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Episode 113: Why We Must Celebrate Our Failures with Hannah Bettenhausen

In today’s world, there’s a lot of pressure for entrepreneurs to succeed. And when they don’t meet their own high standards and goals, they end up feeling like failures.

Brian Charlesworth

Brian Charlesworth

Chairman & CEO

Brian is a highly accomplished entrepreneur, business builder, and thought leader in the real estate industry. With a track record of success in software, telecommunications, and franchise businesses, Brian has a talent for identifying and realizing business opportunities. Driven by his passion for technology, Brian is dedicated to using his skills and experience to bring about positive change and improve people's lives through the advancement of technology.


In today’s world, there’s a lot of pressure for entrepreneurs to succeed. And when they don’t meet their own high standards and goals, they end up feeling like failures.


But what if we all start celebrating our failures instead? What if we start seeing them as learning opportunities and stepping stones to even greater success?


Failures are a necessary part of the journey. And if we can view them in a different light, it will help us grow our businesses and make them even better.


Brian Charlesworth joins Hannah Bettenhausen, COO at BCrew Enterprises LLC., as she shares her journey from an ISA to becoming the Chief Operating Officer for their brokerage, her team’s experience in expanding to ancillary businesses, and how her failures play an important part in how successful she has become today.


Top Takeaways:


(05:17) How Hannah ended up in the real estate business

(09:47) How they progressed from a real estate team to an enterprise

(16:44) One of Hannah’s biggest failures

(18:21) Why Hannah won’t build a title company again

(19:05) What made them decide to start a construction company

(21:09) The key to building multiple businesses

(23.22) Why Hannah decided to start a podcast

(24:38) Why it’s important to fail

(29:18) Hannah’s one piece of advice

Connect with Hannah Bettenhausen


About the guest:


Hannah Bettenhausen’s parents were missionaries, and she spent the first five years of her life in Zaire, Africa. Then, when the war broke out, they moved back to several places in the US and Canada until they settled in Minneapolis.


Her father always had an entrepreneurial spirit. He started a couple of non-profit organizations and then got into real estate. Hannah helped clean and painted the houses they were flipping.  This experience exposed her to the real estate realm and showed her the potential for growth and opportunities. 


She then ran a business development center for a Ford dealership for seven years. After that, she worked as an ISA as her department accounted for 30% of annual sales in the entire dealership.


In 2016, she shifted to real estate and applied for a license.  A year and a half later, she moved into the operations manager role.


Today, Hannah Bettenhausen is the Chief Operating Officer at BCrew Enterprises LLC, a management company that owns and operates a real estate team, mortgage company, home flipping company, and construction company, along with several other businesses.  She is also launching her own podcast, which is tentatively titled Unrisky Wealth.

Episode Transcript:


Brian Charlesworth  00:34

Hello, everyone, and welcome back to the Grit Podcast. I'm Brian Charlesworth. I'm the founder and CEO of Sisu, and your host of the show, and today, we are here with Hannah Bettenhausen. Now I know that's the German pronunciation. What's the English pronunciation? Hana? Same thing. Right? So you brought the pronunciation with you. So anyway, Hannah is the Chief Operating Officer of B crew enterprises, LLC. They're a management company that owns and operates a real estate team, mortgage company, home flipping company, and some other things that they have going on, including starting a few new podcasts. So, Hannah, anything you'd like to add to that?


Hannah Bettenhausen  01:17

No, you got it, we're keeping busy, we are potentially shifting into the investment world to create an investment fund down the road.


Brian Charlesworth  01:27

Okay, so tell me more about that. I'm not, I'm not gonna let you just jump out of creating an investment fund like something about you. And I want to dive into your past here in a minute. But something about you like you came into this world as an ISA in 2016, which wasn't very long ago. And you've grown from that to being the chief operating officer of a company that manages multiple businesses. So congratulations. And tell me more about this investment company.


