. And I mean, spring did the work. She deserves it. And we we've been fortunate and blessed to be a guide in her in her journey, right. And one of the nice things is that you brought up as she spent a week with us, what was interesting is, the way we set up these trainings, does not require a lot of time. And it's very immersive. So the training of the mind and the upgrade of the mind happens in a very short period of time. Rather than, you know, it needs X amount of years of training, we can actually install these upgrades in a very short amount of time. And I I can define what that means in a moment. Because of that, even if someone spends a week with us or three days with us, they find themselves changing quite rapidly. And then of course, it'll take a little bit of time to integrate. But that's the nature of things. Because once we change what needs to be changed, and what wants to be changed in the mental plane. The physical will catch up. And so a little bit about my background. I started a tech company actually, it's not not really that technical of a tech company. It was it was a battery ecommerce battery company and you It's still running today. I just back in 2015 2014 15 era, I was like, Ah, I feel like it's plateaued. And it's not because of someone else, it was because of me. And I felt like it was my mindset. That's plateau big time. So I decided to look for a way to fix that. And I did a lot of research. And in fact, for years, I would spend my own, you know, as much free time as possible, learning what can be done. Because I always was fascinated, what if you can change everything in the physical by changing what's in the mind, but I didn't dare challenging it all the way. And putting my money into it, right, I was always like, looking at the sideline, reading, or watching YouTube videos thinking that, you know, if I can learn it, that way, I should be fine. But when 2015 came around, it was it felt like a 2008. For someone in, you know, in the financial industry, or in the real estate industry, it felt like that to me, 2015 in my life. So I was like, You know what, I gotta fix this, something's got to change now. So I took a leap of faith. I frankly, didn't have the cash to jump into the trainings that I found. But I got on the call with this gentleman. And then he was masterful, he cared about me immediately. It wasn't like, Hey, let me sell you. And this, this is extremely relevant. And now I'll slingshot into how we got here. In a moment. I got on the phone, and he asked me, What do you want. And I knew pretty well. And I told him some of the things I wanted. And he you know, you know, when someone's basically nodding, and same on the other side of the phone, and you knew they care, and he continued to listen. And then I share with him of, you know, a few things of what's going on. And he's like, you know, if you were to learn the origin of how all these things are happening, I think you would know, pretty not only intuitively, but you would know logically how to fix this. But most people have never been given the illumination of that path. No, and most people have never seen how that works. Long story short, at the end of the phone call on my Let me commit. And he said, Look, don't expect you to pay in full, because I told him my situation, I was paying myself very little for my startup can't really afford this. He said, Look, I don't expect you to painful but a token of investment. a down payment isn't just like what other salespeople may say, hey, you know, you commit to the spot, and we save you a spot, but it's a sign of, hey, of all the things you want to do in the physical world. And of all the thoughts you have in your mind, you're committing to this one. And that energy exchange, that monetary energy exchange will create a shift. I'm like, Alright, then I'll, you know, put my credit card down, let's do something fast forward. I began to feel the shift immediately, even like a week, two weeks later, but fast forward even more, where the training comes up. They it was an NLP training. And I sought out an NLP training because I knew that there was a lot of involvement in the government, in helping NLP become highly effective. I knew that there was a lot of the tools in NLP that was utilized in the government for secret and or even beyond type projects. That's, frankly, knowing might be an overstatement. I, I heard from some of the creators and early involvement, people that were that had early involvement in NLP, that it was brought into the government to be utilized in a very, very important capacity. And the government was very interested as one of those early projects in the 70s that they brought in. And that piqued my interest. That was what got me to research them. And then when I got there, I immediately knew that, yes, there are a lot of NLP training. But this one that I went to, was unique, because they had I could tell they had some special tools that I would be able to learn and take away from the training. One of which being if you really want something to happen, you need to first change in your mind, but it wasn't just like, oh, I have a vague concept of how you change this in Your mind and this will happen. I literally found my wife because of the technique. And it was precisely within the timeframe that we set in the training. And I follow their formula. And I even took it a step further and went home and design her. And, and, you know, the goal was five months, I got engaged in four and a half months. I mean, Brian, you know, the stories. And one of the most critical piece was the day I finished my design of her. She broke up with her fiance, and we didn't know each other. And so to me, I was like, Okay, this whole NLP thing? Is that what meets the eye only the eyes only? Or is there something beyond? Was it really a technology that teaches you how to communicate better? Or is there something far beyond that? Now, I know that in the standard works of NLP, this is not explored. So I spent the next eight years with all the money I had, that I could spend on training or invest on, on improving my knowledge, and testing, researching and, and perfecting what I think NLP could have been, should have been, if it had the opportunity to to be, I created an upgrade, because I thought, Wow, this was a great framework. But let me see if I can pull everything that I think would really allow someone to upgrade their mind and truly see logical, not only intuitive, but logical paths, so that they can get exactly what they want in life. And I think we've succeeded. 

