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Episode 118: Maximizing Your Potential And Gearing Up To Excel In Real Estate With Ryan O'Neill

It is crucial always to know your place and your vocation. For example, a great agent does not need to be part of a 200-agent team. Just because a team has 200 agents does not automatically mean the company is better than yours. Therefore, it is essential to know your strengths and engage in self-evaluation.

Brian Charlesworth

Brian Charlesworth

Chairman & CEO

Brian is a highly accomplished entrepreneur, business builder, and thought leader in the real estate industry. With a track record of success in software, telecommunications, and franchise businesses, Brian has a talent for identifying and realizing business opportunities. Driven by his passion for technology, Brian is dedicated to using his skills and experience to bring about positive change and improve people's lives through the advancement of technology.


Brian Charlesworth joins Ryan O'Neill, The founder of the Minnesota Real Estate Team of RE/MAX Advantage Plus. In 2021, the team closed over 2200 transactions and 750 million in sales. With almost 200 agents, the team continues to be the Number 1 Selling Real Estate Team in Minnesota every year from 2006 through today. 

Among the most crucial pieces of advice, Ryan emphasizes how he always encourages his agents, partners, and people to focus on what they can control daily. In addition, according to him, one of the most common problems that can affect performance is overthinking, which leads to a lack of confidence in being bold and taking action.

So, the more we focus on the efforts we put forth daily, rather than worrying about the noise, meaning the media, market conditions, and predictions, the better. This is what will make a difference in the long run.

Tune in to learn about the current real estate space and how you can maintain a strong position using Ryan’s insights.

Top Takeaways:

(2:32) What actions can help you become different in the market?
(4:54) The changes in the current market
(5:44) How does fear affects production?
(7:47) The traditional team model and the 50-50 split.
(9:30) How are radio shows attracting more agents?
(12:51) Working in the business vs. working on the business.
(14:19) How Ryan entered the real estate industry
(17:32) What should the agents do to compete in today’s market
(19:59) How to hold your agents accountable
(22:27) Advice for team leaders on how  to grow in the current market
(23:34) Why should you know your place and your vocation
(25:18) What drives Ryan to his purpose
(26:03) Why is it important to wish people well and be open to feedback

Connect with Ryan O’Neill

LinkedIn: Ryan O’Neill

Website: Ryan O'Neill & The Minnesota Real Estate Team

About the guest: 

Ryan has dedicated, client-focused agents who help buyers and sellers with all types of real estate transactions: residential, investment property, first-time home buying, new construction, short sales, commercial and professional agents in each part of the urban, suburban, and greater Minnesota and Wisconsin regions.

In addition, he hosts two weekly real estate radio shows: Minnesota Home Talk, Saturdays 7-8 AM on Skor North Radio AM 1500, and The Minnesota Real Estate Show, Saturdays 10-11 AM on Twin Cities News Talk AM 1130. Furthermore, he offers free monthly seminars on real estate investing, first-time homebuyer tips, and tips for home sellers.

Episode Transcript:

Brian Charlesworth 0:35
Hello, everyone, and welcome back to the Grit Podcast. I'm Brian Charlesworth. I'm the founder of Sisu, your real estate operating system, and the host of the show. And excited today to speak with Ryan O'Neill. Today is really the first time I've spent time with Ryan. And so a little bit different than a lot of our episodes. I know most of our guests at some level. So anyway, Ryan, welcome to the show.

Ryan O'Neill 1:00
Hey, thanks for having me. Thanks for the invite. Excited to join. Yeah, I love the work you guys do and so honored to join you guys.

Brian Charlesworth 1:06
Yeah, thank you. So for those of you who don't know, Ryan Ryan founded the Minnesota Real Estate Team, which is over at REMAX advantage plus of obviously in Minnesota, I believe he's been the number one team there for 16 plus years, and it was going to bring a lot of value today. Ryan, you have over 200 agents on your team now is that right?

Ryan O'Neill 1:27
It's close to Yup, it's close to right around 200. And I've been in the industry since 2001. So a little over 20 years in the real estate world.

Brian Charlesworth 1:36
Okay, so let's talk about that for a minute. So we hosted a conference last week. And one of our speakers Vija came in from place. And she shared a stat with me this with not with me, but with the whole audience. So over 300 team owners there, and she shared that last year. So in 2000, we did 6 million transactions, we all know 5 million is the average. Last year in 2021. We did 6.8 million transactions. And this year in 2022. We are currently pacing as of the end of August for 4.8 million transactions. So Ryan, you were here through 2008 where we did 4.2 million transactions. So talk to me, what are you doing today to do things different in this market to make sure you're taking market share and not losing it?