Hannah Bettenhausen  01:59

So we don't have a whole lot. We're partnering with some phenomenal people, both in the real estate world, but also in the tech sector. And we are just going to be forming a group that will be building $25 million funds to start with, and the real estate sector specifically. So we'll do some residential only funds, we're going to probably build out some commercial and residential group funds as well, we're just kind of getting started. It's something totally new to all of us. And so we're learning it, and bringing in some experts that will help us run it so that we will have some top experts in our area actually taking care of most of the day-to-day stuff. So we're doing this right.


Brian Charlesworth  02:40

Okay, so is this a fund? And obviously, you're learning about this right now. And you may not have defined this, but is this fun? Where you guys will be buying houses? Or is this a fun place where you will be working with other agents who are team owners who might be listening to this podcast, to help them fund and buy new houses?


Hannah Bettenhausen  02:59

Both. So this is a fund that we will be buying houses, we are also reaching out and we will pay commissions on anything that people bring to us to purchase. But we also are partnering with someone who is available to help people buy houses who can't do it on a conventional mortgage. So someone who, say, has a larger portion down but is maybe self-employed and they don't have two years are maybe the credit is down because of medical history or medical bills, stuff like that. So they have very unconventional ways of creating financing and then refinancing it into their own name later on the road.


Brian Charlesworth  03:39

Okay, so you would become the bank at that point and are okay doing that? Because if they don't for some reason and pay their house payment, you're okay owning that house. Is that right? Yep, absolutely. Okay. Okay, cool. So for any of you guys that have difficult deals to fund, reach out to Hannah to learn more about that as she progresses down that road. So let's dive into your background before real estate because 2016 was only six years ago. What were you doing before you got into real estate?


Hannah Bettenhausen  04:09

So I ran a business development center, we call it BDC. It's basically an Internet and Phone sale for a Ford dealership that was the largest dealership in North Dakota for seven years. So a lot of internet and phone sales calls. And that's like, Isa, I felt really quickly into it. But we had about 30% of the sales from the entire dealership come through our department, on an annual basis.


Brian Charlesworth  04:33

Okay, so for seven years, you were running this team of ISAs essentially, or whatever they're called in the car business, right in the software business. They're SDRs sales development reps. But tell me more about like, what was the size of your team? You guys were… Did you say 70% of their volume going out was generated?


Hannah Bettenhausen  04:55

30% So our team was actually only three people. Sometimes it was up to like five people but We're a small team and just really just drove the sales in as much as possible. So anything film related any, any internet, we develop marketing for the company and feel like that led through our department?


Brian Charlesworth  05:12

Okay, so you came into real estate and recruited you into this business? How did you end up getting into this business?


Hannah Bettenhausen  05:19

So I was just looking for something new and a new, exciting experience. And I had a friend of mine, Alex Krishna, He was a listing agent on the Brandenberg crew, and I reached out and my foot is real estate really legit, like, am I gonna make any money doing this? Or am I just gonna be wasting my time chasing this? And he's like, Well, if you're serious, like, you need to come talk to my boss. And I was like, wow, I don't know. And he kept pushing. So I came in, and I talked to Derek Brandenburg. He's the owner of our team. And he just did a phenomenal job at building out of vision and a picture and just creating excitement and what they were going to be doing. So I just knew as soon as I had talked with him that I needed to join this team and take the risk. And so he offered me the job like two days later, and I went and signed up to do my license. I had two little kids, I was still working 40 hours a week. And every night, I just come home and work at least four hours on my license, because I was like, I gotta get this before I start needing two weeks. So I did not have my license. But I had finished my class. It's been done, and we started.


Brian Charlesworth  06:24

Okay, so how long were you in that ISA role on the Brandenburg team?