Brian Charlesworth  11:44

Very cool story. I'm excited to dive in a little deeper. You mentioned something that that kind of trigger with me. I know there was an event here in Utah just a few weeks ago, spring was one of the speakers I don't know, were you a speaker at that event at the Marriott in downtown Salt Lake. 

William Lam  12:02

I didn't go to one in Salt Lake. 

Brian Charlesworth  12:05

Okay. So you were not a speaker there. But there were a bunch of people who are on the speaking circuit, big names that spoke at this event. And one thing I know of the event is they ended up giving away a bunch of tickets. And you said something that is you know, and I've found this to be true with our events, if we give tickets away, people don't show up. But if they pay something, even if it's insignificant, they show up. Why is that? 

William Lam  12:37

Well, there are multiple layers. One of the layers is, you know, humans aren't really they're not invested unless they are invested. Right? That sounds simple. But that monetary that money representation is, there's a good way to explain it. Money is a chemical agent, meaning it has the ability to take what's in our mind and bring it into the physical. And when someone pays for something, and they value it. their unconscious mind sees that as Oh, this is where I'm going to spend my time, energy and effort. Because I'm putting money into this. But it goes a step further, if not that whole understanding about the alchemical agent, we began to notice if someone spends money, and it's not just people who buy tickets, is they buy ticket with a very specific purpose in mind. If they have a purpose, and they made the purchase, even if it's a small amount, especially if it's a big amount, the mind notices, well, I have a million thoughts today. Why are we paying money to it's this, because it took energy time effort to convert whatever that was into this money thing. Now we're putting this potential energy into this event. And this purpose, it's not really about the event, it's the purpose, then the unconscious mind takes that energy and begins to convert it to what's the physical outcome of what we want. So that's how I'd like to explain it. If we go a little deeper, and I think that's, and there's a lot of there are a lot of answers. That will be one that I think explains it. Yeah, 

Brian Charlesworth  14:25

yeah. Thank you. So I still asked this, and I've heard you explain it many, many times. But I'm sure our audience right now is saying what does that mean to upgrade the mental operating system? And I've heard you describe that as kind of like an upgrade to MS DOS in our computers. Right. But tell us more about that. 

William Lam  14:47

Yeah, so when I begin to put together our methodologies, I realize the simplest way to explain what we do is upgrade. So I got a registered trademark And, you know, in, in this terminology, and what it is, is, and it's spelled different as up G rd. And because we believe that it's, it's, it's not the methods that people have conventionally believed, there's something that doesn't need to be there, we can actually remove some of the elements make it more efficient. And what happens in upgrade is just like what you said, if someone is using an old operating system, for example, if I bought you or any of the listeners or viewers, a brand new laptop or brand new smartphone, but instead of the latest operating system, which must be don't even notice exist, because they're just so seamless, more, you know, as we improve them. But if I put a Oh clunky Palm Pilot software, let's say it even takes it on. And I'm able to successfully install it, or even iOS one, people would absolutely hate it. They will be like, I can't browse the internet even efficiently. I can't even download 99% of the apps. I can't do what I need to do, right? 

Brian Charlesworth  16:10

The software, even yesterday, I was in my office, not this office, but my office office, and I have a 27 inch Mac there. And you know, I've had it for a while. But I didn't realize how long until I went to upgrade or yeah, my just my slack app, I went to upgrade my slack app yesterday. And it said that my operating system was too old to upgrade slack. And I was like, wow, okay, right. So that's a good example, that 

William Lam  16:41

is so important. Because if someone has a mind, that can do a lot more, we would significantly limit this person by not upgrading our, you know, this person's operating system. So to me, it isn't just like, oh, this would be nice to be able to help someone perform better, and become a true peak performer, not just in one area. But in all areas. Because when it comes to upgrade, we help people upgrade all areas of their lives. Because our mind runs everything. If it's a that's a true successful upgrade. And so, when someone comes to us, we notice often time, if they have a really brilliant mind, but they've been running an old operating system, metaphorically and quite literally. Yeah, they are going to have some area of their life not working. And they're going to have some major struggles, and at least one of them. And it shouldn't be actually. And if I may say this, I think this is one of the biggest things to remember for the listeners and the viewers, is that struggle should not be natural. 