Ryan O'Neill 2:32
Yeah, I mean, I think I always encourage our agents, partners, folks we work with to really, you know, focus on what we can control every day, which is obviously our attitude, our effort we're bringing forth daily, and how we treat other people. Three very simple, basic things. But what I found is when agents kind of block out, be aware of the noise, if you will, and by noise meaning media, market conditions, predictions, all these things that are out there that we can't necessarily control. And I find sometimes when agents gets so wrapped around the axle, regarding these things, it's taking them away from the core action, the core consistent effort, action, the things that they should be doing daily, to build their business. You know, I live in Minnesota, Minnesota, we get a foot two feet of snow in the middle of winter, people still buy and sell homes in the middle of winter, with interest rates going up significantly with limited inventory. I know that there is a certain level of freakout if you will, in the real estate and mortgage world about hey, what's going to happen. But I see that agents that are staying positive, putting forth a consistent effort focusing on their customers, providing value to consumers. They continue to do deals continue to get business. And so yeah, we are compared to last year we are down not significantly, but we are down in transaction count. We're just we're looking to provide as much value as we can to the consumer help them through the process. And good things happen. And so it's a unique time, I think because it was so quick, how rates went up and just the market changes and I get it we're human. It's not as easy as it was the last two years to do deals. Now agents, like the rest of the world have to have to get up and really hammer go to work and put forth a great effort.

Brian Charlesworth 4:32
Yeah. So we have 31 3200 teams on our platform now. And I'm seeing that most of our teams are up from last year. However, over the last three months, things are definitely slowing. Right. You see a bigger impact over the last three months. Is that when your business has really slowed down?

Ryan O'Neill 4:54
Yeah, yeah, definitely. I mean, definitely the last few months seeing more price reductions. So seeing a longer market time, we're seeing broker opens, you know, inviting other agents in to get opinions on the home, we're seeing a lot more open houses, you can just see it, feel it kind of in the marketplace. But I would say it's it's definitely been the last few months more so.

Brian Charlesworth 5:17
Okay, so we're going back to the normal market where agents have to know how to do open houses,

Ryan O'Neill 5:21

Brian Charlesworth 5:23
They have to know how to follow up.

Ryan O'Neill 5:24

Brian Charlesworth 5:25
And they have to know how to not get caught up in the news. So you were saying, you know, with people get caught up in the media. It affects their production, obviously, I agree with that. I think the first thing that hits is their mindset, which they start living in fear. And what does that fear do to their production?

Ryan O'Neill 5:44
Yeah, fear can just be a killer in so many ways. Just, it causes inaction. It causes overthinking. It causes lack of confidence in being bold and moving forward. And fear is yeah, it can just be a just a killer in so many different ways. And so I think, you know, for team leaders, brokers realize that, you know, this is the business we're in again, I you know, doing this now, over 20 years, we saw markets where it was a ton of short sales, it was a ton of bank owned property, huge inventory of homes for sale, and we couldn't nobody was buying anything. So I think it's just it's all about not getting too swayed by this and really doing your best to be aware, but moving forward in a positive way. That is consumer focused.

Brian Charlesworth 6:37
Okay. All right. So you have Well, last year you did 2200 transactions. Is that right?

Ryan O'Neill 6:47

Brian Charlesworth 6:47
Yeah. And that's as a team, not as a brokerage. Right? You're a team?

Ryan O'Neill 6:50
Yeah, we are a team. So we're within a great organization called REMAX advantage plus, which is about 650 agents here in the Twin Cities. So we're one of many teams within the company.

Brian Charlesworth 7:02
Okay, so you're 1/3 of those agents?

Ryan O'Neill 7:04
Yeah. Close.

Brian Charlesworth 7:06
Okay. Okay. Yeah. How many different offices do you have? It looks like you're in a bunch of different cities.

Ryan O'Neill 7:11
Yeah. So with a company with a brokerage, we've got 21 locations across the Twin Cities. I am a big believer still in physical offices, I think it shows the communities that we're there to serve them. A lot of our team members love officing and physical locations to get out of the house, whatever the situation might be. So yeah, a lot of different office locations.

Brian Charlesworth 7:32
Yeah. Okay. I think it's also important for for prospecting, and things like that, which are now and this is key as well, right? The fish, the fish are no longer jumping in the boat without you having to fish. Right?