Hannah Bettenhausen  06:30

Officially, I was in it for about a year before I got moved into the operations manager role. It's just… I can do sales all day long. And I would set, you know, worry about 20 appointments a week. So I was good at it. But my passion was more in creating processes and procedures and building out for the future. And I got really excited about that stuff. And Derek was awesome. And he's like, I shouldn't see your passion. And this is where you belong. And we're big believers in finding the right people for the right seats. And buying putting me in operations was the right seat for me.


Brian Charlesworth  07:04

Yeah, okay, incredible. So at that time, were you guys just a real estate team?


Hannah Bettenhausen  07:12

We were a real estate team of about 11 people. You know, our goal was to someday break $100 million in our market, that's still 350 transactions. And so that was our dream for one day, and we are probably doing closer to about 30 million at the time.


Brian Charlesworth  07:29

Okay, and where are you at today?


Hannah Bettenhausen  07:31

Our projections for this year? 120 million.


Brian Charlesworth  07:34

Okay, so 120 million, how many transactions? Will that be? Just over 400. Okay, awesome. Congratulations. So I want to back up even further, before your ISA stuff, maybe a little bit into your childhood, I understand you moved around a little bit in your childhood. Let's talk about that. Because I'm trying to just try and dig into where this entrepreneurial spirit comes from.


Hannah Bettenhausen  07:58

Sure. So my parents were missionaries. So I spent a good portion of my first five years in Zaire Africa before the war broke out. And so we came back here, we kind of lived in a few different places in the US, we spent a year in Quebec, Canada, sort of crazy travel. But we settled in Minneapolis, my dad has always had an entrepreneurial spirit, and he does not sit down for anything. So he started a couple of nonprofit organizations, and he got into real estate, flipping homes and then renting them out to refugees or low-income people. And so I have kind of been in that real estate realm a little bit in that I would help him flip the home here, he free child labor, whatever, I would go over there after school and help clean the houses or scrape paint or paint new walls or whatever it was. So that kind of labor just never scared me. And it always showed me the potential for growth and opportunities that were out there.


Brian Charlesworth  08:56

Okay. So obviously, you have this mindset of, you know, just want to go in and create something new and create all the systems for this. You right now have your eXp business, you have your mortgage company, and you have your home flipping company. I think you guys started a residential construction company, is that right?


Hannah Bettenhausen  09:15

Yes, yeah, last year we started residential construction. There will be 50 homes this year.


Brian Charlesworth  09:20

So you will build 50 homes this year. So what I'm trying to figure out is if my personal opinion is every team owner should have at least four income streams coming in. You guys have done a phenomenal job of that. And you know, some people may say 100 million, I'm doing 500 million, but you guys might actually be netting more money at the end of the day because you've got all this other stuff going on. So let's kind of talk about the progression of going from a real estate team to this B crew enterprises management company, or holding company that essentially has all these other companies. is underneath it, and how you kind of went from being this ISA, to this operations person managing all of this.


Hannah Bettenhausen  10:09

Okay, so are you familiar with Traction?


Brian Charlesworth  10:14

With traction?


Hannah Bettenhausen  10:15



Brian Charlesworth  10:16



Hannah Bettenhausen  10:17

The Traction model with Gina Whitman wrote the Traction ELS model. So every company should have a visionary and an integrator.


Brian Charlesworth  10:26

Yes, absolutely. Yes.