Brian Charlesworth  17:54

Yeah, think about that. Struggle should not be natural. I think struggle is a part of life for most people, right? I mean, for all people it we all struggle at times so so is it is that the common thing? Where is that our comfort zone? Or is that something like you say, that is not natural. 

William Lam  18:16

The reason I say it's not natural, is because the reason that we struggle is because of the resistance internally. And this so imagine this, imagine your mind interacting with the physical world. And, and there are worlds, you know, that are? Well, we don't need to get into it. But really the physical, so called physical world of the world that we can see and interact with, frankly, is only a small percentage of reality, right? Even the light spectrum that we can see, as humans, very limited, the sound frequency very limited. That being said, a lot of things go on in the non physical world that has a huge impact in the physical world. And part of that non physical world is right here in our mind. And if we want to bring something in the mind into the physical world, and we can't and there's resistance, that's what we will call struggle. And that resistance typically happens because while there's impedance, there's, there's a, there are layers of misaligned matter or or if you look at it in a different perspective, like if you turn on a projector and you want to project it onto a screen, we've all seen blurry projections, because whether it's the lens not aligned, or distance is not correct, and it's maybe too low power for the light for the brightness of the room. We've all seen it. Humans are like a projector projecting onto their reality but if the projector is not aligned with the computer it doesn't work. 

Brian Charlesworth  20:01

I think everybody is saying at this point, how do I get upgraded? Right? So what is what does that mean to upgrade the mind? How do you do? 

William Lam  20:11

So I'll say this, one of the biggest things that happens when people upgrade is that they realize that they became comfortable struggling. And they thought that was not they thought that was just normal part of life, what they didn't realize was, if they optimize their mind and their operating system, they would have an easy time. It's like, you know, if you and I teleport back to the 2000s, or the night, you know, 1990s, we would feel like it's normal to have a dial up internet, back then, where every time you turn on the internet, I mean, for the listeners, and viewers who are maybe too young to remember this, back in the day when you turn on the internet yet, wait a good while, and it makes these weird noise. And then finally, you hopefully connect and you plug it into the phone line, right? There was no Wi Fi. And, and that's if you even successfully connect, I remember many times and doesn't work. And you get so used to downloading a, maybe a book or an image or a file, and it would take you an hour. Or, you know, if you got a faster one, maybe like 10 minutes, imagine taking 10 minutes to download one image. Now, nowadays, we complain if our phones can't load a massive file, or 4k video like that. Yeah. Right. So we got used to that struggle. 

Brian Charlesworth  21:48

I remember those days of listening to the modem connect. And the the only company I think of that reflects me back to that time. As we're teleporting into that time is AOL. So AOL just came up for me. So what are the steps, William to upgrading our mind? Like, how do you how do you go about doing that? 

William Lam  22:21

So we see upgrade in for, I would say four phases, phase one will be to resolve. Now resolve has two meanings. One is resolved negative emotions and limitations, resolving old programs. So kind of like, you know, if we're taking computer terminology, we're removing the old operating system, or anything that doesn't serve us. Yeah. And then we are installing some new programs by having the result to go for what we want. So we basically help the individuals remove old stuff and design what they want. And then we help them install a lot of good things in their mind. So the first phase, we even call it upgrade operating system. And then resolution, that's the love or the face, less or less resolution. Phase two is evolution. Where we help people really begin to leverage this new operating system that we help them install here. And then we install a number of advanced tools to help them become truly expert communicators, but expert communicators not just in words, and intention, but the ability to persuade, and influence. Because oftentimes, people in this world The reason the economy doesn't go the way people want is because and of course there are people say there are a lot of factors. But when it comes to real estate, it has a lot more to do with your persuasion, and the design of your ideal clients, and who you interact with. Because just as much as some people struggle, there are those who truly are elite and peak performers. They will keep crushing it. People are still buying, even the numbers go down. Really what the problem isn't that the number goes down and people make less sales is that those who are not as good at real estate sales are a real estate, frankly, lose business. Those who are really good, more people go to frankly, because in times like this, why would anyone want to deal with those who are not as effective? So it's more important even than ever to improve that. And so after evolution, we have acceleration. That's true mastery. We help people now that they have evolved to accelerate towards their goal. And then we have a final phase. That's that's really out there training. In that it's called omniscience, where we explore what are some super powers that the human mind has that we think are supernatural, but are actually natural? That we, what is that fourth 

Brian Charlesworth  25:16

level called? 