Ryan O'Neill 7:45
Right. You're right. You're exactly right.

Brian Charlesworth 7:47
So, okay, cool. So let's talk about how you've attracted these agents. And maybe before we do that, are you a traditional team model where you have a 50-50 split? Or how do you structure things with your agents?

Ryan O'Neill 8:02
Yeah, so I've separated the kind of the commission plan into into two different options, what we call sort of team or company leads, are at more of the, you know, the traditional type of 50-50 split, but then the agents, what I call their personal business, their own sphere, contacts, that type of thing. They're making a higher split, a higher cut on that, whether it's a 75-25, 80-20, 90-10, whatever that might be. The way that I'm wired, Brian is as we were starting the team, I always kind of look at it, like, you know, from our agents perspective, what's in it for the agent? You know, why would the agent want to work with me? Why would the agent want to work with our team, and I think as team leaders, brokers, we have to continually stay accountable with intense competition in our industry, where people can work anywhere they can go to different companies start their own firm. So for me, it's all about the value proposition and saying, Is it meaningfully good for people not just like on paper, hey, yeah, this is good, we're great are the best whatever. But meaningfully? Is our agent going to do more business quality of life improved, you know, all these sorts of things. And so I'm always looking at that I'm kind of a student of the game and always trying to learn from other teams, brokers, companies, what can we do better? And I think from my standpoint, that's something that we're trying to do daily is provide that value.

Brian Charlesworth 9:30
Great. So let's talk about attracting agents. Because obviously, you've done an amazing job at that. So I know you have a radio, you have two radio shows. Yeah. I'm guessing that actually attracts agents. I know you do events where you do trainings for buyers, for sellers for investors, let's talk about these events, your radio show, and then maybe how those might tie into attracting agents or maybe they don't.

Ryan O'Neill 9:56
Yeah, so again, with you know, sort of the way that I'm wired is all about, again, how can we provide something of interest, something of value to the consumer to buyers, sellers, investors. So we started doing this radio show, again, it's been 1718 years, it's very low sales pitch. It's informative, it's fun, we bring on a lot of different types of guests. And it's meant to provide people nuggets of information that can help them make good informed decisions buying and selling.

Brian Charlesworth 10:26
So that's mostly for home buyers and home sellers?

Ryan O'Neill 10:29
Home buyers, home sellers, I would say we've over the years, you know, we've got a lot of fellow agents, brokers that tune into the show, we're very broker agnostic, friendly, you know, we don't go on and say, Hey, we're the best and these guys are no good. I mean, I would say from a team building or recruiting standpoint, one of my biggest tips, I would say, is focus on who's with you. Now, the natural thing that recruiters do brokers is we're always looking for more and more and more and more and more and more, and then you churn through a ton of different people that are with you for three months, six months, a year, then they go leave for wherever. For me, my biggest goal is retention. It's treating our existing people well. And I find when you do that good things happen. Just like a real estate agent business, they refer you to friends, family, neighbors, other agents at other companies. I am not a hardcore recruiter, I don't proactively call other people's agents. I don't have a recruiter, I am the recruiter essentially. But I think sometimes teams, the goal is to keep adding more and more and more and more and more is not better. With in my opinion with real estate teams, adding more agents is not necessarily better. It's kind of knowing what you're good at, you know what knowing your own vocation, your own skill set, and then developing your real estate business based upon that.

Brian Charlesworth 11:56
Okay, so in this market, and I know a lot of coaches out there that their number one thing today is you have to bring more bodies into your business to keep growing in this market. Sure. It's also a great opportunity, I think, for teams versus traditional brokerages as agents are needing that value that the team provides in today's market. So I think there's an opportunity there as you guys recruit, are you recruiting? And I know you said you're not actively doing this. But somehow you're attracting agents having to read agents on your team, and I get it's been 20 years. Well, how long ago do you actually started the team? So

Ryan O'Neill 12:32
I started the team in about 2005. And so I actively sold from 2000, you know, early 2000, to probably 2012. So I'm actively working with buyers, sellers, investors, eventually kind of pivoted, went full time, sort of as the broker managing the agents developing the agents from that time, essentially.

Brian Charlesworth 12:51
Okay, so today, are you working in the business? Or are you working on the business?