Hannah Bettenhausen  10:29

So, I am an integrator, but I am a little bit of a visionary in that my mind is going a million miles a minute. And I like trying new things. And so it's not just like, give me an idea, and I'll make it happen. I go, like, give me this idea. Let's build on it. And so Derek is our visionary and the owner. And we have great sessions where we just sit down, talk about ideas, and then, you know, push each other on different things, or point out issues or flaws and our logic or whatever. And it's been really fun just feeding off of that, when we sat down on it, it was all about a one-stop shop. And it wasn't just me, or Derek there, you know, we have a team of awesome managers, but we wanted to create a one-stop shop. And so that's why we moved into a mortgage company and opened up something else. Because, you know, obviously, with mortgage, it's all about getting leads, right? And how many times do lenders take out agents for lunch? or coffee, or whatever it is? Happy hours? And you're like, why are they spending so much money on each agent, and it all comes down to a consistent stream of business, right? So if we have that consistent stream of business, and we can ask our clients to use them, now, they don't have to, we try to encourage them to check out and shop a few different shots. If we could even capture 40 to 50% of that business, what is that going to do for a new company, and like you said, another stream of income? And all it's been spent in the one company for marketing is from CO marketing dollars with the real estate team, it seems dollars on one end and spends on the other, I will say our real estate team does not make a ton of money. But that's because it's creating opportunities for all the other companies, you know, we have buyers for our homes, we have a company that will list for really cheap all of our flips, and we have a company that will feed in business for our mortgage company. On top of that, we do dabble a little bit in insurance. And within that, we own a small portion of an insurance company. And so we have a way to feed streams of business into the insurance company. Now, we don't really run any of it and everything like that, but it's a great way to support them. You know, we did dabble in Title work that did not work out how we thought it was, it is a lot harder than we realize. So it's just always trying to find that one-stop shop. Well, it makes it easier for the clients, but also the crew creates another way to generate revenue for each other. So sometimes we'll just throw up the map of what we actually were looking at yesterday, and just look at where each company is and how they feed and support each other. So that when we bring that back to each one of the managers, each of these companies can say here's the vision, here's what you're doing, and how it affects all these other companies. And that's why it's so important to maintain these relationships so that we can support each other. And here's how it helps you.


Brian Charlesworth  13:16

Okay, so you guys started a mortgage company? First, it sounds like it was your first company outside of real estate. So yeah, how did you go about that process? And did you partner with somebody? Or did you guys just create your own mortgage company from scratch,


Hannah Bettenhausen  13:32

We created our own mortgage brokerage from scratch just like the brokerage, we figured it all out, we didn't know what we were doing at all. Like I remember filling out paperwork for grants, and, you know, lines of credit and things like that trying to get the support, we needed to get this up and running. We did not have a whole lot of anything, to begin with. But it was just a lot of learning and trial and error. And there are some phenomenal lenders in the broker world that you can call and ask questions and ask for support. And they'll walk you through anything. So there's a lot, a lot of just learning by trial and error.


Brian Charlesworth  14:08

And that was your role?


Hannah Bettenhausen  14:10

Not just mine, we had another manager in there too, who did great in bringing in the lenders that we would use. My realm came in and how do we create a processing department? And how do we create the processes in the back end, so processing, you know, the same thing as a transaction coordinator, but way harder and a lot more in-depth? So I just went in and learned how to process and learn how to do the loan origination so that I could help the processes to understand what the other LOs were doing. And then, alright, here's the steps that we're going to do, and here's how we're going to do it. Here are the expectations on timeframes and things like that and then finding software that met up with that and connected with that and that into each other.


Brian Charlesworth  14:54

Okay, so I think a lot of people in this industry have this mindset may It's a blockage that, you know, they have to partner with somebody, instead of just figuring it out on their own. And so congratulations on successfully doing that. So I'm guessing you tried to do the same thing with the title. And I want to talk a little bit about that failure, because I think everyone thinks, oh, yeah, so they went in, and they did this and it all worked out for them, it's not gonna work out for me. Well, a lot of us fail in a lot of different areas and it doesn't seem like we talk enough about these failures. And it's okay to fail, right, because you learn from it.


Brian Charlesworth  15:42

So let's talk about your experience with the title business now that we've heard how this mortgage business worked out for you guys.