William Lam  25:17

omniscience? Okay. Yep. When you basically when you have upgraded your operating system, how do we connect to the internet? So you can tap into all things. 

Brian Charlesworth  25:31

Okay, cool. So I wanted to ask you this, when I read about you, and when I talk to you, especially when we get in depth conversations, I always realize that you have this vision of not just upgrading my mind or some other individuals mind. But truly Upgrading the world population or humanity, if you will. have, like, I view that as an Elon Musk level, like goal. So when you think about that, tell me more. How do you how do you think about that? And how did that become a goal of yours, upgrading humanity, 

William Lam  26:11

I have great respect for Elon, there's a lot of stuff he's doing for humanity. And, you know, we're not there yet in terms of result, but we're gonna get there, our goal is to upgrade humanity for the purpose of exploring what else is possible. So I'll clarify. So in my mind, there are three phases, phase one, as we upgrade humanity, so that our planet, as we know, it, is harmonious, and actually would attract very benevolent civilizations from perhaps other other worlds. And it sounds like a crazy vision. But really, it's a it's a way for me to keep myself accountable. And to dwarf what we're doing right now. And it actually creates a contrast in my mind, just like what I would recommend to our clients, hey, if you're going to set a goal, to make X amount of millions, you should 1020 30 100x that as one of the next milestones. Because then your mind can see oh, if I'm gonna go there, this, I shouldn't spend too much time staying here, and nor should I create any drama, because I have more to do. And so, and in a brief minute or two, the way I would explain it is, if I can upgrade humanity, upgrading individuals would be easy. And then I have a phase two is that if humanity were to be successfully upgraded, there's a critical mass of people that made all the difference. The world truly is harmonious. And we're no longer war, faring and, and greedy as a civilization, then what's interesting is, I think, civilizations will come and say, Hey, we want to do commerce, or, or even exchange of information with you. And we'd like to share with you some of our advanced stuff, and it would be done more openly. That's, that's the dream. And and if that were the case, we could probably skip millions, if not, who knows billions of years of advancement, and leverage some of the things that other civilizations have learned that we don't need to trial and error towards. So it would save humanity, millions of years. If not more, then I have one step further. I'm like, Well, if we're gonna go talk about this contrast frame, let's go one step further. Let's say we successfully do that and become millions of years more advanced in a matter of decades. What if we take that upgrade, and then we go to other other civilizations, inside the galaxy and beyond? If they're in wherever they are, to upgrade them, package this information, and then distribute it now to in conclusion to all of this, what I'm what I'm saying is, I want it a large data model so big that it's the planet and beyond, to test the methodology. Because I know that as much as I believe that we have perfected the ability to change and optimize a human from someone who struggles in at least one area of their life to a true peak performance because we know it like a lot of people look like they're doing fine. But there's at least one area of their life they struggle with, including myself. So it's a way for me to if I can be eradicated in a large amount of the population in fact the planet or beyond. I know I can perfect that methodology. So to me, it's, it's, it's not only a goal, it's a necessity. 

Brian Charlesworth  30:07

I just had the light bulbs go off when you were talking about. If I can think of upgrading humanity, then how easy would it be to upgrade one individual? Right. And I, I tried to, as you were saying that, that, why that apply that into my life into my thinking into my business? You know, if I could think this way, how easy would what I'm doing today be? Right? Yeah, very powerful. All right. So digging into real estate, this is a this is the Grit podcast, real estate growth mindset podcast. I think a lot of people in real estate, they no longer have a growth mindset, because they've been beat over the head for the last two years. So hard by interest rates going from 2% to 8%. By home sales, decreasing from 6.8 million in 22. To three point 8,000,023. You have this lawsuit right now that you've probably heard about that is forcing buyer's agents to basically get a buyer broker agreement signed and have the buyer agree to pay their Commission's which, you know, buyer's agents haven't done that. In the past, the seller has paid the Commission's although I could argue that the buyer is actually paying the Commission's all the time, because the buyer is paying for the house putting the money in the sellers pocket so the seller could pay those commissions. So it's just a different different way of looking at it. But in this world that we're in William, like, what advice? What advice would you have for current real estate business owners, team owners, broker owners, and then also just the agents that are out there selling like, what what could they do differently in today's world, become in charge of how they perceive the world. 