Ryan O'Neill 12:57
Oh, yeah, good question. I would say one reason, I think maybe for our growth or attraction of agents over the years is I'm pretty hands on my mom's 85. I'm the youngest of six. She was a longtime school teacher, very detailed, very organized, and she's on it. With our team. I'm in the business by email, phone, text meeting people taking phone calls, probably too much show at times, I've got a couple of brothers who are good business people and maybe a little bit better in the kind of the overall structure of delegating more. So certainly, we have staff that helps us with a variety of things. But I think the human connection, I think the tendency is for a lot of teams and brokers to isolate themselves so much, that the agents can't get help on questions. They can't get a phone call returned. They can't with us. People are like, Oh my gosh, Ryan, you actually called me back or you've got people that will help with questions or training development. That's an important element to what we do. And it's a big part of I think, attracting agents, but most importantly, retaining

Brian Charlesworth 14:04
them. Right. Okay. So you mentioned your brothers, are they working in the business with you? Are they part of your business?

Ryan O'Neill 14:12
No, not at all. Not at all

Brian Charlesworth 14:14
They're up there on other industries.

Ryan O'Neill 14:15
Other industries, totally other industries, actually. Okay. Okay.

Brian Charlesworth 14:19
Great. So anyone in your family what brought you into real estate?

Ryan O'Neill 14:23
Yeah, I started as a sort of a kind of a small real estate investor. So I was buying a duplex here in the Twin Cities was not an agent at the time was interested in investment property. This was the early 2000s When you could buy investment property with zero down little money down. So I ended up buying a couple rental properties, got my license, realize there was a big opportunity as far as other people looking to learn how to invest in real estate. And sort of my angle, if you will, is that I help people not only find the property, but I actually help them rent it as well. So a lot of the The clients I worked with early on would buy 125 1020 properties with me or our team slowly over time. And so that's kind of what got me and initially.

Brian Charlesworth 15:12
Okay, that's great. So out of college, did you just come straight into real estate investing in real estate? Or did you do something else?

Ryan O'Neill 15:29
Yeah. You know what my brother Tim, my next oldest brother, Tim and I are actually lifelong musicians. We both play the piano.

Brian Charlesworth 15:35
Yes, Iread that.

Ryan O'Neill 15:37
Yeah. So we and Tim still runs that business. It's called the O'Neill brothers kind of playing singing on the two pianos. We recorded a number of different CDs that we would sell kind of in Minnesota around the country. It's kind of an interesting business, the music business, but really, I'm still involved in some capacity, just different little shows and concerts we do. But Tim kind of runs that. And so much of that business now is, you know, it's Spotify. It's iTunes, it's, it's streaming. So it's an interesting business.

Brian Charlesworth 16:08
So the O'Neill brothers, you guys are still playing? You're still going on tour? What does that mean today to go on tour? Like, what kind of venues are you guys playing in?

Ryan O'Neill 16:17
Yeah, so like this Christmas season, for example, we're doing a few shows here in the Twin Cities, we recently started a foundation that's called the O'Neill foundation of hope. We are generating, obviously, performing bringing on some other musicians along with us raising money for this foundation. But we used to kind of short backstories we used to sell our music through all the JC Penney stores around the country. So for example, I know you're, you're in Utah. So we were in the five or six JC Penney stores in Utah. We sold our music with these player pianos that played our music. So we would travel around the country. And so it's it's a whole kind of another story. But the music industry is a it's a great, I mean, it's it's a great spot. I think there's, you know, I think there's so many really good agents, brokers, and managers in the real estate world that come from that kind of art background, I think, on a human level, maybe perhaps some higher emotional intelligence, kind of that human connection. So in many respects, it's been helpful with that music background. Yeah, that sounds fun. Super fun.

Brian Charlesworth 17:25
I love that you're still involved. They're still doing that. So

Ryan O'Neill 17:29
No, very cool. I appreciate that. Thank you.

Brian Charlesworth 17:32
So let's come back to the industry today. Like what are the most important things that an agent? Well, now we're now we're talking to agents, right? What are the most important things that an agent needs to be doing? In today's market, in order for them to continue selling a good number of homes?