Hannah Bettenhausen  15:50

Sure. So in our market, people don't buy title insurance, because they have abstracts on their homes that date back to the original home being built. And so when we were looking at doing this, we actually talked with a friend of ours, who runs a very successful title company, and they said, This is what we want to do. He's like, I gotta be honest with you, I don't think you're gonna be able to do what you think. And we're like, but you can do it. So we're gonna figure it out. So we tried, we actually brought in somebody who had 40 years of more title experience, and tried to support them in hiring, who they felt like you needed to hire because the software doesn't feel like we need to buy. But we didn't have anybody who could go in and be like, well, this is what you need to do on a regular basis. And we didn't understand the world well enough that we couldn't say, Let's build these processes. I think one of my biggest failures is that I kind of sat in the back and on that one, and I just kind of let it happen. And none of us were really making sure that processes were happening the way they should, or that things were being followed, we'd have complaints about late title work or missing pieces of the paperwork, or whatever. And we didn't jump on it about as fast as we probably should have. But we just didn't know what we didn't know. And we just let that be the excuse. I think, eventually, I just sat in, and I got to learn it. And I just said, I don't think we can make the type of money that we want. Because, well, one, we did not work on our reputation right away that should have been our first and foremost before we push faster. But also, we didn't really take into account how important it is to get title insurance on everything and how much that actually brings in income for a title company. So in fewer places in the country where everyone's used to, it's no big deal here, the mortgage lenders would even be like, No, you don't need that, and they crossed it off of our CD. And so it was like an uphill battle to try to bring in the only big revenue stream in this area.


Brian Charlesworth  17:55

So part of it would have just been doing the research upfront, realize you maybe you're not in the right area for that.


Hannah Bettenhausen  18:02

Right? Well, we thought we could overcome it because they are maybe three hours away from here, they don't do it that way. It's just our little city right here, that it doesn't work. So we would have either had to go way bigger way faster just to try to reach markets that it would work in, or we should have been a lot more careful with how we started it.


Brian Charlesworth  18:21

So if you guys were to start building expansion teams, and I'm not saying you are you're not but let's say you were to build an expansion team three hours away. And it was successful, would you encounter this experience? Again, building a title company?


Hannah Bettenhausen  18:36

We wouldn't. So we actually do have a team three hours away. And we do have a mortgage there. And we have insurance there. And we have real estate there. We won't do title again.


Brian Charlesworth  18:48

Okay, great. So you've experienced the usuals. Right? The most common is mortgage and title. And then you have home insurance, which is kind of the third one out there. You have companies that do home flipping, that's become a pretty common thing. But I haven't really seen a lot of people jump in and say, You know what, we're going to start a construction company. So how did this come about? Like that's a pretty different business that you're not necessarily feeding with your real estate business other than, you know, you have all these buyers and they need a place to find and when in a difficult market in a real seller's market, which we have been in. It gives you an opportunity to say hey, look, we're building this home, right? So it gives you that opportunity. But what made you guys decide to go down that road?


Hannah Bettenhausen  19:38

Well, first of all, I'm gonna say I really wish we had done it a year sooner because it would have been really great if those homes were ready. When the big boom hit in spring. Honestly, I think this was Derek's brainchild and he was so passionate about it and we just weren't ready a year ago. But he just looks around and he's so big on, I don't wanna say Good luck on duplicate, but kind of, you know, he sees what successful people are doing. And he knows, you know, real estate agents, they're the ones with the nice cars, really successful real estate agents are the ones with the nice cars and the nice lake cabin. And, you know, entrepreneurs are the ones that have the lake cabin on the investment property in Florida or, you know, they have so much more than he does. But then there are builders who have built empires, and we're just not even tapping into that revenue stream until you get into that world. The biggest piece is finding the capital to back you, right? So it was a lot of hard work finding the capital back, and but it was just like, it was just an open piece that we were just kind of missing. And honestly, we want to get into development next, that just comes down to finding someone to work with the government for us so that we don't have to learn all how to create development, too.


Brian Charlesworth  20:54

That's awesome. So when you did that, like, what did you guys do? Obviously, it sounds like funding was the most difficult piece. But I would think having the right GM, there was probably a very important piece as well, how did you go about getting that right person, because, in order to build all these businesses, the key is, in my experience, finding the right people to run with you, for you, whatever you want to call it. So you've got to get the right people on the bus. How did you go about doing that in the construction world?