William Lam  31:53

Because the news comes out, and people panic. And those who panic and their states change, our states are the best predictor of our behaviors. If someone panics not just once but consistently, and they're in a state of anxiousness and or fear, what happens is, they will behave in a self fulfilling manner. They're like, See, I knew this won't work, I knew the market is hard, therefore, I can't. And then they go home, talk to their wife or their husbands. And they'll say, the market is hard. I can't do it, I got to work more hours, or I got to work less hours, however they swing it, and they'll they'll find a reason. That matches the market's reason why they don't perform. But true peak performers will find a reason, far greater than whatever the marketplace tells marketplace tells them. Regardless of what happens in the world, they are flexible. And they are powerful in how they control their perception of the world. The world could be perceived by many people in the population as Oh, this is terrible economy, economy's bad interest rate, plus the lawsuit plus all the different things, it should be a very difficult market. But that's not true for elite performers, true elite performers, or peak performers will think, Well, who cares? This is where I shine. And so in order to change that state, a lot of the old beliefs have to be stripped away. And that's precisely why I created and how I began this journey. And why I created upgrade was because I found myself plateauing, because of the smallest things around me, made me think that I can't do this. And then over the last eight years we've helped individuals go from frankly, I can't make claims on numbers, but go from very tough, what they would call struggling positions and or plateau positions where the their market is against them or odds against them. Let's just put it that way to a position of total and complete control. And you know, if someone's in that love in that control state, they are controlling the outcome as well. So, my simple answer for agents at this time and or brokers or owners will be first off, you need to not be influenced by what people are saying to you about the market and how you should precede the world. You shouldn't talk to colleagues that are like, sucks. Because I'll tell you right now, though, people who sit around complaining about how bad the market is, in any industry, they tend to be the ones that end up being the most broke. 

Brian Charlesworth  35:16

So maybe it may be time to change your friends and who you're hanging around. 

William Lam  35:20

Yes, right. Yes. All right. Friends are like, who cares? You're gonna win. Yeah. 

Brian Charlesworth  35:28

So surround yourself with the people who you know are going to win. And the people who are in today's economy in today's real estate industry, still growing, still thriving, versus those who have backed off. And I think we saw a big case of this in 2020, some of the people got the biggest growth they've ever had in 2020. And some people dissolved off the planet and quit working. 

William Lam  35:52

Yeah. And a part of it has to do with, are we designing what we want? I think those who this is another piece of advice. If people design what they want, they'll have an easy time. This will be they get to design what they want, this will be a great time for them. 

Brian Charlesworth  36:09

So how do you go about designing what you want, William. 

William Lam  36:13

So I can give some tips, we have a full training literally on this walking people through exactly what to do. There are some very important details, but I'm going to share the big picture here so that people can at least get going. So a little premise, we spend most of our time. And if we ask the audience, they likely will agree. Many people spend most of their time focusing on what they don't want. He asked them what they want, they'll tell you what they don't want. They're so stuck in, especially in this market. So if you ask an agent or owner, what do you want, they might be like, I don't want to lose my clients. I don't want to not make my commission. I don't want it this. So we have to reverse that by focusing on what we want. But in order to focus on what we want, because what we focus on consistently, will get executed in our operating system, our mind if it's what we don't want, right, even if it's what we don't want. Yeah, so we don't have enough things that we want on our list. I can pull, you know, 789 figure earners and business owners and say, Hey, what do you want, and most of them can't go beyond 4040 things, I'm going to challenge the audience to go to 100 things. And I want it to be material things simply because it's tangible. Not because we're asking you to be materialistic, but tangible. And then also 100 experiences, that's a good start. And then people if they have two lists like that, and then they begin to create a long term plan, in which they will acquire all these things and experiences on top of their goals. And I would even fill up the the long term plan into the goals. While it goes into their long term plan. One thing to pay attention to is America tends to run on quarterly thinking, we can't do that anymore. Because every election season, there seems to be something going on. So if we're thinking poorly, everyone's gonna get thrown off every few years, because we're not seeing the long term vision and preparing ahead. Whereas some countries in this world are planning 100 plus years, even 1000s of years ahead. We need to be more like that. So what I would propose to the audience is make a 90 year to 1000 year plan. Previously, we just preach nine year plan. But now I'm asking people to stretch beyond 90 and go to 1000 year. In fact, if people join our training, that's the first thing we ask them to do make a 90 at least to 1000 year plan. Because with long term vision, we can easily easily conquer the small waves that come our way. Because we have our eyes focus on the bigger things. 