Ryan O'Neill 17:49
I think an agent has to have confidence has to be proactive in your daily actions, efforts. Focus on I'm a big believer in building relationships, meet people in person, get involved in life, you know, a simple business plan is, say, look in 2022, or in 2023, I'm going to meet 50 new people, and build a relationship with those people get to know them, take an interest in them find out about their families, how can I help them? How can I be a value to them? Through those efforts, deals happen, referrals happen, people want to work with those they like, and they trust. I think in today's world, it's so easy to get lost behind everything else that's happening from a kind of a social media standpoint. I mean, obviously, I love social media, I think there's a ton of value. People do a lot of deals from it. But I think sometimes we forget the human contact part of this business, especially newer agents into the business. They forget this. And so I think kind of going back to the grassroots of meeting in person using the telephone, reaching out prospecting daily, and just realizing that this is a job. It requires effort. It requires thought it requires business planning, networking with other agents who are doing well at your office learning from them. I think the agent that is open to learning that's curious, that's taking proactive efforts, and not afraid to fail. Those are all aspects that more than ever, I mean, agents are really, in my opinion need to do to continue to be successful because the last couple of years has been somewhat easier for us as agents deals were all over the place. Now with the numbers you referenced, lower transaction count less deals, you've got to go after it. But again, you've got to think of it from the consumers perspective. Why would the customer hire you? You need to provide value you need to be memorable, you need to have reviews, etc. All those types of things.

Brian Charlesworth 19:59
So How do you take this information you just shared and pass that along and hold your agents accountable to actually take those actions and do?

Ryan O'Neill 20:08
Yeah, one thing as a team leader, broker manager, you know, if you're watching, you can't want it more than your agent. Again, I from doing this a long time, I try to manage more I try to micromanage I try certain things. People are who they are. And within a certain reason, you can get performance kind of out of the agent. However, at the end of the day, there has to be a strong enough why that gets the agent out of bed? What is it? Are they competitive? Do they want to make a lot of money? Do they have kids at home? You know, what is their why that gets them out of bed without that strong enough? Why I just find that the agent doesn't make it and I've met so many talented, you know, very good looking guys and gals, people that you think they speak well, they communicate well, wow, they're gonna do awesome coming into real estate, they don't have a strong enough fire that gets him out of bed in the morning. And the independence of this job kills any career in real estate. And so I think I try my best to lead and inspire. And I think instead of the what's kind of the adage, instead of like the stick approach, I use more of the carrot. Like, for example, we do a top producer trip. If an agent sells a certain volume, I pay for a trip for them and their spouse to go to Mexico. Last year, we had like 60-30 couples who went down to Mexico, it's expensive. It was a ton of fun, though. People love it. They look forward to it. They're motivated by it. And so I think with your team with your brokerage, maybe look at your style, and say what kind of agent are you wanting to attract for me? I don't know. I see a lot of teams try to micromanage and those of agents eventually. There's some that love it, but most I find eventually leave.

Brian Charlesworth 22:05
Yeah, I think I agree with what you're saying that the most important thing as a leader I think you can do is first understand their why. Right?

Ryan O'Neill 22:15

Brian Charlesworth 22:15
And then work with them to set their goals. And when you're holding them accountable, hold them accountable to their goals, you're helping them achieve what they want, not what you want. Right.

Ryan O'Neill 22:23
You're right. You're right. You said it concisely.

Brian Charlesworth 22:27
Yeah. So anyway, great. Well, I want to dive into some personal questions to learn more about you. But before we do that, any last words of advice that you would leave for any team leaders out there? Yeah. So what is the most important thing today they should be doing?

Ryan O'Neill 22:44
Yeah, I think wherever you might be at you may be an individual agent watching this, you may be a team leader with a couple agents, you may have a large team a large brokerage, what I would say is bigger is not better. Know yourself, know what you enjoy doing. Know what you're good at, and what you're not good at. I've seen many agents always feel like there's a next level, okay, I'm a great agent, I sell 50 homes a year now I got to do a real estate team, because that's the next level. And they get into it, and they find they don't enjoy the work. They're not good at that type of work. They can't recruit and retain agents. Again, recruiting and retention are two different totally different things than selling real estate.

Brian Charlesworth 23:30
Yeah, it's a it's a totally different job. Right? Yeah. Yeah,

Ryan O'Neill 23:33
Totally different. And so that's where I just think, no your place and kind of know your vocation, if you will. In other words, if you're a great agent, you're doing well, you don't need a team, you don't need to add 10 People 20 People, you don't need to be a 200 agent team. Just because we have 200 agents doesn't mean the business is better than what you are doing. As you listen to this. You have to have somebody in your life that can be honest with you, though, and just say, look, being a team leader is not what's right for you. And I think more than anything, be okay with that, and be the best version of yourself that you can be. And that's okay, whatever that means. For me. I like working with people. I've got some of the things that I think a team leader or broker helps that helps to grow a team manage a team, that kind of thing. And so, yeah, I think in this market, Don't be swayed by the negative news. Stay positive, stay hopeful, stay focused. Again, I've seen all types of markets, the solid agents, the hard working agents, positive agents are going to continue to do well in this business, regardless of what comes our way.