Hannah Bettenhausen  21:25

Honestly, we had the right person in-house already, and we just didn't realize it. And that's probably why we jumped in. And when we did this once we realized it. So we brought in Gabe. He actually was acting as a buyer for us on our flip company. So he would go out and buy the homes that we would flip. But his world was he was a project manager for a company that did concrete and framing. And he was a product manager that did some remodeling work and stuff too. So he already kind of knew that world. And you could just tell him when we talked about the future and what we wanted to do here, how much passion he had for it, and how much knowledge he has. And so we just said, Would you be interested in heading this, of course, he's like, Yeah, and he's just one of the few who has a special gift of, he has a little bit of an integrator and visionary in him. So he has great ideas, but he knows how to create the processes and the flow to do it. And so we just kind of took a step back and let him kind of lead it. We said, here are the homes that we want to build, what do you think, he gave us our feedback, and then he brought in his connections with different general contractors and subs. And he brought in his connections with directors and other vendors that we would need to utilize and really introduced us to some really phenomenal people that helped us get our feet off the ground really quickly.


Brian Charlesworth  22:48

Okay, I love that you guys are just like these entrepreneurs that, you know, you come up with the ideas, and then you're like this execution person that goes after executing on these. So congratulations on all of your success. And these businesses I love. I mean, this being the Grit podcasts, there are so many real estate people that are afraid to go down and tackle this in the way that you guys have done. So thank you for sharing that with us today. I think it's amazing. So you guys also and then I want to dig in and switch gears. But you are now starting a podcast what? Actually two podcasts. So what is driving this?


Hannah Bettenhausen  23:32

Okay, so my aim initially was like, I'm not into video, I'm not good at it. But one thing Derek had challenged me at, at the beginning of the year, was to get more on to YouTube with our companies. And I was like I don't know what to do and I don't know where to even start. And I just kept researching it. And I realized that podcasting is really where people want to be because it's so much easier to sit down and or not even sit down. But like listen as you're going right? How often do people just sit down nowadays anyway, it's so easy to listen on the, you know, on your walks, or in the car or whatever? So that's kind of where it stemmed, and now it's brought full circle so that I can do video podcasting. And that's kind of why we're working on our studio is because we're gonna be filming on. But I really wanted to make people aware of the challenges that entrepreneurs go through when they create companies and how many mistakes they make and how many failures they need to overcome to get there, and why it's okay to fail. Like it's so important to fail because every time you fail. Like, you get better, right? The only time you don't get better is when you just stay down. So I want to bring light to the failures and rejoice and celebrate your failures so that we can continue to be better I honestly believe that all the failures we made at the beginning of the real estate company and the mortgage company and you know Even some of the failures we've made, and the other companies help these newer companies grow so much faster. Because we were aware of pitfalls we are aware of hiring out of pain. And so being more careful on the type of people we hired into the company, being more aware of the relationships that we had with lenders, or banks, or vendors, or whoever it is, we just grew so much from everyone else, failures that we have this opportunity now. And I want to make sure people are aware of that and are okay with it. So initially, my name was going to be on risky wealth, because it doesn't need to be risky to be wealthy. But I think it's actually going to be risky. And it is, but not in the way people think. I think people see failure as like, it's also time to crash and burn. And now you have to, like admit that you're a failure. Well, why do you have to like, admit that you're a failure? Why can't you celebrate your failure? So, yeah, I'm really excited to really get to know some of the entrepreneurs in our world a little bit better. And ones that I don't know yet you help other people really start these businesses that they've been dreaming about, but then are too scared to do.