Brian Charlesworth  39:22

That is so powerful. If we were to think about what could we do in 100 years and it makes what we're doing this year seemed like nothing, right. Tony Robbins always says we overestimate what we can do in a year. But we underestimate what we can do in a decade. And you're like taking that to the next level because in a decade we can have a significant impact not only on ourselves in our lives, but on on the planet on the world. 

William Lam  39:53

So you just said is key because what keeps us to fight it as Americans actually have some more to do with small time and small term thinking. Yeah, in small geographic regions, we're thinking small, not only in time but in space. But if America truly becomes united, one of the best things we can do to become truly united in, in the cause and betterment of this nation, and the economy of this nation, and frankly, will benefit the world, is if we think really long term. 

Brian Charlesworth  40:32

Yes. So powerful. So William, as always, every time I get with you, I feel like I could just talk to you for hours and hours and hours. And usually, that's what ends up happening. So in this case, today, we do we are at a time limit. And we've hit that time. So I just like to dive in just quickly and find out like, how do people get a hold of you? How, how do they learn about your training and your programs and offerings? And just how do people get in your world? 

William Lam  41:02

Absolutely, I can share a link with you as well. So the audience can check in the info or detail, where you know, when you post this, please do. And, we we have, we have our website,, up gr And it's great, it's mainly for corporate audience to see that being said individuals and or organizations and small businesses, and real estate teams, frankly, what I would recommend is, if you have Instagram, I would strongly recommend getting on Instagram, because we post are a lot of information, a lot of great pieces from our trainings, and or our podcasts, we will post them there. And then a lot of information, and even the training that I mentioned the resolution training is you know, we have a link where people can learn a lot more about how to get started in designing what we want, truly designing what we want. And then also we moving what we don't want, and how to then go from there to become true peak performers, even in the market like this. And the Instagram handle is very simple. It's WM dot upgrade, which is spelled as WM dot u PG rd. And then if people find us there, they'll see all the links and, and all the resources. And I'll share with you a couple of links as well for the audience. 

Brian Charlesworth  42:35

Right. So WM dot upgrade. Tell us about your podcast real quick before before we leave. I think it's something everyone should listen to. So just wrap up with that, William and and we'll close it off. 

William Lam  42:49

Oh, sure. Yeah, our podcast is a fun one. I remember. Yeah. When I was younger, and I played these video games, and there was a cheat code called godmode. And I thought, wow, why do we have to struggle? Why can't we have fun while using godmode? And now I know that people may argue in video games. Yeah, the struggle is part of the game. It's part of the fun. But really, when you become really skilled, it becomes less of a struggle, right? It's about learning the system, understanding the laws that govern the game, and becoming truly skilled and efficient. So I thought, What about being a human on this planet at this time? What can we learn from our effort here at upgrade to upgrade humanity? gathering as much data as possible from our, our peak performers that we trained? What have they done? What are they doing that allows them to experience basically God Mo in their life, we aggregate that data, then we put it in our podcasts, so people can listen to us now we explore a deep variety, a wide variety of topics, from, you know, mental programs, the programs that hold us back to larger institutional slash government or even geopolitical limitations that can happen and things that go on there. So some people will find want one end of the spectrum more interesting than the other. But we oscillate between the two to cover, you know, a wide rage. Yeah, so God Mode is basically a cheat code. 

Brian Charlesworth  44:35

All right, guys. So if you haven't already heard it, jump in, listen to God Mode. It's a great podcast. William, thanks so much for being on the show today and to all of our listeners. Thanks for tuning in to another episode. And know that we are consistently now generating episodes every week again, so just have a lot of great guests coming up on the show. And, again, William, thank you so much for joining Earning today really, really enjoyed our time together. 

William Lam  45:02

Thank you for having me, Brian. And last thing if I may say if they listened to our podcasts at godmode have them start at the first episode. The first five to 10 episodes will really teach them why and what and how upgrade happens in the back in the background. Okay, 

Brian Charlesworth  45:23

so you guys got that start at episode one. Don't start at this week's current episode. Yeah. All right. Thanks again. Thanks.

William Lam  45:31

Great to see you too.