Brian Charlesworth 24:40
Yeah, it's interesting. You say that about building a team because it does seem like most agents, they have their number, right, whether it be 3050 or 100. When they hit that they're like, Okay, my next thing is to build a team. That's actually kind of what drove Sisu to start because if you're a great real estate salesperson, it doesn't make you a great leader. So we really founded Sisu to help create and turn the salespeople into great leaders, right, by putting their systems in place for them. So right, right. But it's interesting advice. So let's talk for a minute about just like your favorite book, favorite source of learning podcast, whatever that is for you.

Ryan O'Neill 25:18
Yeah, it's funny you say books my wife loves given me a bad time. Because I am not a huge reader, I should be I should be a more of a reader. I would say that, again, growing up in, you know, sort of an Irish Catholic family, I went to Notre Dame and so I've got some kind of friends and the friends and kind of a spiritual world, if you will, that for me, I, you know, I am a spirituality faith, very important to me something daily, weekly, you know, kind of drives me drives my purpose. But reading wise, I should be reading more. It's funny, my wife hammers me on that. She's like, you need to read more, read more books.

Brian Charlesworth 25:59
So forget about reading, but like, how do you grow? What do you do to grow?

Ryan O'Neill 26:03
Yeah, I think in order to grow, I'm always open for feedback. You know, when when agents have left the team, or they've gone somewhere else, I always a couple. Couple things. I always take the high road wish people well, the natural thing is your competitive Oh, they left my team, and now they're going somewhere else. What I found is when you are happy for people, when you wish people well, it comes back to you many times over, they may leave your team and come back, they may go and start another team. They may refer you other agents be happy for people. I mean, I think for me, what I tried to do, though, from learning and growing, is just with people being open to feedback, like in a case of them leaving, hey, do you have some feedback? What could I have done better? Is there something that I think most of the learning of that I do, I guess it's just very real life, human experience conversations, and just being okay to fail. You know, we all are human, we all have mistakes, make mistakes, and just being okay to just learn from it and dust yourself off. It's a new day and move forward to try to do better.

Brian Charlesworth 27:11
Yeah, great. Okay, what's your favorite place? You guys are in Minnesota. You're in the cold

Ryan O'Neill 27:17
Favorite place. You know what I love going to we've got a little family condo down in Naples, Florida. Thankfully, the condo is still intact. Unfortunately. So many of our neighbors so much damage down there. It's just a really sad sad situation. But we love the sun. We love that part of the world and so love going down to Southwest Florida.

Brian Charlesworth 27:38
Okay, great. I'm glad your condo didn't get hit with this storm. That was definitely a big big one that caused a tremendous amount of damage very sad. We have a lot of friends that actually have places down there that got damaged. So what is it you like to do in your personal time?

Ryan O'Neill 27:53
Personal time again between working the job so my wife Kathy and I we have a little dog. We are kid Lois, no kids, but we do have a little dog like spending a lot of time with the dog like playing the piano playing and singing, but probably to a fault. I have really been a student of the real estate world and so a lot of time in the business but I do enjoy it for me. It's the human side of it. But yeah, that's not a ton of other outside hobbies though.

Brian Charlesworth 28:21
Yeah. Okay. How do people best get a hold of you if they want to?

Ryan O'Neill 28:25
Yeah, again, anybody watching if you have questions about teams brokerages, you're struggling you're looking to grow develop, certainly don't hesitate to reach out our website is Or you can just Google the Minnesota real estate team. Reach out to me happy to help by phone zoom again. However, I can provide value to anybody watching. I'm happy to do that.

Brian Charlesworth 28:49
Okay, everybody. Well, Ryan, thank you for joining us today, everybody, Ryan O'Neill from the Minnesota real estate team at the REMAX advantage plus brokerage. Thanks for joining us today. Ryan. Great having you on the show.

Ryan O'Neill 29:01
Brian, thanks for joining. And one last plug for Brian and his company. Awesome firm, very well respected, very well known. He's doing a lot of great work in the industry. So thank you. Thank you, Brian, for all you're doing for the real estate industry.

Brian Charlesworth 29:15
Yeah. Thanks, Ryan. Have a great day. We'll see you guys.



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