Brian Charlesworth  26:05

Yeah, I love your topic there. I think failure is something that so many of us are afraid of. But every time we fail, if we learn from that, it's really a stepping stone to success. And everybody else like if only we all knew that we all fail, right? Then we would all be like, oh, yeah, I'm just like everybody else. So it is truly a stepping stone to get that much closer to your goal every time you do. So, you know, I've had a lot of business coaches that are like fail fast, the faster you can fail, the faster you're going to learn. So, I love that. And when you get that podcast, let me know. I'd love to join you on it. So all right, Hannah. Well, thanks for joining us today. Before we drop off, I just have a couple of personal questions that I want to ask you. One is just what is your favorite book or source of learning or podcast or whatever, whatever it is that you go to continue to grow.


Hannah Bettenhausen  27:02

I don't necessarily have a favorite book. But I am obsessed with Audible. I listen to books consistently, like every car ride, every time I'm walking the dog or throwing the ball for the dog or whatever, I'm always listening to books, I challenge people to start speeding up their books. So I started at one I'm actually at 2.7. Now when I listen to my books, it's really fast, but there's so much and I have an Audible access plus. So you know, it's about $20 And there are just hundreds of books that I have access to and I can just play consistently. Otherwise, I am really a big fan of Brene Brown and vulnerability and leadership. And you know, just really getting to know who you are and being authentic and who you are to other people to build relationships and trust.


Brian Charlesworth  27:52

Okay, I love that. I thought for sure that Rocket Fuel was going to be one of those because I've heard you talk about visionary and integrator today. So


Hannah Bettenhausen  27:52

Yes, so Rocket Fuel is the second book in traction. It feeds off attraction. Yes, I do like rocket fuel. Actually, the first time we listened to it, Derek and I listened to or read it and listened to it together. And we laughed so hard because everything that we were feeling or challenges were in our struggle strip, like, things we were struggling with were exactly what they listed. Our struggles would be and we just laughed. Yep, nope, that's definitely us.


Brian Charlesworth  28:24

yeah, you're like, oh, there's a pattern here. It's not just us. Yeah. Yeah, I love it. What's your favorite place to go when you vacation?


Hannah Bettenhausen  28:35

I do not have a favorite place. I like to travel. And I like new experiences. Last winter, we went to Disney World with our kids. They're 10 and nine. So it was like the perfect age. I do love the mountains and the ocean is so Denver with the Grand Tetons, the Rocky Mountains have been phenomenal. And it’s just so beautiful. I want to…  My goal place in the US is Oregon. I have not been to Oregon yet. So that's what I want. I want to get to one of the states I need to get to


Brian Charlesworth  29:06

When you go there and make sure and go to Cannon Beach. It's one of the most beautiful places in the world.


Hannah Bettenhausen  29:10



Brian Charlesworth  29:11

So make sure and put that on your list. What is the one piece of advice and just summarizing here? What is the one piece of advice you would want to give to our listeners,


Hannah Bettenhausen  29:22

I will probably go back to failure. Fail often, fail fast. But the biggest piece about that is owning your failures and learning from them. If you fail, just own it. People will respect you for doing that. If you hide it, and when you try to put the blame on someone else, you lose respect, you lose the opportunity to learn.


Brian Charlesworth  29:41

So I love that we talked about failure, but we didn't talk about being accountable, right, take accountability for your failures, because ultimately we are accountable for our own lives, right? Absolutely. Yeah. As soon as we recognize that it can really change our lives forever. So all right. How do people best get a hold of you if they want to?


Hannah Bettenhausen  30:02

You can shoot me an email at


Brian Charlesworth  30:08

Awesome. All right, everybody. So Hannah Bettenhausen is on the show today, Hannah, thank you for joining us. It's been great to hear how you guys you've had so much success in building these different businesses, and congratulations on your success in moving into this industry in 2016. And just now having been a key part of creating businesses, at least six of them that I'm aware of. So congratulations on that much success to you in the future. And thanks for being on the show today. All of you, listeners, if you'll go in and subscribe. If you're going and subscribe to the podcast and like this episode. You'll help us bring more top guests into future episodes. So thank you so much. And we'll see you all next week.





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